No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 3788
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Chapter 3788

Only an illusion would make sense considering everything they saw.

The three-headed silver python was an unbeatable existence in their eyes. It was something that theywould immediately run away from. Yet, Jack had actually managed to destroy its stomach and cause itto writhe on the ground in pain!

It was just unbelievable. No one could believe what they saw.

Someone could not help but mumble, "Oh god! Someone struck me with lightning! Am I dreaming?! Isthe three-headed silver python on the ground?"

"That guy might be injured, but he's still able to stand up. He looks like he could still fight, but the three-headed silver python is heavily injured. It has such a large wound on its stomach. This is absurd! I haveto be dreaming! There's no way this is happening otherwise!"

"You're not the only one dreaming! We're all dreaming as well! Is this Jack guy really that strong? Hemanaged to beat a three-headed silver python alone. If I told anyone something like this happened,they would think I was crazy!"

After a short silence, the crowd was in a complete uproar.

The discussions around the place were so loud it hurt the ears, but no one cared about that anymore.Everyone was going crazy because of what had just happened.

If they had not witnessed it for themselves, they would not have believed it was real. It was just tooabsurd.

Quite a few warriors thought they were dreaming. Even dreams were not this outlandish!

Rowan's eyes completely widened. His eyes were darting all over.

He stared right at Jack as if he was trying to glare a hole into Jack's body!

He had personally witnessed everything that had happened, but he could not believe it at all. He gulpedas his face stiffened.

He turned to ask, "Am I dreaming? This has to be a dream, right?! Randall, tellnovelbin

me If this is a dream?! Have I been hit with an illusion?!"

Everything that had happened was just too unbelievable.

Rowan refused to believe it. However, the three-headed silver python that was rolling around on theground reminded him that it was all real.

Jack had really been able to face the three-headed silver python alone!

He had been the joke the whole time.

Rowan started to breathe anxiously. His whole body was shuddering.

At that moment, his mind was a chaotic mess. He could not even think straight. He did not know whathe should even be thinking about at that moment. He did not even know what he needed to do next.

He felt like his soul had been taken away from his body. Randall, who had always been calm, wascompletely stiff at that moment.

He was stunned in place, and even his breathing was weak. Before this, he had been able to makejudgments and tell Rowan to calm down, but he had lost all his rationality at that moment!

After all, everything was just far too shocking. He could not accept it at all.

Randall clenched his fists tightly, and his face was completely pale. At that moment, he looked like hissoul had been taken away from him. He looked white as a corpse!

Percy and Nymm looked like they had frozen in place. They maintained their earlier stances.

At that moment, their expressions were wild. They looked like they had been slapped in the face.

Percy in particular had practically stopped breathing. The discussions around them did not affect theirstiff expressions at all.

The place was in complete chaos.

The noise caused Jack to shake his head in annoyance, forcing himself to calm down.

He knew that he would have left a deep impression on everyone there. His name would be spreadeverywhere, but he no longer cared about that.

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