No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 3947
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Chapter 3947

Seymour frowned slightly and said, "Don't make this too simple. The four of them working togethermeans that the situation was complicated, or that there were a lot of people there, too many for just twoto deal with. That's why the four of them worked together. Even though all four of them died, it doesn'tmean they died at the hands of one person. It's possible they were killed by a number's advantage."

Seymour felt like his guess must be right.

Jack loved to wear disguises and hide his identity. There was no way he would be in a group. The fourof them must have worked together because there were too many people.

Desmond clenched his teeth, getting angry that the others did not seem to agree with him, "Those fouraren't idiots. Even if they were working together because their opponents had numbers, they wouldn'tattack so easily. They must have only attacked after verifying how strong their opponents were!"

"They would only attack if the situation was under their control. Yet, all four of them died in the end. Itmeans that someone that can't be controlled appeared. Who could that person be? I feel like Jack's theonly one who fits that description!"

After he said that, Desmond looked at the other three seriously.

When he saw that they did not agree with him, Desmond paced around the spot impatiently.

"Why don't all of you believe me? I assure you, my guess is right! He must have appeared! It'sdefinitely him!"

Seymour sighed and shook his head, "You're too obsessed with Jack. It's getting out of hand."

Desmond clenched his teeth, "I'm not obsessed, all of you are just taking it too lightly! Even if my guessis wrong, we have no reason to just ignore it! Just have someone go over to look into it right now. Don'tlet a single clue slip!"

As Desmond was anxiously trying to get his men to go, Jack was having an intense discussion.

Jack promised Maxcus' group that he would let them go as long as they kept his secret.

Maxcus' group was incredibly grateful, but they did not leave immediately. Instead, they started anintense discussion with Lourain, who was at their level.

Maxcus said emotionally, "I have to spread this thing everywhere. I need everyone to know howruthless those shameless and despicable men are! I need to make sure their plans fail. We'll worktogether against them and make them pay!"

Other than Jack, everyone else nodded their heads vigorously.

Those words really roused their spirits. Everything that had happened earlier was still fresh in theirminds. They knew that they were seen as livestock that could be slaughtered at any time.

Those warriors who stood at the peak wanted to squeeze every inch of value from their bodies. Thetruth caused their anger to rise.

They were definitely nowhere near the level of those at the peak, and would never offend those peoplenormally, but it did not mean they would let themselves get slaughtered.

If all the regular warriors worked together, they could not be underestimated. They would make surethose people pay a price. They would show that the regular warriors would not let themselves beslaughtered.

Lourain looked incredibly emotional.

He clenched his fists tightly, "Those people plot and scheme, and use us as stepping stones! We won'tlet that happen! They sure love to dream! This time, we need to all work together to teach them annovelbin

unforgettable lesson!"

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