No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1816-1820
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chapter 1816-1820

Chapter 1816 “This is great! Are they really letting us go?” A third-class aristocratic family master was so excited thathis eyes were filled with tears. They were no longer hunted by the Bloodshed Clan.

Although Jackie and the others broke through very quickly, so many of them had died and not manypeople were left. They were still no match for the Bloodshed Clan’s opponent despite having an increaseof members in the First-grade ultimate god level.

Apart from that, no matter how high Jackie and the others’ fighting prowess was, they would never rivalthe Bloodshed Clan Masters.

It was why they felt like they would die if the battle continued, and surviving was no easy feat.

However, they never expected that the Bloodshed Clan members would retreat at this moment.

“This is weird. Why did all of them retreat?” Ethan also frowned, puzzled at what had happened.


Sam thought about it and said, “No matter what it is, it’s a good thing now that they’ve retreated. It’ll beafternoon soon, and they won’t resume their assault at night if we manage to get through the afternoon.Anyway, everybody should quickly increase their fighting prowess if possible. Who knows if they’ll giveup or resume their attack after their pause?”

Those who were initially relieved faltered at the thought. It was true that they would be in quite thepredicament if the Bloodshed Clan members merely retreated for a rest.

“Sigh… Angus and the others truly are vexing. Didn’t they promise that they’ll go back to plead on ourbehalf to their people and bring the Nine Armies here to help us? Are they still members of the Alliance

Guard? Why aren’t there any movements until now?!” growled a middle-aged man from the Cabellofamily, utterly displeased.

Helena seemed to be dismal, too. “Maybe the Bloodshed Clan is too strong. I think we can’t place all ourhopes on others.”


“However, if the people of the Nine Armies don’t help us, we won’t have hopes of surviving!” An old manfrom one of the second-class aristocratic families had a helpless expression on his face. “The BloodshedClan don’t have as many people as us, and many of them must’ve died during the battle in the forest, butthey have more masters in the ultimate god level. By then, we’re no match for them. Without the help ofthe Nine Armies, how can we fight them? It’s like we’re bound to be defeated!”

All of a sudden, one of the White family’s members exclaimed, “Look! Look! Those people from theBloodshed Clan seem to be flying toward the direction of the Nine Armies!

“This is great! Are they going to attack the Nine Armies? Everyone, let’s sneak out of the forest from theside and leave this accursed place. By then, only the boundless sky will be our limit. If everybody leavesseparately, I believe that some of us will survive!” suggested a bald man excitedly.

However, another man said, “No way. We’re not very familiar with the situation in this area, and wouldn’tit be more difficult for us to stay alive if we break into the territory of the Alliance Guard?”

One of the Wood family’s elders said, “We can’t leave now no matter what; we need to stay and wait forYoung Master Jackie and the others. Without them, we would’ve died a long time ago. How can we leavejust like that? On top of that, Young Master Jackie is a third-grade alchemist, and we’ll only survive if wefollow him. We may even grow stronger!”

Chapter 1817 “That’s right. You guys can leave now if you plan to do so, and we welcome those who want to stay, but ifyou choose to leave now, don’t blame our White family if we don’t help you out when you run into theBloodshed Clan later on,” Yolanda chimed in. “Young Master Jackie has his own plans for asking us towait here. If you guys want to leave now, we won’t stop you!”

“That’s right!” joined another elder of the White family. “Elder Yolanda is correct. If any of you plan toleave now, feel free to do so. Frankly speaking, having too many of us isn’t a great thing, and somepeople might burden us. It’ll be much easier for us to act with lesser people!”

Everybody lowered their heads, no one daring to leave after what they had said.

They were no fools. Without the help of Jackie and the others, it would be difficult for them to survive,even if they left the area. On top of that, no one knew if members of the Bloodshed Clan dispatched afew disciples to guard the forest’s perimeters.


Noticing how no one was insisting anymore, Helena walked forward and smilingly said, “We, the Cabellofamily are definitely staying. There has to be a reason as to why the people of the Bloodshed Clansuddenly retreated. What if they stationed a few of them guarding the forest’s perimeters while waiting forus to go out? They’re no fools, after all.”

At this moment, Jackie and the others finally came into view and returned at last.

“Oh, how wonderful! Jackie and the others have returned!” Venus was rather elated to see themreturning. They had been worried about Jackie and his companions, seeing as her father was traveling

with him. It was, of course, a treacherous journey as they had to battle with masters of the BloodshedClan to buy the others some time.

“This is great! Everybody is safe!” Daniella smiled delightfully as well.

Selena approached them and asked caringly, “Honey, how are you? How’s your fighting prowess now?You aren’t wounded, are you?”

“Don’t worry! I’m not wounded, and everything is well. I’m already in the Seventh-grade ultimate godlevel now, and I can cultivate third-grade intermediate pills!” Jackie smiled and held Selena’s hand.

Selena blushed when he held her hand in public. She rolled her eyes at Jackie shyly before she pulledback her hand. “It’s good that nothing happened to you. We’ve been so worried for these past couple ofdays, worried that you’d run into masters of the Bloodshed clan.”

“Oh my god, a Seventh-grade ultimate god level!”

“He even knows how to cultivate third grade intermediate pills?! How amazing!”

“That’s right, Young Master Jackie truly is a master among masters! Not only is he strong in terms offighting prowess, but he’s also incredibly capable in terms of cultivating pills. It looks like it won’t troublehim in cultivating a fourth-grade pill and lifting the young madam’s spell!”

Everyone else was shocked at Jackie’s claim. His breakthrough truly was horrifying.

“Haha… Young Master Jackie truly is strong. What do you mean, we didn’t bump into any masters fromthe Bloodshed Clan? We met an elder from the Bloodshed Clan who was in the Ninth-grade ultimate godlevel, but Young Master Jackie ended him then and there!” Kenneth started laughing loudly. “On top ofthat, all of us had broken through into the Sixth-grade ultimate god level because of Jackie. Also, theSupreme Clarity Sect’s sacred lady is in the Fifth-grade ultimate god level!”

Chapter 1818 “How’s this possible? Young Master Jackie slew one of the Bloodshed Clan’s elders?Does that mean that Young Master Jackie is capable of fighting their sect master?” Some of themembers of the shadow families were extremely shocked when they heard of this battle record.

“This is great! We have several masters with us now. Together with the people who have broken throughinto the First-grade and Second-grade ultimate god level here, we’re a pretty solid team members of theBloodshed Clan won’t get to torment us so easily!” Helena grinned happily. Everyone was relieved andassured, knowing some of them had greater fighting prowess and that Jackie managed to kill one of theBloodshed Clan’s elders.

“Goodness. Our family master… Our family master is also in the Sixth-grade ultimate god level?” Theentire Cabello family was elated with the knowledge, and several old men even trembled as they spoke.They never expected their family master, Alejandro Cabello, to have broken through into the Sixth-gradeultimate god level.

“Yes, and it’s thanks to Jackie. If he didn’t give me pills, I wouldn’t have broken through so quickly! If weplace any of such pills outside, it’ll stir a battle among masters for sure!” Alejandro nodded, and from theway he looked at Jackie, he had obviously grown fond of him. If they were not caught in such an intricatesituation and everyone had settled, seeing as they just entered the forest, he wanted Jackie toimmediately marry his daughter.novelbin

Meanwhile, one of the Supreme Clarity Sect’s elders walked toward Melody excitedly and took her hand,asking, “Sacred lady, have… Have you truly broken through into the Fifth-grade ultimate god level?”

The Supreme Clarity Sect’s disciples looked at her with high hopes, to which Melody smiled faintly andnodded. “Yes, and this is all because of Young Master Jackie. Not only did he rescue us, but he evengave me a pill,

Wa and it increased my fighting prowess significantly. I don’t know how to repay his kindness.”

Unexpectedly, Aureole walked forward at this moment and yelled loudly, “Disciples and elders of theSupreme Clarity Sect, gather and hear me!”

Everybody looked at Aureole, puzzled at what was happening.

Aureole smiled indifferently as she successfully had everyone’s attention. “Everybody, listen carefully.From today onward, I shall no longer be the Supreme Clarity Sect’s sect master, and I’ll now appointMelody Lawson, our sacred lady, as the sect master. She’ll be your sect master from this momentonward!”

“Pavilion master, I… I won’t accept this!” Melody hastily refuted as she came forward. “Pavilion master,you’ve already broken through into the ultimate god level, and you have another hundred years ahead ofyou. If you breakthrough into the soul-penetrating level in the future, you’ll have even more years aheadof you, so there’s no need for you to pass the position of sect master to me right now!”

Of course, Aureole was already at an old age, and everybody had expected she would pass the positionof sect master to Melody within a couple of years.

However, things have changed as she had already broken through into the ultimate god level and hadmore years ahead of her. Aureole could surely continue to be the sect master, but nobody expected shewould step down at that moment.

Aureole shook her head, a small smile on her face as she insisted, “The sect master should be someonecapable. You are young, talented, and in the Fifth-grade ultimate god level now. I’ve wanted to pass theposition of sect master to you for a long time, but I didn’t do so because your fighting prowess wasn’thigh enough and you weren’t strong enough. The time has come, Melody, and you cannot refuse me thistime. Do you understand?”

Chapter 1819 Aureole then called on the members of the Supreme Clarity Sect, “Bow down to your newsect master!”

Led by an elder, the entire Supreme Clarity Sect saluted thunderously, “Best wishes, new sect master, forascending to the position!”

Aureole, meanwhile, took out her sect master token and passed it to Melody.

“Alright. If that’s the case, I’ll take up the mantle of sect master.” Melody finally nodded and took thetoken. “Please rise, everyone. We just need to train well together in the future. Although this area is agood place to train, everyone is well aware that there are forces in the Alliance Guard who are purposelypinpointing toward us, and we might come face-to-face with more dangers in the future. Regardless, nomatter how many people are left in our sect, I hope that everyone will stay united and work together!”

Aureole smiled in satisfaction when everyone stood up. “Pavilion Master Melody, you are now the sectmaster, no longer the sacred lady of our sect. You can take off your veil now.”

Melody’s face was tinted in pink in embarrassment, though she nodded before gently taking off the veilshe had worn for many years.

Many from other families had been looking forward to seeing the sacred lady’s true appearance, henceall of them had their eyes fixated on that beauty standing up ahead.

The veil was slowly lifted, and an almost perfect face came into view. She was so beautiful that manypeople were floored in awe.

The beauty’s shy smile was utterly mesmerizing, but she only gave others a feeling of holiness andpurity. Others could barely have blasphemous thoughts of her.

“What a beauty!” Even Daniella could not help but smile. This beauty was comparable to the three ofthem sisters. More importantly, her smile was such a pure one, one they could never have.

Growing shy as everyone gawked at her, Melody immediately changed the subject, “Young MasterJackie, what should we do next? The Bloodshed Clan people seemed to have left, no? When we werestanding on this mountaintop just now, we noticed that those people were flying out of the forest towardthe direction of the Nine Armies. We don’t know if they’ve left gatherings of men outside the forest.Would they be conning us?”

Jackie smiled indifferently and looked at the forest underneath them before he said, “It looks like most ofthem had exited the forest. Even though there might be people left outside the forest, I don’t think thereare a lot of them. We’ll be able to handle those people, at least.”

One of the family masters from a second class aristocratic family thought about it before asking Jackie,“If that’s the case, Young Master Jackie, shall we lead our people and rush out of the forest? Apart fromthe people who came from the seas, there shouldn’t be a large number of people who came in with us inthe forest underneath, right? We can just ignore those people as almost all of them are dead. There area couple hundred thousand of us here, and if we fly out from the forest speedily, we’ll get to leave thisplace!”

Jackie frowned as he silently deliberated everything before then responding, “We won’t do anything rightnow. Let’s take a look and see what they plan to do after heading toward the Nine Armies. This forest isa place full of treasures, and I think the Bloodshed Clan had been longing to take over this place for avery long time.”

Chapter 1820 “They’ve been planning this for a long time?” Nash had a small frown when he heard this. “Do you meanthat the Bloodshed Clan are now prepared to attack the Nine Armies?”

Jackie nodded. “I think that’s highly likely to happen. They must’ve killed many of our people throughoutthese past couple of days as it doesn’t sound like battles are happening often now. However, they have

no idea that we’ve rescued people ahead of them and have been informing people along the way to hideat this place.”

The elder from the second-class aristocratic family who spoke previously was even happier when heheard this. He excitedly spoke, “How wonderful! This is good, Young Master Jackie. If they attack theNine Armies, we’ll use this opportunity to escape!”

A few others nodded excitedly at the possible opportunity.

Unexpectedly, Jackie’s expression turned rigid as he began to question the man, “If that’s the case,where should we run off to? Based on my understanding, the Alliance Guard’s forces would surely sendtheir sects or others to hunt us down if they knew that so many of us had entered this area. On top ofthat, Ella Lavigne, whom I met earlier, told me that this area isn’t as big as our Daxia.”

“It’s not as big as Daxia?” The old man’s facial expression faltered when he heard this. He initiallythought that this was an independent space, relatively large enough. They only needed to find asecluded space and hide after escaping from the forest, and things would slowly come to pass afterward.

From the looks of things, however, it did not seem to be that easy.

“Then, what should we do if we’re not going to leave with such a great opportunity? Are we going to starta fight with them?” Alejandro thought about it and looked at Jackie, visibly puzzled.

Jackie actually nodded. “Yes, we can fight them if a battle is initiated. Don’t any of you hate theBloodshed Clan, seeing as they killed so many of our people? Don’t you guys think of having revenge?They dare attack the Nine Armies, and this means that they’re quite confident. Based on what I know,they only have one master who is in the First-grade soul-penetrating level. The Bloodshed Clan isstronger than the Nine Armies, but not that far of a reach.”

Jackie paused momentarily before he added, “Although they killed lots of our people, we also killed lotsof theirs, so they also suffered a huge loss. Going into a fight with the Nine Armies at this moment…Haha… In fact, both sides will suffer losses. They never expected that so many of us are left inside theforest here. If we go over and help the Nine Armies by then, we’ ll surely win!”

Nash also nodded in satisfaction after he heard that. “The Nine Armies must’ve known of what’shappening in the forest-they can’t possibly not know. Helena had mentioned that several of their youngerpeople said that they’d go back and inform their First Fortress Master. This means that they know aboutthe situation but did nothing. This means that they’re also afraid of the Bloodshed Clan.”

Jackie smiled bitterly. “Yes. Not only are they afraid, but they’re quite selfish as well. We thought thatthey’d say something to the other party or do something, but who knew that they hadn’t done anything.”

“Are we still heading over to help them? I want to kill them so badly!” snarled Venus angrily upon hearingeverything.

“Haha… The reason as to why they did this is no longer important. The most important thing is that wehave to do this if we want their support in the future.”


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