No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 3919
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Chapter 3919

After that was said, Tanner still did not feel that it was enough.

He continued to add, "Stop pretending that you're mute. I still have other things to do. Hurry up andgive me the spirit crystals then get lost!"

This time, there was finally a reaction.

Jack sighed lightly, feeling like he was meeting more and more idiots.

Lourain said with an exasperated look on his face, "Are the four of you trying to rob us right now?"

That question completely stunned the four of them.

Did the two of them not hear everything that was said?

Of course, they were being robbed! Was that even a question?

Tanner had a stiff look on his face, "What else do you think we're doing? Are we just playing with you?"

As he said that, Tanner did not notice that his voice was oozing with anger.

It had been a long time since Tanner got so angry. He was someone who just wanted spirit crystals,and did not mind hearing a few nasty words. After all, he could just increase the price to soothe hisanger.

However, it was a bit different this time. The reaction from those two was like fuel to the fire in his heart.He could not keep his calm at all. Tanner narrowed his eyes as he retrieved a curved blade from hisstorage.

There was a cold glint on the blade. He aimed the blade right at Jack's neck, and the threat wasincredibly evident. He was warning Jack that if they continued with that attitude, he would not hesitateto cut their necks.

Jack only felt amused at a threat like that!

Maxcus and the others hid behind the hills. There was a distance between them that made seeingthings clearly a bit hard. They could vaguely make out a few words, but could not really follow theconversation.

The three of them tried, but could still only get the gist of it.

Joran said curiously, "Why do I feel like the atmosphere there is a bit strange? Tanner looks like he'sbeen angered. Instead, the person in front of him is acting so calmly! Why is the one standing behindlaughing?"novelbin

At that moment, Lourain could no longer hold back. He had a smile on his face. He did not want to, butTanner's words were just too amusing to him. Even after trying so hard, he could not stop the smilefrom coming out.

Maxcus and the others found it to be an incredibly strange sight!

Was that person crazy?

Was there something different about the situation?

Could Tanner not be robbing them?

The situation was just too confusing. The three of them were completely stunned!

Lourain's smile looked incredibly annoying to the other side. It was as if he was trampling all over theirdignity.

Tanner clenched his teeth as he looked at Lourain with an angered expression, "Brat, what are youlaughing at? It looks like you really want to die! Since that's the case, I'll grant both of you your wish!You just needed to hand over the spirit crystals just now, and I would have let the two of you leave. Itlooks like you don't know what's good for you!"

The moment he said that, Tanner started to attack. His fellow disciples behind him attacked as well!

Jack shook his head in exasperation, "It's not my first time seeing someone rob others so brazenly inthe Whirling World..."

After that was said, Jack looked over at the ugly man.

His tone was incredibly calm, "You were constantly observing us from behind. I was wondering whoyou were. It seems like I was just overthinking things. After all, I just arrived. It would be a bit absurd forthem to find me so quickly."

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