No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1886-1890
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chapter 1886-1890

Chapter 1886 “This is great. Pavilion master, you are a third-grade premium alchemist and you have always had strongmental strength. Haha… As long as the sect master is willing to research this martial skill, you might beable to master this skill. By then, your combat power would definitely increase greatly!” Kieran had asmile on his face when he heard this. Everybody was hopeful toward the Nine Gods Clan.

Jackie nodded and took a look at the book in detail before he said, “It’s complicated to practice thismartial skill and I need time to slowly go through it. However, my combat power would greatly increaseonce I manage to practice the martial skill. The skill Is separated into three seals and each of them isstronger than the previous one!”

“Really? That is great! We’ve made a great gain this time and we’ve obtained quite a significant amountof ultimate-grade spiritual tools from those people. On top of that, there were also many martial skills andmartial art techniques!” Kieran said happily.” Pavilion master, you need lots of ingredients to cultivatepills. We shall bring the ingredients to you after we’ve arranged them and you can choose them yourself!

“Yes, I can’t just do nothing, I need to cultivate more! Pills when I have time. Apart from that, I plan toselect a few among the younger generations within these couple of days to see if any of them have astronger mental strength. I shall be able to teach Them how to cultivate pills by then. If we have morepeople who are alchemists, our sect would progress better.”

Jackie nodded in satisfaction and lamented. “If we solely depended on me, the pills would only beenough for those of us who have higher fighting prowess. However, I won’t be able to supply pills forthose disciples with lower fighting prowess.”

“That is great. We shall have a couple more alchemists upcoming and it would be good even if we havesome in the first or second grade!” The First Elder said in extreme excitement.


Jackie frowned and quickly remembered something. He immediately gestured at Kevin, who wasnearby.” Kevin Cabello, please come over here!

Jackie originally wanted to address him as First Elder Cabello when he realized that they were alreadymembers of the Nine Gods and it would not be suitable to still address him as First Elder Cabello.Hence, he had no choice but to call him by name.

First Elder Cabello immediately came flying over and gestured to Jackie politely. “Pavilion Master, isthere anything I can help you with?”

Jackie smiled and asked, “By the way, has the degree of your alchemy increased? I remember that youare a second-grade premium alchemist, right?”


Kevin nodded and said embarrassedly, “Recently, I have been trying to cultivate third-grade elementarypills every day. There’s been some improvement but! I still have not successfully cultivated anything.There seems to be something wrong!”

“Then I shall come to you tomorrow morning. I will help you to take a look and try to help you become athird-grade elementary alchemist soon!” Jackie nodded and said, “Although you don’t have a highfighting prowess, you are the alchemist of our sect and you shall enjoy the treatment of an elder. Youshall be the Ninth Elder of our Nine Gods Clan! On top of that, both of us will be selecting young peopletogether to see if they have the talent for cultivating pills. You shall be in charge of grooming them andwe shall try to increase the number of our alchemists!”

“Thank-Thank you, sect master. I shall not let you down!” Kevin was delighted and slightly bowed toJackie.

Although he was an alchemist, he had never thought about becoming an elder as he did not have a highfighting prowess and had only managed to break through into the first-grade ultimate god level.

Chapter 1887 He never expected that Jackie would directly appoint him as the sect’s ninth elder and even planned tolet him groom the clan’s future alchemists. It could be said that he was given an important task in thesect.

“Don’t worry. You can directly ask the sect for any ingredients you need in the future. We will cooperatewith you regarding matters of cultivating pills. Certainly, you have to quickly raise your fighting prowessas your mental strength will greatly increase with it. This will greatly benefit your pill cultivation skills!”Jackie thought about it and added.

“Don’t worry. I will try my best to groom alchemists! For the sect.” Kevin said seriously.

“Who would have known that we have such a powerful alchemist in our sect? Haha… I always thoughtthat there was only one! Turns out, there’s another alchemist who’s about to break through into the third-grade elementary level here!” Austin and the others were thrilled when they heard this. They originallythought that there was only one alchemist in their sect and were afraid that Jackie would be extremelybusy.

Although they had a big win today, the Alliance Guard would definitely send stronger sects to take actionagainst them when they learn about this. Hence, not only did Jackie have to attend to the matters of thesect, he had to work hard to raise his fighting prowess.


From then on, Jackie would have more time to manage things with Kevin’s help.

Soon, the sky darkened and everybody was in a delightful mood. Jackie soon chose the martialenhancement material he required and let the others distribute the remaining items between themselves.novelbin

However, what these people did not know was that the masters of the Anti-Alliance Guard’s five mainsects were already standing on a high, snowy mountain top with the masters from the Alliance Guard.

Master Loador of the Crystal Cloud Clan smiled coldly before speaking with a smirk on his face,”Everybody, is there something that you would like to discuss by asking us to come all the way here?”

The old lady from the Anti-Alliance Guard frowned and glanced at the people beside her before shestepped forward and said, “I’m sure that everybody knows about the 600 thousand people who cameover from the abandoned world. We’ve never expected them to be able to find this place after so manyyears and it’s something that surprises us!”

The old lady took a brief pause before she continued speaking, “It might be fated that they manage tocome over from the other side. I think we need to discuss this among ourselves. At this moment, theyhave suffered many deaths and the Bloodshed Clan had also been wiped out because of some unusualsituation. Certainly, the Nine Armies had also suffered many deaths. We wish to resolve this issuepeacefully!”

“Resolve this peacefully?” Master Loador once again smiled coldly. “Oh my, we are really sorry but thingsmight have been different if you guys came slightly earlier. Unfortunately, you are one step behind andwe’ve already sent two sects to take action. One of them went to Pavilion Billow Cloud while the BloodStalwart Pavilion was sent to the Nine Armies. I think they are already in the middle of a fight now!”

“You… You people have already taken action?” The corners of the old lady’s mouth twitched a couple oftimes and a darkened expression appeared on her face

Chapter 1888 “How could this have happened? They have already traveled all the way there? There’seven a possibility that the battle has already started?” The old man standing beside them also took a

deep breath after he heard this. He too had a darkened expression on his face.

However, Master Loador said while smiling, “Haha… Not only have they started fighting, I think the battleshould be over by now! By the way, I’m quite curious. Those people that came over from the abandonedworld are now hiding in Pavilion Billow Cloud or Nine Armies? No matter where they are hiding, theywould have been killed by now but I’m still curious!”

Master Loador paused before he continued speaking, “Certainly, you guys have the right to keep quietEven if none of you tell me where they are, my people will still inform me of the situation when theyreturn!”

The old lady had an extremely darkened expression on her face. She continued speaking after keepingquiet for a couple of seconds, “Around 30 thousand of them went to Pavilion Billow Cloud and the restare at the Nine Armies. Unexpectedly, you guys have sent the Blood Stalwart Pavilion to the NineArmies. In that case, not many of them would be able to survive. Even if they did, there won’t be many ofthem left!

“You are right. I am aware of the Blood Stalwart Pavilion’s power. Do you know why I sent the BloodStalwart Pavilion over? Apart from the fact that they are near to the Nine armies, the other reason is dueto their close relationship with the Bloodshed Clan all this while. In that case, the members of the BloodStalwart Pavilion would do their best to kill their enemies to avenge the Bloodshed Clan!” Master Loadorhad a vicious smile on his face. He shrugged his shoulders before he said, “By the way, there’s no needfor you guys to be angry as this is quite normal, right? It shouldn’t be an issue for us to send our peopleto help avenge the loss of one of our sects, right?”

Master Mackenzie also said with a smile, “Consider us as merciful as our main sects did not take actionand we only sent two smaller sects to fight your people. I think we shall just let this be. Certainly, we can’tdo anything if you guys aren’t convinced!”

A middle-aged woman from the Anti-Alliance Guard thought about it and said, “Among those two sectsthat you appointed, one of them have masters in the fourth-grade soul penetrating level while the otherone sent to the Nine Armies has two members who are in the third-grade souls penetrating level andthree who are in the first grade soul-penetrating level. Under such circumstances, there will only be ahandful of people who will be able to escape from these two sects!”

Master Loador immediately said with a smile, “oh dear me, how pessimistic are you? You have to believein the strength of those people from your side. What if those people are lucky and more than half of themmanage to escape? What if your people were able to obtain complete victory? Haha… Am I right?”

Master Mackenzie purposely said in a gloating minner. “Don’t worry. We will not continue to look into thiseven if both of your forces win. After all, there would be many deaths and that is enough for us. However,if both of your forces lose, the martial enhancement materials that once belonged to those people shallbe our compensation!”

The middle-aged woman tightened her fist in anger but had nothing to say. In the end, she could onlysay, “Then we shall make our move first. We hope that you will keep to your word. No matter what, wehope that you do not look into this matter in the future!

The group was in a bad mood and could only leave with a dejected heart.

“Haha… I’m so happy when I see the expressions on their faces right now. If we don’t teach them alesson, they would think that they can simply bully us, the members of the Alliance Guard!” Once theother party walked away, an old man from the Alliance Guard laughed loudly and the rest were also in adelighted mood.

After they flew some distance away, the old man from the Anti-Alliance Guard said to the old lady, Shouldwe separate into two teams to take a look at the situation at the Nine Armies and Pavilion Billow Cloud?

The old woman thought about it before shaking her head helplessly. “The Pavilion Billow Cloud is overlystrong. Although the sect they sent is stronger than Pavilion Billow Cloud, Pavilion Billow Cloud has aprofound base and is a sect. Their overall combat power is quite strong. Although they might bedefeated, I believe that many people will manage to stay alive.”

The old lady took a pause before she continued speaking, “After all, the Pavilion Billow Cloud is not veryfar away from our sect. If they escape toward our direction, the people from the Alliance Guard would notdare to continue their pursuit once they are near our sect.”

Chapter 1889 The old man nodded his head and said, “The Nine Armies will probably be in trouble rightnow. There’s quite a number of people among their ranks, and they have the people from the abandonedworld who number a few hundred thousand. Although their numbers are big, their overall fighting poweris not even worth more than one out of five stars. They’re not capable of taking on the Blood StalwartPavilion, so I predict that it would be hard for the people of the Nine Armies to escape!

“Ah, it’s a pity for the master, Jackie White. I heard from the people of Pavilion Billow Cloud that the kid’smartial talent is amazing. Such a shame!

The old woman sighed helplessly again. “I’ll survey the remaining numbers of the Pavilion Billow Cloudonce I get back. I believe that if there are people who managed to escape, they would go to the PavilionBillow Cloud to seek refuge.”

“Mmhmm. Then let’s go back!”

After they talked for a while, they all returned to their own sects.

At that moment, Jackie and the others were all very happy. At night, they prepared to get some properrest.

“This is great. We won splendidly!”

Selena and Jackie sat in the courtyard, looking at the moon in the sky. However, she quickly frowned andsaid, “Although we were victorious, the people from the Alliance Guard will probably send even strongersects after us next time.”

Jackie nodded his head. “That’s true. Next time, predict that they will send people who are at least in thefifth or sixth-grade soul-penetrating realm. Perhaps they would even send those of the seventh grade.That’s why we must seize every moment we have!”

“Do we have enough time?”

Selena spoke in a serious tone after thinking for a while.

“I think it’s enough!”

Jackie deduced, “There were not many who escaped, and many of them did not have high cultivationlevels. Some were at the ultimate god realm, some only at True God Realm, and their flying speed wasnot very fast. Many of them were even injured, so it would take them a few days if they want to reporteverything to the bigger sects.”

Here, Jackie paused before continuing, “Besides, the bigger sects certainly won’t make any movecarelessly once they know the situation. They’ll definitely call for a meeting together with the other sectsthen they’ll decide on which sects to send, to trouble us. It’ll take a few more days if that’s the case!

Selena nodded her head and continued her deduction, “After they’ve made their decision, they’ll sendpeople to inform that sect, and that will take another few days. Then before the sect goes into battle,they’ll definitely get those who are able to make breakthroughs to do it so that they can fight. It’ll probablytake time for them to prepare too, right?”

Jackie nodded his head. “That’s why I estimate that we have another month. During this month, we needto rapidly increase our sect’s fighting power! At least we now have ten people in the soul-penetrating

realm, but they only know that we have five! This is an advantage! They’ll underestimate us!”

Chapter 1890 “Then you must work hard during this month. If they truly send fighters of the seventh-grade ultimate godrealm, you probably won’t be a match for them at your current cultivation level and fighting power!”

After Selena thought about it, she said, “Or you must at least break into the third or fourth-grade soulspenetrating realm, right?”

Jackie also said while smiling helplessly, “That’s right. If I only use a third-grade premium pill to cultivatemyself, even if I can stabilize my cultivation level, I will be able to break into the second-grade soul-penetrating realm at most if I use this pill. It’s a lot harder to make breakthroughs once we’re in the soul-penetrating realm. That’s why unless I…”

Jackie did not continue his sentence, but Selena had already guessed Jackie’s thoughts. “Unless youare able to successfully create a fourth-grade elementary pill during this month, and only after creating afourth-grade elementary pill will your cultivation level be able to increase significantly, right?”

“That’s right!”

Jackie nodded his head and took Selena’s hand.” That’s why I probably won’t have time to accompanyyou tonight,” he said. “I need to sit down and cultivate myself to try and stabilize my current first gradesoul-penetrating realm level! After I’ve stabilized myself, I’ll start to research the alchemy methods of afourth-grade elementary pill once I’m free!”

“I don’t intend to sleep either. I’m going to work hard to cultivate myself. I haven’t used the pill you gaveme yet so I’m going to use it this month and break into the first-grade ultimate god realm!”

Selena said, grinning.

At night, the two began to cultivate themselves. Jackie continued to practice his martial arts technique,rapidly absorbing the chi emerging from the space between the sky and the earth, strengthening hiscultivation level. If he could not stabilize his cultivation level and had to use a pill to increase it in thefuture, it would not be good for him. His level would be unstable then, and it would probably be difficultfor him to kill those of higher levels.

Meanwhile, Selena took out the pill that Jackie had given and began to cultivate herself.

The next morning, Jackie and Kevin went to select youths with a talent for alchemy.

There were plenty who wanted to become alchemists, but there were few who fulfilled the criteria. Thetwo were busy throughout the day, and the selection only ended at night.

“There’s only five of them who are talented in alchemy. That’s too few. Even if we train all of them, we’regoing to use a lot of time. More importantly, they don’t possess strong martial talent yet. It’ll probably be amiracle if they can become a second grade elementary alchemist in this lifetime!”

In the end, Kevin looked at Jackie helplessly, flashing a bitter smile.

He did not think that Kieran would actually step forward at this moment. “Master, why don’t we go to SkyDull City to take a look?” he asked.

“Sky Dull City? Where’s that?”

Jackie furrowed his brows. He was not very familiar with the circumstances in this world.

Yesterday, Austin had given Jackie a map, which had markings of the territories of the forces, especiallythose of bigger ones.

However, Jackie did not know where this Sky Dull City was. He only remembered that there was a smalllake not too far away from them.


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