No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1836-1840
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chapter 1836-1840

Chapter 1836 “Let’s go, let’s go. We have no idea why the fighting noises over there stopped so soon so I think it’s bestif we leave quickly. We will be in trouble if we meet those people from the so-called Alliance Guardagain!” An old man from the Hall of Divine Royal signaled for the group of people to fly toward theopposite direction of where the Bloodshed Clan was.

However, they never expected to bump into a group of several hundreds of thousands of people flyingtoward them not long after they left.

“D*mn it! What should we do now that we’ve bumped into them? Both sides are big forces and they’vediscovered us as this is a valley!” A man from the Cloud Sky Sect had a darkened look on his face whenhe saw the group of people in front of them.

The corners of Lily’s mouth twitched several times before she said, “We are really unlucky! Hopefully,they aren’t members of the Alliance Guard!”

A member who once belonged to the Lagorio family was standing next to her said, “Pavilion Master, whydon’t we turn around and escape right now? Since they are still some distance away from us, some of uswould be able to survive if we turn around to escape now, right?”

Cold sweat had already covered the forehead of some people. After all, there were several hundreds ofthousand people and they had no idea which forces they were from. If these people were coming towardthem and were members of the Alliance Guard, that would be very troublesome.


Lily was also slightly unsettled. However, she thought about it before she said softly to the others, “Holdon and don’t panic! They might not know that we are people from the abandoned world. When they’ve

arrived, we can just stand aside and allow them to walk past us. There aren’t many of us and the otherparty might just be passing by. They might not know that we are people from the abandoned world.”

Lily paused here before she continued speaking, “On the contrary, if we turn around and escape now,they would definitely hunt us down when they see us escaping. By then, only a very small number of uswould be able to stay alive. Who knows how many strong masters are among this group of people! Theymight not even ask us if we stay and just give way to them!”

“That’s right. Let’s do that then. The news about us coming from the abandoned world hasn’t spread yet.Hence, apart from the Bloodshed Clan, only the Nine Armies know about this. This group of people hasno idea where we are from! Later on, we can just say that we are members of a small sect!” A man fromthe Hall of Divine Royal thought about it and nodded. He could not help but glance at Lily. “Who wouldhave expected that you, the Cloud Sky Sect Mistress, don’t have a high fighting prowess but have asmart mind!”

Soon, that group of people had flown over. Lily and the rest immediately retreated to both sides. Theyproactively allowed the other party to walk past them. On top of that, they lowered their heads and darednot make eye contact with those people.


“Who’s this group of people? They are quite understanding to make way for us to pass by first!” An oldwoman said happily when flying past them.

“Haha… Who knows? They might be some families or small sects. They don’t have many people whoare at the ultimate god level!” Another old man spoke after taking a look at this group of people. “We arealmost there. Who would have expected so many people to enter this time? What a surprise!”

Chapter 1837 Lily and the rest felt their hearts sink when they heard what the old man said. Cold sweat started dripping

from the forehead of some people as they were extremely frightened. Unexpectedly, these peopleactually knew that a large number of people had entered from the abandoned world.

Could it be possible that these were also members of the Alliance Guard? They must have rushed overto take action against those who came in from the abandoned world after they learned about the news!

Luckily, this group of people seemed to not pay much attention to them and was not even suspicious ofthem. They flew past Lily and the rest one after another. Soon, almost all of those who were in front hadflown past them.

Everyone immediately relaxed at this moment. Unexpectedly, a man in white clothes frowned andstopped by Lily at this moment.

After the man took a closer look, he said to Lily, “You, look up!”

Lily’s heart dropped and she slowly raised her head up. “Lance? Lance, it really is you!”

After she finished speaking, Lily’s tears trickled down her face as she hugged the man in white clothestightly.


The man in white clothes was none other than Lance White, who entered the Misty Forest with othersseven to eight months ago.

“Lance, you guys know one another?” With the wave of her hand, the old woman leading them signaledfor everybody to stop.

Only then did Lance said with slightly red eyes, “M-Master, she’s my mother. It’s my mother. I wasthinking previously if my parents would be among the people who entered from the abandoned world asthere are so many of them. I’ve never expected to see my mother and some of the Lagorio familymembers here. This is great!”

The old woman frowned and looked at these people in front of her as she spoke, “Are you guys from theabandoned world? Why did you come over? Didn’t they say that 500 to 600 thousand people hadentered the area? Why are there only 30 thousand of you here? Even if there are many monster beastsin that forest, it wouldn’t result in such a small number of you left because you guys were fighting overtreasures.”

An old man from the Hall of Divine Royal frowned as he glanced at Lance. He was thinking that sinceLance was still alive, these shouldn’t be members of the Alliance Guard. Instead, they must be membersof the Anti-Alliance Guard.

He took a step forward after he made up his mind. He gestured politely with his hands and said,“Honourable senior, we are people who entered from the abandoned world. However, what should wesay? Some of our people here had some hatred toward the other forces when we were outside. As wewere hunted by the Bloodshed Clan disciples when we were in the forest, we don’t have many peopleleft. Many of our people had died!”

That old lady nodded after she heard this. “I see. However, there are really too few of you left!”

Only then did the old man say, “No, there are still some people who are our enemies and they have goneover to help the Nine Armies. The Bloodshed Clan members attacked the Nine Armies after hunting usdown for three days and we have no idea why. That is why we finally had an opportunity to leave thisplace…”

Unexpectedly, the old lady had a slightly darkened expression on her face after she heard what the oldman said. She glanced at the old man coldly and said, “Since those people know how to help the Nine

Armies, why didn’t you guys go over? The people of the Nine Armies are members of the Anti-AllianceGroup. They must have offended the Bloodshed Clan because of you guys. If not, the members of theBloodshed Clan wouldn’t attack them without any reason!”

Chapter 1838 The old man was so frightened that he did not know what to say when he saw the angryexpression on the old lady’s face.

He could only speak with a trembling voice. “This…. This is mainly because…”.

Lily saw that the situation was unfavorable so she immediately said, “Honourable senior, it’s not that wedon’t want to lend a helping hand. Not only do we have a low fighting prowess, but the other group alsohad so many more people than us and we aren’t their opponent. We were enemies in the past and theywould definitely kill us if we went over!”

Only then did Lance walked forward to gesture at the old lady politely and said, “Master, this is mymother and I’m sure that she would not lie to us. She must’ve been forced to do something like this!”

Only then did the old lady nod. “Alright, follow us over there if that’s the case. Since the Bloodshed Clanis attacking the Nine Armies, we need to travel at a faster speed!!?

An old man with red hair, who was standing beside, smiled indifferently and said, “Let’s go. Since youguys came from that side, we, the members of the Anti-Alliance Guard, will think of ways to protect all ofyou. At the very least, we will not allow them to kill you in front of us. Don’t worry!”

“Thank you, senior!” Lily and the rest exchanged glances as they were delighted.

Lance also made an introduction between both parties. “Mother, this is our clan master and he’s verystrong. He’s in the second-grade soul-penetrating level and will break through into the third-grade


He then looked at the old lady and continued, “This is my master, the First Elder of our sect. She’s amaster in the First-grade soul-penetrating level!”

“Alright. This is great. It’s great that you aren’t dead. Mother knows that you are still alive. It’s good thatyou’re alive!” Lily nodded before following everyone else as they flew toward the direction of the NineArmies.

After flying for some time, Lance could not help but ask the question that was hidden in his heart.“Mother, this is weird. Why didn’t we see father and the members of the White family? Could it be thatthey did not enter this area with you?”

Lily was furious when she heard this. She said with gritted teeth, “Don’t mention that b*stard Nash White.That guy is a heartless person and he’s already abandoned the two of us.”

Lance inhaled deeply. He and several friends arrived at the entrance not long after they entered theforest. They never expected that the First Elder of Pavilion Billow Cloud would pay a visit to the entrancebecause she was free. Since they bumped into one another, the First Elder forcefully brought them intothis world.

Certainly, the First Elder focused more on Lance’s wonderful training talents. After entering this area, shegroomed Lance well and after six months, he was already a master in the Eighth-grade ultimate godlevel. He was even addressed as the No. 1 master by the members of the Pavilion Billow Cloud.

Although he had very good achievements, Lance kept thinking about his parents. However, there wasnothing he could do as it was impossible for him to leave the place. He could only stay and train at thePavilion Billow Cloud.

He thought that he would not meet his parents again in this lifetime. He could never imagine that hewould meet Lily and some members of the Lagorio family then. He was extremely delighted by thiscoincidence.

“Mother, what really happened? Isn’t Dad a nice person? He had been treating you nicely previously…”

Chapter 1839 Lance had a confused look on. He never imagined that everything would change eventhough he was gone for only seven or eight months.

“You didn’t know about this before but Nash had an illegitimate son with that woman called Joan Xavier,son,” Lily said in a furious tone. “Ever since you went missing, Nash did send people to search for you,but he started to consider taking his illegitimate son back. Of course, I did not agree to that, so I tried tostop him…”

Lily told the entire story to Lance, adding embellishments along the way. However, she skipped tellingLance about her affair with the Third Elder as well as the poisoning incident. After all, she had no way tosay these things out loud.

“That Nash White! So this means my grandpa and grandma are all dead? And this is all that is left of theLagorio family?”

Lance was so furious that he clenched his fists after he heard this. “I never thought that they would treatyou like this, Mom. Don’t worry. From today onward, I will protect and avenge you!”

“Don’t act rashly, Lance,” Lily said hastily. “Jackie’s martial talent is pretty good. He has returned for aperiod now, and I think that he might have already broken into the first or second-grade ultimate god-level. More importantly, that brat’s fighting power is shockingly powerful. He even has the strength to gobeyond his cultivation level. Since your master is an Elder, you’d better cultivate yourself properly. We’llkill him when we have the opportunity in the future!”

Lance gave a wan smile. “So what if he’s at the second-grade ultimate god level? Mom, did you knowthat ever since I came here, cultivating myself has been a lot easier? Furthermore, the master values mea lot. He gave me plenty of treasures to help me cultivate myself, and now I’m at the eighth-gradeultimate god level!”

Lance looked around his surroundings before whispering to Lily, “Don’t worry, Mom. So long as I cultivatemyself properly and break into the soul-penetrating realm, I might become the next clan master. Now theclan master and the others have their eyes on me!”

Lily was extremely excited when she heard this. This clan was very powerful, with hundreds ofthousands of people and two fighters of the soul-penetrating realm. If her son becomes the clan masterin the future, it would be so easy to kill the White family and avenge her parents and her family.

“All right. Let’s not rush this. It’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. We’re in no rush. Sooneror later, we’ll kill them and avenge your grandpa and grandma and the others!”

Lily nodded her head. Originally, she had not much hope of taking revenge, but it had been rekindled inher heart once more.

As the two talked, the Nine Armies finally appeared before them.

Jackie and the others and the Nine Armies were already standing together. There were still twenty orthirty thousand people from the Bloodshed Clan who were left, and they flew to the Sword King Clan’sside, standing alongside them.

“You have to take revenge for us, Master Wallman. These people killed our clan master, the First Elder,the Second Elder, and the others!”

The Fifth Elder of the Bloodshed Clan immediately came before the master of the Sword King Clan, JoshWallman, complaining.

Josh frowned when he saw the situation. “How did your clan lose so terribly? And why are there so manypeople left from the Nine Armies?”

The Fifth Elder raised his hands into a fistto-palm salute and said, “It’s not just people from the NineArmies, Master Wallman. There are also hundreds of thousands of people from that abandoned world.We’ve killed so many of their people already, but there are still many left. Some of their cultivation levelshave even greatly increased! We are not sure if they’ve already been here for two or three months!”

The Sixth Elder also took a step forward and said, “Master Wallman, we are people who protect theAlliance Guard. You have to decide for us!”

Chapter 1840 “But no way that several Elders of yours are dead even your clan master? I know the strength of yourclan!”

Josh could still not believe the sight before him. It was way out of expectations. According to hisprediction, it should be the Nine Armies who were suffering a great defeat.

Even if the Nine Armies had obtained the help of many people from the abandoned world, it was alreadygood enough if some of the people of the abandoned world could break into the first or second-gradeultimate god level. Furthermore, there would not be many people who managed to break into the ultimategod realm. It would be considered extraordinary if there were dozens—or at most, a hundred of them.Even under these circumstances, the Bloodshed Clan should not lose so terribly.

Edward would not have been killed, at least.

“It’s that brat, Master Wallman. It’s that d*mned brat. He’s only at the seventh grade ultimate god level,but his fighting skills are extremely powerful. He killed our Elders, and his fighting power is probablystronger than the First Fortress Master of the Nine Armies!”

The Fifth Elder pointed at Jackie angrily, speaking through clenched teeth. He looked like he wanted toimmediately shred Jackie into pieces.

“No way. He’s stronger than the First Fortress Master?”

Josh was shocked when he heard this. He already had that sort of fighting power even at the seventh-grade ultimate god realm. Then how strong would he be once he broke into the soul-penetrating realm?

After he thought about it, he furrowed his brows. He knew that if he did not get rid of this brat, the entireAlliance Guard would suffer in the future.

“That’s right. That brat is a master from God knows where, and his fighting skills are extremely strong.Master Wallman, you must kill him and avenge our clan!”

The people of the Bloodshed Clan all looked at Josh.

Josh looked at Jackie and asked, “You’re not from the Nine Armies, brat. Which force did you comefrom?”

Jackie grimaced. The man would definitely not believe him if he said he was from the abandoned world.However, with his martial power now, never mind that he did not know what huge forces there were now

—even if he said anything, no one would believe him.

As for a casual trainer? If he was only a casual trainer, he would not have led people to help the NineArmies.

After thinking about it, he could only shrug his shoulders helplessly and said frankly, “Where am I from?Hehe. I’m someone who came from the abandoned world. I was only lucky enough to break into mycurrent cultivation level!”

“Someone from the abandoned world?”

The people from the Sword King Clan were completely stupefied when they heard this.

Even if this brat has been here for two months, there was no way he could break into the seventh-gradeultimate god realm.

In the abandoned world, there was no martial technique to cultivate oneself into the ultimate god realm.Furthermore, they did not have high grade spirited grass to cultivate themselves.

That was why the brat must have only had the chance to break into the first-grade ultimate god realmafter coming in here. However, the fact that he could break into the seventh grade so quickly was trulyastounding

“I’ll just give it to you straight, brat. We’re from the Alliance Guard, which is why we did not allow all ofyou in. That’s because the martial resources and the Chi energy here are limited too. Although we hadplenty of people coming in here over the years, the most they could reach was the ninth-grade soul-penetrating realm. No one has yet to surpass that level and enter the nirvana realm!”


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