No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 1781-1785
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chapter 1781-1785

Chapter 1781 Skye immediately said, “Look at that. Look! Even the fatty understands things better than you people!Let’s go. The sky has turned dark, and we better go back to training. We might really get into a fight twodays after this.”

Angus smiled bitterly and said, “We might get into a fight, huh? Haha… Judging by the First FortressMaster’s attitude, there’s only a slim chance that we’ll battle, and not long after that, the people from thePavilion Billow Cloud will arrive. By then, it’ll only be a negotiation between both parties!”

Hendrick also said, “That’s right. On top of that, we can’t break through within a couple of days, sotraining is useless.”

Meanwhile, a man arrived before the First Fortress Master.

The First Fortress Master looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and slowly said, “How is it?What’s the situation in the forest?”

The middle-aged man gestured politely with his hands and said, “They’ve started fighting. The peoplefrom the Bloodshed Clan arrived in the morning and they sent a sizable group of disciples into the area,but I’m not sure what’s going on in the forest right now. Regardless, it sounded as though battlesoccurred everywhere, and the noises ceased not long after they began. It looks like those people whoentered this area don’t have a high fighting prowess.”


The First Fortress Master’s expression seemed unpleasant at the report. “Sigh… These people trulyhave disappointed me. If more of them had broken through into the ultimate god level, they’d cause moredamage to the Bloodshed Clan disciples, and we’d greatly benefit from that!”

The middle-aged man smilingly said, “Haha… First Fortress Master, there’s no need to worry. Thosepeople don’t have a high fighting prowess, but many of the Bloodshed Clan disciples are in the true godlevel or demi-god level. On top of that, a large number of people barged into this area. Although theBloodshed Clan announced that they have a hundred thousand disciples, there must be about threehundred to four hundred people who entered the area, even if they fought one another and were killed bymonster beasts, right? That many should inflict great damage to the Bloodshed Clan.”

However, the middle-aged man paused here before he said, frowning, “First Fortress Master, I, however,feel that we can’t wait for too long before we take action. Although we benefit from doing that, there aredrawbacks to it. I also thought about it last night, and this is what I have come up with.”

“How’s that possible? What’s the harm to us if we do something a little later? In my opinion, it benefits usno matter what it is. We’ll be able to report to the Pavilion Billow Cloud, and the Bloodshed Clan will beweakened. What’s so bad about that?” Austin frowned, evidently not understanding the middle-agedman’s train of thoughts.


Only then did the middle-aged man say, “Think about it. These people must have entered the forestaround one month ago, no? If that’s the case, they must’ve obtained quite a number of spirited grassfrom the area. Although they’ve used quite a number of these items, they’ll still have the martial skills,spirited grass, or martial art technique they obtained. How much martial enhancement material is therewhen there are so many of them?”

As Austin listened to what the man said, he understood the meaning behind the conversation before theman continued speaking. Austin then said, his expression dark, “I understand what you’re trying to say.Those martial enhancement materials will belong to the members of the Bloodshed Clans after theoutsiders are killed by their disciples, and they won’t hand them to us.”

Chapter 1782 What the man in front of him said caused Austin’s heart to quiver. It was true that there were lots ofmartial enhancement materials in that place, and once the Bloodshed Clan disciples had them, theywould never get it back.

However, he thought about it and said, “There’s no need to worry. I’m sure many of the disciples from theBloodshed Clan would die, and the disciples’ belongings would land in the hands of those who enteredthe sacred grounds. On top of that, it’s alright if this can kill quite a number of Bloodshed Clan disciplesand allow those people to benefit from it.”

The middle-aged man in front of him also nodded after he heard this and said, “What you’ve said is right.How many days shall

We wait?”

“At least another two or three days, perhaps? After all, if we go in too early, I’m afraid that the people ofPavilion Billow Cloud would leave late, too. If the people from the Pavilion Billow Cloud came later thanthat, we’d suffer a huge loss if we fight for a long period!” Austin thought about it before he finally said,“You people should continue observing what’s happening in the forest. Report to me as soon as there isany news, do you understand?”

“Don’t worry, First Fortress Master. We’ll definitely report to you on time!” The middle-aged man gesturedpolitely with his hands and quickly left.

At this moment, multiple bonfires were burning outside the forest. The elders and sect master of theBloodshed Clan guarding outside the forest feasted on a delicious barbeque of monster beasts whiledrinking nice wine. It was evident that they enjoyed themselves.


“Daytime passed, just like that, and I’m sure they’ve had quite a handful of rewards. Haha! Those peoplehave just entered this area recently, and there aren’t many who are in the ultimate god level. This can beconsidered an experience for our disciples, and we, more importantly, can garner an impressive amountof precious items!” The First Elder of the Bloodshed Clan took a large sip of his wine and laughed loudly.

“Haha… The First Elder is right! The highlight of the day is that we made such a big commotion, and somany of us are guarding outside the forest. Surely, the Nine Armies must’ve heard something, yet they’rehiding in their fortresses like tortoises. None of them dared come forward. Haha!” The Second Elder ofthe Bloodshed Clan chomped off a mouthful of monster beast meat he had in his hands, expressionproud and haughty.

The Third Elder replied, “Haha! This means that the people of the Nine Armies understand themselveswell. After all, their First Fortress Master is no match for our sect master. How can they fight against uswhen they don’t have as many people in the ultimate god level as us? In the past, didn’t they alwaysswallow the insult when a few small altercations happened between us?”

The sect master of the Bloodshed Clan, Edward, had a smile on his face when he spoke in a seriousmanner, “You guys shouldn’t look down on the Nine Armies. We are much stronger than them, but nomore than that. It’s possible that they’ve not come forward to confront us because they don’t know whatwe’re doing to the people in the forest, don’t you think?”

The Fourth Elder nodded and said, “What the sect master said is correct-they probably haven’t found outwhat’s happening here. After all, the people of the Nine Armies don’t always come and search forprecious items here. They might have already searched for precious items and have been busy trainingrecently, so they have no idea what’s happening in the forest.”

“That’s impossible. With such a big commotion, they’ll definitely find out what happened the next day,even if they didn’t realize it during the first day. We’re some distance away, but the weather today is nice

and the skies are clear. I’m sure their people will be able to discover that something is wrong over herewhen they stand on top of the high walls of their fortress, right? They must’ve seen something!” The FirstElder shook his head and said, “I think the Nine Armies don’t dare come out because they’re afraid of usor they’re pretending that they didn’t see anything, seeing as playing the clueless card will save them thehassle.”

Chapter 1783 All of a sudden, several members of the sect ran out of the forest, searching for the sectmaster and elders right after.

The Second Elder smiled indifferently and casually asked the disciples,” What happened? Did you guyscome out to take a rest?”

They might have been tired due to slaying the outlanders from the abandoned world the whole day,coming to rest after all that.

Unexpectedly, one of the disciples, an old man in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level, struggled to catchhis breath before replying, “No, sect master and elders. I have something to report. We noticedsomething was off, so we ran out!”

“And what’s that?” The First Elder frowned, sweeping his gaze across the disciples.

Only then did the old man say, “We… We discovered that many of our people died after fighting them. It’sbeyond our expectations to see three disciples in the Third-grade ultimate god level dead in one of ourbattlegrounds. There were also several disciples in the First and Second-grade ultimate god level whodied. Several hundreds of our other disciples have also died, but only around a hundred of theseoutlanders had perished. However, none of their ceased disciples were in the ultimate god level!”

“What?!” Edward and the others were frightened to the core when they heard this. Based on theirestimation, no nightmarish monster beast in this forest could kill a Bloodshed Clan disciple in the Third-grade ultimate god level

It was even impossible that those from the abandoned world who entered the forest had suchcapabilities. Logically, a disciple with such fighting prowess should be able to do anything they wantinside this forest.

However, three disciples with such fighting prowess had died, and this was just what their disciples saw.They still had no idea what happened in other fighting grounds.

“Curses! Why would something like this happen?” The Fourth Elder’s expression seemed grim as heballed his fists. After all, disciples in the ultimate god level could be considered masters and importantpillars to their sect. The number of people in the ultimate god level was an important factor as to howstrong a sect was.

The old man in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level continued,” Pavilion master, if our estimations arecorrect, the people from the Nine Armies must be secretly helping them to kill our people. How elsewould such a master be in the opponent’s ranks?”

The First Elder’s facial expression immediately darkened as he spoke, “It seems as though the NineArmies wore a façade in supposedly not doing anything, but they already have from the start. Theysecretly sent people into the forest to help these people. These people from the Nine Armies truly arecunning and calculative!”

The corners of Edward’s mouth slightly twitched before he growled, “F*ck! The people of the Nine Armiesare really cunning. They pretend like nothing is happening on the surface but secretly dispatch people tohelp the intruders. How utterly treacherous!”novelbin

Chapter 1784 The First Elder looked at Edward grimley. “Pavilion master, what should we do now? Wehave no idea how many people the Nine Armies sent in and what their fighting prowess is. It looks likewe can also send our disciples who are in the Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade ultimate god level intothe forest.”

Edward thought about it before he said, “Don’t worry. I understand that guy, Austin Drago’s peculiarcharacter. He won’t send many powerful masters into the forest; the most he’d do is dispatch a few in theFifth or Sixth Grade ultimate god level inside to help those people. He’d be suicidal if he dared to goagainst us completely!”

The Second Elder nodded and said in agreement, “What the sect master said is correct. If they sendmasters here, they would’ve led these people to fight us. They must’ve sent some people with middle-range fighting prowess and assisted the others in killing some of our people, that’s all. In that case, theycan consider themselves as helping these people. By then, they’d be able to explain things to the Anti-Alliance Guard. If they did nothing, they’re afraid that they can’t explain themselves and that the uppermanagement will blame them!”

Hearing that, Edward confidently remarked, “If that’s the case, I don’t think they even send people in theEighth-grade ultimate god level. On top of that, they must’ve sent just about a dozen people to secretlyhelp these intruders. In the end, they’ll say that they entered the forest to search for precious items andonly killed our people because of altercations. Nonetheless, there won’t be a large number of them!”

“Pavilion master, what should we do then?” the First Elder immediately asked.

Edward thought about it before he looked over at the Fourth Elder and said, “Fourth Elder, I think weneed to ask you to make a trip-you’ll enter the forest tomorrow morning. Apart from that, I’ll ask somedisciples in the Sixth or Seventh-grade ultimate god level to also join the hunt in killing the intruders. Ifyou meet anybody from the Nine Armies, don’t hesitate and just kill all of them!”

“Haha… Alright! I’ve already broken through into the Ninth-grade ultimate god level one or two years agoand my hands are itching for action-haven’t done anything for a while now, too. If I do encounter thosefrom the Nine Armies, I’ll show them what true regret is!” The Fourth Elder smirked, seemingly biding histime.

“Haha… Fourth Elder, you’ll go in and give it a try first. If something comes up, just call on me, and I’llenter the forest and help you out. Haha!” The Third Elder started laughing loudly, obviously joking withthe Fourth Elder.

The Fourth Elder rolled his eyes at the Third Elder and said, “Would I need your help? Won’t I just beplain embarrassed then? Both of us are in the Ninth-grade ultimate god level, and I’d only need your helpif the First Fortress Master of the Nine Armies is in the forest. I’m not afraid of the other fortress mastersand other members of the Nine Armies!”

“That’s right, Third Elder. Don’t look down on the Fourth Elder; he did just break through a year or twoago. He has a strong combat power, and even I may not be his opponent!” said the First Elder smilingly.

At this moment, Jackie and the others had killed quite a number of the Bloodshed Clan disciples. Theyrescued many of their own and asked them to travel toward the direction they agreed on.

When night came, they hid inside a considerably deserted cave, stationing someone to stand guardwhile the rest continued to train to stabilize their fighting prowess.

Chapter 1785 Jackie, of course, did not train, opting instead to cultivate third-grade intermediate pills during nighttimeas he took out the ingredients and pill furnace.

As the rate of success was extremely important, Jackie did not have thoughts of experiencing other third-grade intermediate pills. He was cultivating the pill he successfully cultivated previously

Their group of people required a total of seven pills, including Melody. It was a hefty pressure for Jackie.

Jackie successively cultivated eight sets of ingredients throughout the night, and he succeeded threetimes, resulting in three third-grade intermediate pills.

It had to be understood that such a success rate was considered impressive already.

“Huff!” As daylight broke, Jackie stood up and exhaled heavily. “I’m more proficient during this round ofcultivation than last time, it seems. I’ll cultivate four more pills tonight, and we’ll have one pill each. Ourcombat power will definitely increase greatly if we work hard to break through together!”

“Haha… This means we’ll be able to end those people easily, then!” Alejandro laughed and said, “Amongthe Bloodshed Clan disciples that we killed yesterday, the one with the highest fighting prowess seems tobe in the Fourth-grade ultimate god level, no? We didn’t see anybody in the Fifth or Sixth-grade ultimategod level. It looks like those from the Bloodshed Clan didn’t send many master-ranked disciples into theforest.”

To that, Jackie smiled bitterly. “That was yesterday, and it happened because they underestimated us.Today, disciples in the Fifth or Sixth Grade ultimate god level might just come. We might even meetdisciples in the Seventh-grade ultimate god level, though I believe they won’t be sending too manydisciples of such fighting prowess. After all, they must be thinking that their main opponent is the peoplefrom the Nine Armies, and they wouldn’t make a big scene when handling people like us.”

It was then Kenneth spoke with a frown on his face, “Young Master Jackie, didn’t you say yesterday thatthey’d suspect that the Nine Armies had secretly sent people here to help us after seeing the corpses ofdisciples in Third-grade ultimate god level? Would they still not dispatch more disciples in the Seventh orEighth-grade ultimate god level?”

Jackie did not hesitate and replied with a smile, “They won’t send too many because they’ll think that theNine Armies won’t send too many people, even if they did send people to help us. Why didn’t all thepeople from the Nine Armies act together, as it’s an extra move to send many masters?”

“Argh! This Nine Armies group is just as accursed. We saw nothing from them the whole day yesterday.First Mistress Cabello even said that those young people of the Nine Armies promised that they’d informthe members of the Nine Armies and ask them to come and help us. I’m now questioning if they’re

members of the Anti-Alliance Guard instead!” Kenneth felt anger rising within him as he thought of howthe people of the Nine Armies were taciturn.

“There’s nothing we can do. What they want right now is to watch the fires burning from across the river.Our only option right now is to raise our fighting prowess, and that’s how we’ll be able to stay alive. Wecan’t keep thinking about how to rely on others. They’ll surely act, but not right now. Those people aresome cunning old foxes!”

Jackie smiled helplessly and flew up into the sky. He listened to the fighting noises nearby and said witha smile on his face, “Not bad. It sounded like lesser battles are happening today compared to yesterday.Without the fighting noises, it wouldn’t be so easy for those people from the Bloodshed Clan to find us.Still, many of our people who entered this area must’ve died yesterday.”


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