No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 451 – 500
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Chapter 451 – 500

Chapter 451 Xan and the others were still drinking outside. Nobody noticed that jackie and Dennis had secretly left.

“Those two have gone to the toilet for quite some time!” The people who were at the same table withjackie and Dennis suspected nothing. They drank quite a bit of wine and it was considered a happydrinking session until they were dizzy from the drink.

At this moment, a sports car drove over and parked at the entrance. Lana got down and strode inside.

“Goddess of War!” The few pretty ushers were originally standing by the door, bored. They took in asudden breath when they saw a pretty lady come down from the car.

“Oh my god, it’s really the Goddess of War!”

“That’s great, even the Goddess of War is here. Our Carefree Villa is destined to get famous. Not onlytwo Kings of War are here, but even the Goddess of War is also here!” A few of the female ushers wereso excited that they had no idea what to do.

One of them reacted by saying, “You guys should quickly run in and notify the master. I’ll prepare adiamond memorabilia badge for the Goddess of War!”

There was no other way as the best badges they prepared were the same diamond badges they gavethe Kings of War. Luckily they prepared two extras. If not, it would definitely be insufficient.

Those female ushers quickly ran inside and the ones left behind walked toward Lana with the badge inher hands.

“What is my master doing? Why didn’t he tell me earlier on that he was coming to join the veteransgathering? If I knew that he was coming, I would have followed him!” Lana could not help but purse herlips as she was unhappy.

Although Dennis notified her previously, she had always disliked activities of such nature. Apart fromthat, she did not like Magnus Sutherland very much. She had always felt that this person seemed fake.However, if she knew that jackie was also here, she would come over without any excuses.

“Welcome, Goddess of War!”

“Goddess of War, you’re slightly late. We’ve started lunch at noon! However, you do not need to worry.We’ve reserved some tables and they haven’t been touched! This is a memorabilia badge we preparedas a memory of the veterans’ relationship. I hope that the Goddess of War can put it on as a token ofremembrance!” The pretty usher immediately said after she walked toward Lana.

“Okay!” Lana had no idea what jackie wanted when he asked her to come over as soon as possible. Shenodded, took the badge, and put it on before striding inside.

“What! The Goddess of War is here!”

“Oh my god, the Goddess of War is here. Quickly, everybody! Get up and welcome her!”

“The Goddess of War is here. It’s really worth it that we’re here today, we get to see the Goddess ofWar’s elegant demeanor today!”

The people who were still eating and drinking in the courtyard got extremely excited when they heardthat Lana was here.

“You don’t need to welcome me, continue drinking!” Lana had already walked over in large strides andsaid with a cold expression on her face.

After she finished speaking, she looked around her and chose to walk through a small lane, directlytoward the inside of the arch door.

“Not good!” Master Miller was extremely frightened when he saw which direction she was walkingtoward. He immediately stood up and wanted to follow her.

Chapter 452 Master Miller had already felt that something was wrong. It was weird that the Goddess of War walkedinside after she asked everyone to continue drinking without another word after she arrived.

“Was it possible that the matter was exposed?” She quickly thought of this possibility inwardly. If thematter was not exposed, why would the Goddess of War walk toward that place?

The others did not dare to offend Magnus but the Goddess of War was different. Magnus was nothing infront of the Goddess of War, there might even be a possibility where she kills him if she was unhappy.After all, God of War Ethan Hays would not blame the Goddess of War Lana Zechs if he knew of theexact situation. He thought of these and had a complicated feeling inwardly. He was about to follow andstop her.

“Hey, Master Miller, what’re you doing? Didn’t you hear the Goddess of War? She asked us to continuedrinking!” Xan had no idea that God of War Hayes would pull him back and said, “The words of a God ofWar, no matter how simple, is an order. Do you want to disobey a God of War’s order?”

“That’s right. It seemed that the Goddess of War was in a hurry. She must have something to do and weonly need to listen to her orders!” Another officer said.

“I-I wanted to ask what the Goddess of War wants. This is her first time here and she isn’t familiar withher way. I’m afraid that she wouldn’t find her way around here!” Master Miller quickly explained. In such ashort amount of time, his forehead was already covered in sweat.

Master Miller wanted to get into King of War Sutherland’s good books so he proactively gave two femalecelebrities to him that he was interested in. However, little did he know that the Goddess of War would behere.

“it’s not the matter whether or not she finds it. We only have to follow what the Goddess of War said!”Quin laughed. “Although I’m also curious as to what she’s doing, I don’t dare to follow her. Who are youto even follow her?”

“Yes, you’re right. I was just anxious, alright? Thank you, God of War Hays, for your reminder. Come oneverybody, let’s continue drinking!” Master Miller smiled in embarrassment. He wiped the cold sweatbefore continuing to drink with the others.

However, the current wine was tasteless when he drank it as he was fearful.

“ jackie! Brother!!” Lana could not help but yelled when she reached the back of the courtyard. Shewanted to address him as master but she remembered jackie’s reminder to not expose his truepersonality hence she only addressed him as brother.

One of the room doors opened, Dennis waved at Lana and she walked in. Soon, Lana knew everythingand she also knew about jackie’s plans.

“I’ve felt since long ago that this Magnus Sutherland was weird. He gave out the feeling that he was notwho he portrayed to be on the outside. I had no idea that he was someone like this.”

“This Master Miller is also a bad person. How could he bully and seduce others with money just to pleaseMagnus? Luckily big brother jackie discovered that something was wrong and followed them here!” AfterLana spoke angrily, she looked at jackie. “I thought you asked me here for drinks. I had no idea that youwanted me to cover for you!”

jackie smiled in embarrassment. “Cover this for me first. There’s plenty of time for us to drink in thefuture. By the way, you can come over for drinks at the Old Master Taylor’s birthday. It’s only ten daysaway from his seventieth birthday celebration! I’ll have a few drinks with you then.”

Lana immediately rolled her eyes at jackie. “How could a few drinks be enough? We need at least a fewbottles, right? Or you’re just looking down on my drinking abilities?”

Soon, intense fighting sounds came from inside, accompanied by the noise of various furniture beingdestroyed.

“What’s happening in the courtyard? Why did they start fighting?”

Chapter 453 Quin and the others immediately stood up after hearing the sound coming from the courtyard.

“It’s over!” Xan took in a breath inwardly. They started fighting. The King of War and the Goddess of Warhad started fighting. The King of War is definitely not her opponent. He could be done for if this matterwas exposed. It was originally a good deck of cards. He had no idea how he played it wrongly.

At this moment, jackie and Dennis ran out of the room and the fight soon stopped. Soon, everybody sawLana walking out of the room, pulling Magnus’s body out with one hand. Two extremely helplesscelebrities followed behind her and it was Blake and Tianna, who performed for them just now.

“How is that possible? The King of War was killed?”

“Why? Wasn’t the 7-stars King of War drunk so he went to sleep? Why was he killed by the Goddess ofWar?”

“Look at the helplessness on both the celebrities’ faces. Blake has a palm print on her face and there’sblood at the corners of her mouth. Could it be?” The soldiers started discussing amongst themselves andhad their own guesses.

Lana walked over and threw Magnus’s body on the ground. She looked at Blake and the others beforesaying, “Both of you, spill everything in detail! There’s another person here who should die!”

Xan’s legs turned wobbly when he heard this then directly collapsed to the ground.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?” One after another, the servants who had no idea what happenedwalked forward and wanted to pull him up.

The waste was the current Xan had become a pile of mud and could not be pulled up.

“there are some people who are aware of what they’ve done!” Lana looked at Master Miller coldly andsaid.

“It-It’s Master Miller. In order to get into Magnus’s good books, he actually threatened us and asked us tosleep with him! In the beginning, he promised us fifty million and we refused. We still refused when hepromised us seventy million. He threatened us and said that he would kill us if we don’t agree to it. Wehad no other way but to follow him. Of course, Magnus Sutherland acted drunk and came over soon.Then, he wanted to take advantage of us and hit us when we refused…” Tianna started crying againwhen she thought about it.

Blake continued, “Luckily brother jackie and Marshal Dennis heard movements over here when theywent to the toilet and called the Goddess of War. The Goddess of War rushed over in time, rescued us,and killed this guy!”

“Luckily I was eating nearby and I could come over in a short amount of time. If not, both of them wouldhave been taken advantage of by Magnus Sutherland!” Lana also added angrily.

“How…how is that possible? My uncle is not someone like that. He…he was the King of War! He lovedhis soldiers like his sons and he had a good reputation!” Quil was startled when he saw that Magnus wasdead and he still wanted to speak on behalf of Magnus.

However, his voice got softer as he spoke because he was not confident about what he was saying. Heknew clearly what a hypocrite his uncle was.

“He was a King of War? You want to use him to suppress me? I’m the Goddess of War!” Lana stared atQuil, causing him to move back several steps before saying, “Could what I, the Goddess of War, sawwith my own eyes, be fake?”

Chapter 454 Quil’s face turned pale when he heard this. Yes, he used to cause fright in others when he said that theKing of War was his uncle, his father’s god-brother. However, this pretty lady with a nice figure in front ofhim was the God of War, a stronger existence compared to his uncle.

“That’s…that’s not right…” Master Miller, who was paralyzed on the ground, quickly rememberedsomething.

Previously, the King of War Sutherland had entered the room for a while and how was it possible that hedid not get what he wanted after such a long period of time? Unless the King of War Sutherland washaving a chat with the two pretty ladies in there. If not, under normal circumstances, what happenedbetween them should have ended before the Goddess of War arrived.

If King of War Sutherland had not been caught red-handed, the Goddess of War would not have killedhim if he refused to admit and there was no evidence, right?

“What’s wrong?” Lana’s face turned cold and walked directly in front of the other party. “A person like youwho bullied and seduced the others should die. Die!”

Lana was not stupid and she knew that dragging this on would lead to her exposure so she directlyslapped between his eyebrows.

A deep sound could be heard and the Master of the Carefree Villa was killed, just like that.

“Psst!” Many people took a breath when they saw this scene. This Goddess of War was indeedoverbearing as she killed without hesitation. She killed a King of War just like that and this master was

too, so easily killed.

“Remembering our relationship as war buddies was originally a good theme, a gathering to improve us,veterans!”

“I had no idea that some Kings of War would still be corrupted not long after they leave the battlefield andhave some money. I hope that everyone will take this as a lesson. If I discover something like this again,there’s only one ending for that person and it’s death!”

“Today, thanks to jackie and Marshal Dennis for immediately notifying me after they heard that somethingwas wrong. This prevented two famous celebrities from being defiled. This is something worth praising.We are still Daxia’s armies after we’re discharged. We still need to contribute to Daxia and be a goodexample!”

“We need to bravely step up when we discover inequality!” Lana said righteously, praising jackie andDennis again. She then said to the trembling Carefree Villa’s workers, “Pull these two bodies out andfeed them to the dogs. Everybody who hasn’t finished eating and drinking can continue!”

“That’s really vile. I have no idea that this Magnus Sutherland was someone like this!” Quin was also veryangry as he slapped his thigh. “I’m not continuing drinking as we’re almost done with it. I feel disgustedthat it was this kind of rubbish who invited me for a drink!”

The others naturally had no plans to continue drinking. Many of them stood up and were prepared toleave.

They had no idea that Lana thought about it and said at this moment, “Oh yes, it seems to be theseventieth birthday of Old Master Taylor. jackie did something meaningful today and got rid of harm forus. We should also support him, everybody that wants to drink can attend the party!”

By her side, jackie’s face darkened when he heard this. The Old Master Taylor might have a heart attackif the Goddess of War went there to support him.

However, since Lana had already said it, he could not refuse her. He could only smile. “I’ll welcomeeverybody that comes. We’ll meet at the Taylor family home after ten days!”

“It’s good that only we know of this matter. Don’t go around and tell it to others!” Lana knew that jackiedisliked showing-off and she was afraid that it would become a big party, especially when there were onlyten days to the birthday dinner.

“Alright, then I’ll leave first!” Lana looked at jackie after she spoke and left.

Chapter 455 jackie and Dennis left today. Luckily he was smart and he remembered Lana. If not, his identity as aSupreme Warrior could not be concealed if he killed a 7-star King of War.

Quil took his bodyguards, left quickly, and went out to the streets. His face was still very dark when hewas in the car.

“Motherf*cker, it’s all because of that guy named jackie. If it wasn’t him, my uncle wouldn’t have died!”Quil held both his hands in fist and was extremely angry.

“That guy has some power and he’s not someone a normal bodyguard can handle!”

“I had no idea that he was such a busybody. He knew that he and Dennis were not the King of War’sopponent after he discovered it so he called the Goddess of War over. The Goddess of War wassomeone who couldn’t stand something like this so she killed King of War Sutherland in anger!” One ofthe bodyguards thought about it and said.

“I don’t care. We’ll let this Marshal Dennis go because he’s not an easy target and he’s Quin Hayes’ssubordinate! However, jackie is just a normal soldier and me, Quin Hayes, would not let him go easily!

After all, the Hayes family is a big family in Sky City. I’m not even afraid of the Drake family here, howwould I be afraid of such a guy?” Quin got increasingly angry when he thought about it. His family hadgrown stronger over these two years because of their relationship with Magnus. Especially now thatMagnus had come back from the battlefield, it made them stronger and fearless.

He had no idea that attending a gathering his uncle organized would cause him to be killed. Even theowner of the villa was killed by the Goddess of War.

He thought about it for a while before making a call to his father. “Father, Uncle Sutherland… He’s dead!”

When he said this, Quil also could not believe that this was real.

“Quil. You cannot make such a joke. Your uncle Sutherland is a 7-stars King of War, how could he die?”Master Xenos laughed and it was apparent that he did not believe in Quil.

“Father, it’s true… It’s really the truth. He was killed by the Goddess of War together with the owner of theCarefree Villa!” Quil almost cried as he spoke. He felt extremely bad as Magnus treated his family welland even treated him as his own son.

“What!” Master Xenos suddenly stood up and his face darkened. “Did he…offend the Goddess of War?Was it the Goddess of War, Lana Zechs, from Eastfield? How could he die from a simple lunch andgathering to celebrate the relationship of veterans? How is that possible?”

Master Xenos still refused to believe in this reality until now. After all, Magnus was not stupid, how couldhe offend the Goddess of War so easily?

“Father, it happened like this. You too know that Uncle likes pretty ladies, right? It so happened thatMaster Miller invited a few pretty celebrities to sing as a performance today. Uncle had his eyes on bothBlake and Tianna!”

“In the beginning, the Goddess of War was not here so nothing happened…” Quil quickly told his fatherabout everything that happened today in detail. “It’s all because of jackie and Dennis. They called theGoddess of War over and after she knew about what happened, she killed Uncle and the master of thevilla.”

“It’s not easy to offend that Marshal Dennis. I know that he has a background as he used to be QuinHayes’s subordinate!” Master Xenos’s face darkened on the other end of the phone. That was his god-brother.

“I know but we have to try our best to kill this jackie!” Quil gritted his teeth and spoke in anger.

Chapter 456 ”Didn’t you have a few bodyguards with you? It should have been easy to settle that guy if he wasn’teven a commander.” Master Xenos thought about it and said.

“Previously, two of my bodyguards fought with that guy because of some small issues and they couldn’teven rival him. They flew out just from a single punch from that guy! I think this guy has the same combatskills as some assistant commanders or head commanders. Hence, I don’t think that I can win even if allthe bodyguards I brought over attacked him at the same time!” Quil paused and continued “Apart fromthat, this guy seems to have some medical skills and had rescued Dennis before this. It’s best if we cankill him in one blow as we can’t afford to let him run away. If not, he would get vigilant and it would beeven harder to kill him!”

After he spoke, he remembered something and said, “Oh yes, it’s Old Master Taylor’s birthday ten dayslater. The Goddess of War praised jackie because of this and said that she would attend the dinner. So, Icannot do anything to jackie before this! If not, it would be dishonoring the Goddess of War and shewould definitely be angry!”

“Then let’s wait till after the Old Master Taylor’s birthday party before we do anything! We don’t have tosend out bodyguards or do anything. Somebody would be able to get rid of jackie!” Master Xenos smiled

coldly on the other end of the phone. “I know that King of War Sutherland has an apprentice and thisapprentice is a marshal who’s really close with Magnus. If he knows about how jackie caused the deathof his master, he would definitely go after jackie and avenge his master!”

“That’s great! Where’s he at? I’ll immediately contact him!” Quil was ecstatic. It was really simple for apowerful marshal to kill a normal soldier.

“He’s in Lone City so you’ll need to go there personally. I’ll send his phone number and address to youlater! Remember, you have to act after the Old Master Taylor’s birthday party. It would raise suspicion ifyou do anything before that as your Uncle Sutherland had just died and your bodyguard had a fight withjackie!” Master Xenos reminded Quil before ending the call.

At this moment, jackie had already reached home and was resting on his bed, preparing his energy forthe fight that night. Not long after that, the incident where King of War Magnus Sutherland was killed bythe Goddess of War because he coveted the beauty of famous celebrities was known throughout theentire Eastfield.

“Oh my god, Magnus Sutherland is a 7-stars King of War and has meritorious military service. How couldhe be killed just like that?” James Drake was also surprised when he heard the news. This was someonethey wanted to get acquainted with but did not dare to offend.

Apart from that, the Goddess of War actually killed this person, who made countless sacrifices for thecountry, without much reasoning.

“He offended the Goddess of War, how could he have survived it?” Spectre, one of the three majorguardians in the Drake family, smiled bitterly. “It’s nothing when this Goddess of War does nothing, butonce she takes action, she surprises everybody in the entire Eastfield!”

“I think that she’s done a good job! A good kill!” Tanya Drake raised her head. “Hmph, Blake is myfavorite female singer. She’s never had any affairs and is always doing charity work. Shouldn’t thatanimal, Magnus Sutherland, be killed for wanting to get such a nice singer like her?”

“I also feel that he got what he deserved. Tianna is also a nice person and I quite like her songs. Apartfrom that, she once acted in a drama and her acting skills were really good! I had no idea that the masterof the Carefree Villa would do something so inhumane to get into Magnus Sutherland’s good books! It’strue that these two got what they deserved!” James nodded in agreement.

Spectre kept quiet before saying. “Thankfully, it was in the daytime. Apart from that, it so happened thatjackie and Dennis were about to go to the toilet when they discovered what was happening. Then, theyinformed the Goddess of War, Lana Zechs. If it wasn’t in the daytime, those two famous celebrities wouldhave been viciously defiled after the veterans’ gathering ended!”

Chapter 457 “That’s right. We do not know about jackie’s true identity but he can’t just be a simple person. Would it bepossible that the King of War Sutherland was killed by him?” Tanya did a bold guess after she thoughtabout it.

“How is that possible!” Spectre directly shook her head. “That is impossible. Magnus was not a normalKing of War, he was a 7-stars King of War. Even if jackie is a King of War, it would be impossible for himto kill Magnus. Apart from the God of War, other people wouldn’t be able to do it!”

James also agreed to that. “It’s impossible that he was killed by jackie as jackie’s not so powerful yet. Ifnot, why did the Goddess of War go there? We also got the news that jackie and Dennis were outside,fighting sound could be heard from the inside. Even the door and the table were broken!”

“Sigh, I thought that he was that good!” Tanya felt what her father said made sense and was slightlydisappointed.

However, she soon remembered something and said in surprise, “Oh yes, I almost forgot something.When we went for supper yesterday, we offended someone known as Brother Tempest from the EagleClan. jackie arranged a fight with him tonight at eight at night in the woods outside of the city and heeven said that it was fine no matter how many people the other party brought over!”

“Really? That’s good, I want to go over and take a look!” Spectre’s eyes lit up after hearing this. “I heardthat jackie is really good at fighting and his identity is very mysterious. I’m very interested in him and Imight be able to see something if I go over and take a look!”

“really? I want to go too. However, it’s better if we observe from a distance. He cannot discover us!”Tanya thought about it, laughed, and said, “I’m afraid that he would be unhappy if he finds out about us.”

“That’s for sure. Let’s bring a telescope with us. We can go over earlier and hide!” Spectre thought aboutit and said.

“Prepare a few, I want to take a look too!” They had no idea that James would also be interested and hedirectly said this.

Time flew and the incident where the Goddess of War Lana killed the King of War Sutherland causedmany powerful people to be frightened.

After jackie woke up, he washed his face and took a look at the time. It was already eight in the eveningso he went to the yard and was prepared to drive out.

“Daddy, are you going out to play? Kylie wants to go with you too!” He had no idea that before he couldboard the car, Kylie ran over and held on to the bottom part of jackie’s pants with her little hands, hereyes were filled with expectations.

jackie’s heart turned warm when he saw the cute girl in front of him. He held her up and kissed herdelicate cheeks. “Daddy has work to do. Can you play in the yard for a short while? When daddy comesback, I’ll bring you and mummy for a walk in the park, alright?”

“Okay, okay! Kylie will wait for daddy to come back! You need to come back faster!” Kylie immediatelygot excited.

jackie placed her on the ground and drove toward the city gates.

Chapter 458 ”Tempest? Do you think that the guy would be so afraid that he won’t come?” More than a dozen peoplestood in the woods outside the city and a bald man said to Brother Tempest, who was beside him.

Brother Tempest took a look at the time and it was already five minutes past eight. He frowned. “That guyprobably isn’t daring enough to come over and might just be duping us.”

Another guy with yellow hair said, “I’m sure that he’s not daring enough to come over. I think this personmight be so afraid that he peed in his pants after he knew that Brother Tempest is from the Eagle Clan. Itwas obvious that he was stalling time when he dared ask Brother Tempest to bring as many people ashe liked. He must have left Eastfield by bus this morning!”

“F*cker, I had no idea that this guy is a coward! He asked me to bring as many people as I want! Humph,if that’s the case, I’ll make some inquiries about his brother’s address. I would definitely kill his brotherand play his daughter to make him regret!” Brother Tempest humphed and held his hands into fists afterhe heard this.

At this moment, in an old rented house, Tiger sat there with a frown and a cold look on his face.

The woman beside Tiger looked at him and said, “Tiger, you’re worried about your brother, jackie, right?Sigh, I’m also quite worried. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t be able to leave last night.”

“No way! I cannot let him bear everything by himself. If he dies tonight, I will blame myself for the rest ofmy life. I will never be able to be in peace!” Tiger thought about it before finally standing up and went intothe kitchen looking for a kitchen knife.

“Tiger, if you don’t consider me, shouldn’t you consider on behalf of our child? How old is he? Whatshould he do if you die? He would be known as a bastard child, a child that doesn’t have a father!”Tiger’s wife looked at the child who was fast asleep in the baby cot while pulling Tiger’s sleeve.

“Honey, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! If I die and cannot come back tonight, you can just marry a rich man. Finda richer person so that our child would not suffer like me, his useless father! You’re pretty. I’m sure youcan enjoy life after you find a rich man who treats you well!” Tiger turned around with tears in his eyes ashe dared not looked into his wife’s eyes.

“Tiger, you’re really willing to leave me and our son? Look at your son, look at how much he looks likeyou? Tiger, I beg you, don’t go!”

Tears fell from the woman’s eyes as he begged Tiger. “That’s the Eagle Clan. Even if it’s the other party’svassal force, it’s not something the two of you can settle. You going there is just a suicidal action!”

Tiger closed his eyes and kept silent for some time as his heart hurt.

However, he still pulled his wife’s hand away with all his might and said firmly, “He asked the other partyfor a fight last night in order to save us. He went on the battlefield and sacrificed a lot for Daxia as heexperienced so many life and death situations. I am also a man. I can’t fight for my country but I cannothide when I know that my big brother might die!”

After he said this, he looked at the child who was sleeping soundly on the bed and continued, “I don’twant to live in regret for the rest of my life. I also don’t want my son to feel that I’m weak. I am a man, Icannot continue being so cowardly!” After he spoke, he directly pushed his wife away and strode out.

“Tiger!” The woman fell on the ground and could not stop sobbing.

“Taxi, I’m going out of the city!” Tiger stopped a taxi with a kitchen knife in his hand. He then gave theother party the 200 dollars he had with him. “I’ll give all of this to you!”

The driver only looked at Tiger in surprise before driving out of the city.

“A car is coming toward us!”

“It seems to be a sports car, Porsche!”

“Yes, it’s red in color!”

At this moment, Brother Tempest and the others in the woods were so angry that they were about toleave.

Chapter 459 They suddenly saw a sports car coming over.

“Could it be the guy who made an appointment to fight us?” The bald man touched his head. “This guy isquite rich!”

“How could it be him? If he’s rich, why would he bring those two pretty ladies out to eat at the roadsidestalls?” Brother Tempest said with a frown.

The car soon stopped not far away from them. A man came down from the car and walked over.

As he walked nearer, Brother Tempest said in surprise, “It’s really that bastard!”

He waved his hand after he spoke and a dozen people immediately walked over and surrounded jackie.

“Young man, you said eight o’clock, it’s already eight-thirty. How dare you!”

“That’s right. We thought that you would admit that you’re a coward and dared not come here!” Severalmembers of the Eagle Clan immediately said to jackie.

“Is this important?” jackie was stunned. He took a piece of White-Sand cigarette out, lit it, and took asmoke.

“Fck you. How can a person who drives a Porsche 911, smokes White Sand cigarette?” One of themtook a look, was speechless, and almost vomited blood. This guy was really funny. He was so rich but hesmokes such a low-grade cigarette and fcking brought his chick to eat at the roadside stalls.

“Bullshit, you’re late for half an hour. If this is not important, what is?” Brother Tempest was very hungry.After all, he was the one who gathered these people. If he was being stood up, he would lose his honor.Luckily this guy still came over.

“The most important thing is all of you are going to die. The matter of me being late is naturally notimportant! It’s actually quite good. Isn’t it good that you guys get to live an extra thirty minutes?” jackieshrugged his shoulders and smiled coldly.

“Young man, you’re not modest. Aren’t you clear about who’s the one who lived an extra thirty minutes?”The bald man also laughed coldly without any fear.

“didn’t I ask you to get as many people as you can? So, this is your power? How dare you bully mybrother with such little power. you’re really suicidal!” jackie laughed. The other party only brought a dozenpeople and it was obviously beyond his expectation.

“A dozen people is not enough?” Brother Tempest was stunned. “You’re really not modest!”

“It’s so troublesome that I need to run over here for a dozen people! However, this is also good. I cansettle you guys earlier, go back home, and accompany my daughter to go shopping!” When jackieremembered what he promised his daughter, a sweet smile appeared on his face.

“I’m afraid that you won’t have this chance!” An old man walked over. “I am one of the Eagle Clan’smasters and it’s nothing for me to fight one hundred people by myself. Do we need a lot of people to killyou?” After the old man spoke, he directly stretched one of his hands into an eagle claw. He moved twosteps forward and scratched toward jackie’s neck.

Chapter 460 This old man looked old and his hair was slightly white. However, he seemed very energetic. The speedof his attack was fast and his actions were quite crafty.

jackie stretched out his hand and caught the other party’s wrist like a metal clamp. He pulled with all hisenergy, causing the other party to lose balance. jackie then let go of that person and kicked him.

The other party flew 7 to 8 meters away before landing on the ground because of the kick. His head tiltedto one side and died after he vomited blood. Everything happened so quickly and the old man died withina few breaths.

The bald man and the others were stunned. This old man was slightly boasting when he said that he wasa master. However, he could fight against ten people by himself if he was facing a normal person. Atleast, he was considered a good fighter. However, such a person died from just a kick in such a shortamount of time.

“I’ve already said that this person is a very good fighter. He’s very powerful and speedy. Old Levi musthave underestimated the enemy and did not pay attention!” Brother Tempest was frightened and hedirectly clapped his hands. “It seems that only these people are really insufficient!”

He then clapped his hand. One by one, figures slowly stood up and walked toward them from the bushesbehind them.

Some of these people held knives and some held metal tubes. They looked at jackie with coldexpressions on their faces.

jackie was stunned when he saw that there were so many people. “That’s quite a lot of people! Not bad!There should be around two to three hundred people here!”

“what do you think? I thought that I didn’t need to use these brothers if you came alone! I had no ideathat even though you came alone, you seemed quite good at fighting! However, don’t worry. We are notpowers that rely on the Eagle Clan, everybody here are members of the Eagle Clan’s headquarters.They are all good fighters, not normal street punks!” The bald man laughed. “Do you think that you willstill have a chance to go shopping with your daughter today?”

“Sure, it just means that I would need to use some time!” jackie shrugged.

“That’s quite a lot of people!” At this moment, Tanya, who was hiding at the higher ground on the otherside and was using a telescope to look over there, couldn’t help but speak softly.

“Yes, I thought that they only brought a dozen people over here in the beginning. I had no idea that theybrought so many people here!” James was surprised. “Not even a Head Commander could deal with somany people. He needs to have at least the same fighting skills of a major, right?”

“It needs to be at least the same as a marshal!” Spectre, who was by the side, had a dark expression onhis face. “These people have tokens by the side of their waists. It means that they are not scatteredsmall forces that rely on the Eagle Clan but they are people from the Eagle Clan’s headquarters. EagleClan doesn’t have the same amount of people when compared to the other clans, but they are all elites. Iheard that many of them can fight so even if there are only around 300 people here, they have thefighting ability of 900 people!”

He paused before continuing, “Especially that bald man. He’s one of the Eagle Clan’s four masters. Hisfighting power is almost the same as a marshal. If it’s not compatible with a marshal, it’s not comparableto a major!”

“If that’s the case, jackie would have a hard fight!” Tanya frowned. He thought about it and said to James,“Father, if jackie cannot handle it by himself, can we ask Spectre to help him? It would be different if thetwo of them work together. He would at least share half the pressure!”

James nodded. “Sure, people like the Eagle Clan do not do legal businesses and they are not goodpeople. It would be good if we can make them pay a little! However, Spectre has to cover his face as wellas he cannot be recognized by the people of the Eagle Clan. They have so many people. If a fewescaped and knew that it was us, the Drake family, who secretly made a move, I’m afraid that the EagleClan’s headquarters would seek revenge from us!”

“Yes, master. I understand!”

Chapter 461 Spectre nodded. However, he had just finished speaking when he saw a car driving over from the citydoor.

“Why is there a taxi driving over here?!”

“It stopped and a person came down, rushing toward jackie!” Tanya looked carefully. “He seems to behere to help jackie! He has a kitchen knife with him!”

“Ah!” Tiger saw from far away that there were almost 300 people standing in front of jackie.

His heart was chilled when he saw this scene. Surely, jackie was fighting alone there. It seemed thatjackie was doomed. This was his big brother. When they had a good relationship, he addressed jackie as

his big brother. He had no idea that jackie would directly face death so peacefully for him and his wife.Tiger was very moved. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward while raising his kitchen knife.

Although jackie was moved when he saw Tiger, the expression on his face darkened. This guy was nothere to help when he came over here at this moment. He was here to increase his trouble.

When Tiger was around 20 meters away from him, jackie directly waved his hand and yelled. “Standthere!”

Tiger immediately stopped. His hands still held onto the kitchen knife up and was stunned.

“What are you doing here? Go back and accompany your child!” jackie had a chilled expression on hisface. “You’re a burden to me if you come here. It means that you look down on your big brother’sstrength!”

“Big brother, I…I cannot look on as you go on a suicide mission! They have so many people!” Tiger hadno idea if he should continue rushing forward or what. He could only stand there with a helplessexpression on his face.

It seemed that jackie was really unhappy that he was here to help. He felt that although he could not helpmuch, killing one meant one less enemy.

He seemed to have made up his mind that he would sacrifice!

“Die your f*cking head! What does this small number of people mean!” jackie flipped his hand and adozen silver needles appeared from nowhere. He then waved his hand with all his might.

Although it was summer and the lights on jackie’s car were still on, but, it was still very dark. jackiewaved his hand and the silver needles flew out one after another extremely speedily. The people on theopposite side could not notice the silver needles as the needles were too fast. They only saw jackiewaving his hand, felt pain on their heads, and their eyes blacked out before they fell down.

A dozen silver needles actually killed more than thirty people in a short moment. These people stoodbehind each other. Hence, each of jackie’s silver needles directly pierced through their heads. Some ofthe needles directly killed three in a row. After that, it flew into a tree not far away, piercing more thanhalfway through. It could be seen that jackie’s flying silver needles move had already been trained to aterrifying level.

“What’s going on?” Spectre was stunned. He had no idea how jackie took action as they were evenfurther away. He could only see jackie waving his hand and those people had already fallen down!”

Chapter 462 Flying silver needles were one of jackie’s secret moves. He practiced this move for almost one year. Hecould easily kill the enemies with this secret move on the battlefield. However, there were some who feltthat something was wrong and dodged the attack as they moved slightly. It seemed that there wereseveral good fighters among the Eagle Clan’s people. Even if that was the case, the group of people infront of him was stunned from being frightened.

“What’s happening?”

“How-how did they fall? Why did they fall from just a wave of his hand? This is too weird?!”

“Get up! They seemed to be dead… They’re all dead!”

These people who did not put much attention to jackie just now were already stunned from this weirdscene.

“Tiger, I didn’t have to use this move originally! The reason being I don’t need to use it to fight with theseuseless people. I used it to show you and make you understand clearly that if you come over, youwouldn’t be of any help apart from adding more trouble to the mix! Me alone is sufficient!” jackie turnedaround in displease and said to Tiger indifferently.

“Big brother, you…you are too good!” Tiger was so frightened that he trembled as he spoke because hedid not see jackie do anything.

“Spectre, did you see clearly what happened?” Not far away, Tanya, who was spying on the situationimmediately asked.

“No…I did not see clearly. He just waved his hand like that. He should have thrown some very sharphidden weapons!” Spectre swallowed his saliva. “I might be able to see it if it’s during the daytime.However, under these circumstances, how can I see clearly?!”

At this moment, jackie suddenly grasped in front of him and the blue veins on his arm swelled. The silverneedles on the tree shivered unstoppably and escaped little by little.

The silver needles flew back again and were caught in jackie’s hand. The silver needles actuallydisappeared very quickly as he flipped his palm.

The people in front of him were so afraid that their faces turned pale when they saw jackie stretched outhis hand and grasped it into a fist. Quite a lot of people immediately hid a few steps away. However, theydiscovered that they were fine after some time.

“F*ck, gave me a fright!” The bald man gritted his teeth and said to everybody else. “Go fight him. Wehave so many people, go chop him up close!”

Although the thirty people died a weird death and it caused them to be frightened, they were people wholived under attacks. They might have had the realization of dying since early on. The balm man yelledloudly. He believed they had the numbers and as long they rushed forward, they had the hopes of killingjackie.

“Attack!” The remaining 200 people rushed toward jackie while shouting loudly.

jackie directly stepped forward and moved. He did not walk backward as he faced so many people. Hequickly snatched a knife and rushed toward the group of people.

The following scene caused Spectre, James, and the others, who were observing in the dark, to betotally shocked.

They could not see how jackie moved. jackie rushed into the crowd and was like a meat grinder, shiningnon-stop in there.

The knife reflected and the people who rushed forward fell one after another. jackie was too fast and thepeople from the Eagle Clan fell one after another. Blood flowed, seeping into the earth under them andsoon the thick bloody smell spread out.

Chapter 463 The kitchen knife in Tiger’s hand had already fallen to the ground and he was already stunned frombeing frightened. The scene in front of him was unimaginable, not even in his dreams. jackie was beingsurrounded by so many people and he thought that jackie would definitely die. However, he saw so manyfigures falling down one after another. Blood flew all

across the sky.

The people from the Eagle Clan gradually decreased and soon there were only 70 to 80 people left.Brother Tempest and the bald man had a cut on their arms respectively and blood kept flowing. They hadalready retreated to another side. They were alive but were scared to their wits. Was the person insideeven a human? His combat power was really scary.

“F*ck, is this guy one of the King of War?” The bald man swallowed his saliva and looked at the people athis side as a dozen more died again.

“Run quickly!” The bald man was thoroughly frightened. He dared not stay and wanted to escape.

A few more moves and many people fell again.

“You want to leave?” Once jackie saw that the other party wanted to run, he stepped forward and hisbody slightly rushed forward. He was like a leopard and he rushed more than ten meters forward. Hecaught up to the other party and stroked across the opponent’s neck with a backhand move.

The bald man fell and Brother Tempest was also settled by jackie with a cut.

At this moment, only around 20 people were left. jackie did not hesitate. He rushed forward and killedthem one after another.

jackie looked at his watch after he threw the knife in his hand on the floor and was stunned. “It seemsthat talking to them wasted quite some time. This actually took me ten minutes!”

jackie settled around 300 people within ten minutes. These ten minutes even included chatting with theother party and smoking a cigarette. However, jackie still felt that he used too much time. If this wasknown by other people, they would be surprised to an extreme extent.

“Tiger, let’s go. What are you still standing here for? Let me send you to the ground floor of your house. Istill need to go back and accompany my daughter shopping!”

jackie looked at his clothes and discovered that there was some blood on it. He directly took off hisclothes and changed into new ones he got from his car.

He looked at his shoes and there was some blood under it. He rubbed it against the grass beforeentering the car.

“Big-big brother. You-you are too good! Am I dreaming?!” Tiger sat in the car but was still unable toprocess what happened. If he had not made up his mind to come over and bear everything with jackie,he would not have known that jackie was this good.

No wonder jackie was daring enough to let the other party bring as many people as they liked.

jackie directly pinched Tiger’s thigh. “Is this painful?”

“Ah, pain…pain, pain!” Tiger yelled out loudly but joy was written all over his face. “Big brother, you’re toogood to be a normal soldier. It seems that they gave you quite a huge amount of retiring reward, youbought such a nice car.”

jackie smiled indifferently. “What if this is a rental?”

Soon, jackie drove his car to Tiger’s house before saying, “Don’t do deliveries tomorrow. Wait for me athome with your wife. I’ll come over to visit you as I have nothing to do tomorrow morning!”

“Okay, okay, okay!” Tiger was very excited. He quickly got down from the car and saw jackie off.

“Child, your father, he…” The eyes of Tiger’s wife were swollen from all the crying. She looked at thebaby in the baby cot and as she spoke, her eyes turned fuzzy again.

At this moment, Tiger strode in. “Honey, I-I’m back! I didn’t die, haha!”

Chapter 464 ”Tiger!” The woman ran over in excitement when she saw Tiger. She rushed into his arms and huggedhim tightly, afraid that everything was a dream.

“Have you…you thought about it carefully? You’re not going?” Obviously, the woman thought that Tigerwas reluctant to leave her and their child so he returned.

“No. F*ck me, it’s too shocking! I rushed over with a kitchen knife and a death wish. As a result, my bigbrother refused my help and asked me to look while standing far away! Oh my god, there were almost300 people. My big brother waved his hand and killed 30 people. It was like seeing a ghost! Apart fromthat, he killed so many people in less than ten minutes. All of them! None of them survived… My big

brother…he…he was like a god!” Tiger said vividly with an exaggerated expression and did not stop hishand gestures. He wanted to show jackie’s actions all over again.

His wife was already stunned. She originally thought that her husband did not go when he did. However,she had no idea that this big brother was so strong and killed so many people alone.

“Then did he get hurt? Which hospital is he in? Let’s quickly go over and visit him?” The woman wipedher tears dry. She soon thought that although he killed so many people and was very strong, he wouldhave at least eight or ten cuts on his body.

“Hurt? Are you kidding me? Didn’t I say it? My big brother is like a god! How would he get hurt? Thosepeople did not even touch his hair! Let me tell you, the so-called Eagle Clan might be closed down if theydon’t offend my big brother and continue causing trouble for my big brother!” Tiger got more and moreagitated as he spoke as if he was already that good.

“That’s good. That’s really good!” The woman jumped up in excitement. “I’m actually very worried aboutthat big brother of yours. I’m afraid that he would die for my family. By that time, I will blame myself too.It’s so good that he’s so strong!”

Tiger held his wife’s face. “I’m sorry, wife for letting you worry together with me. Everything’s my fault. I’museless, poor and I caused you to suffer together with me!”

“Silly, I’m not with you for your money. As long as you treat me well, we can earn money together! Wecan save up money and try to buy a house in this city area. My requirement is not high, I only need atwo-bedroom house. That way, we can have our own place and we don’t need to move around or dealwith the landlords!” The woman rolled her eyes at Tiger. She had no idea that there would be a timewhere the guy would speak romantically to her.

“Oh yes, Honey. My big brother asked me to not work tomorrow and he’ll come over to visit us and ourson tomorrow morning!” Tiger quickly remembered it and said to the woman.

However, the woman frowned. “We’ve just paid the rent a few days ago and our wages will only be paidto us after a few days. We only have five hundred dollars with us and we need to be frugal with it. I’mafraid that we don’t have so much money to treat him well!”

Tiger also frowned and his face darkened. “We…we still need to prepare a table full of nice dishes too.How about this, our child still has sufficient milk powder and we can eat instant noodles for the next fewdays. We need to come up with 400 dollars to buy dishes and wine to serve my big brother well. If itwasn’t for him, we might not be able to keep our lives!”

The woman did not hesitate and directly nodded.

At this moment, jackie had already driven back home.

“Where did you go? jackie asked you to bring her to go shopping, right?” When Selena saw jackie cameback, she hugged Kylie and said to jackie while rolling her eyes.

“Of course it’s true!” jackie smiled, walked forward, and took over Kylie. “Let’s go, honey. I haven’taccompanied you shopping. The moon tonight looks good. Let us take a good walk and have a chat as afamily!”

Chapter 465 ”You even commented on how the moonlight is. Since when did you turn into a nerd?!”Selena felt warm in her heart and she promised with a sweet smile at the corners of her mouth.

The family of three walked along the street happily.

“Honey, do you see anything you like? Let me buy it for you!” jackie asked as they walked.

“There’s nothing I have my eyes on. You bought some clothes for me when you came back and it’s goodthat I have enough to wear!” Selena said after she thought about it.

“Daddy, daddy, I want some toys! Can I?” Beside them, Kylie said in embarrassment.

jackie felt lamenting inwardly. Yes, he was already back for so many days but he had not bought any toysfor his daughter. When the family was poor previously, she must have only looked on as the other kidsplayed with their toys.

“Sure, what does Kylie want? Daddy will buy everything for you! As long as Kylie likes it, daddy can buyevery toy available in a shop for you!” jackie laughed and joked.

“Thank you, daddy! Daddy, I only want to buy a Barbie doll and a small yellow duck!” Kylie was extremelyexcited and her face was filled with joy.

“Oh my, my daughter is so understanding. She actually knows how to save money for her daddy!” jackiewas quite happy with Kylie’s answer.

“I’m already satisfied. Before this, I could only look at them. Now, I can own two toys that I like in one goand that’s really good!” Kylie said with a smile.

The three of them walked and reached a shop filled with plenty of toys.

“That’s great, a Barbie doll! I want this Barbie doll!” Kylie directly ran over, took one, and hugged it in herarms.

jackie had complicated feelings when he saw his daughter’s happy look. This was his first time buying atoy for her.

“Yellow duck! Daddy, there’s one there!” Kylie soon saw a little yellow duck and she ran over.

However, there was only one of it and it was placed quite high, Kylie could not reach it even when shewas on the tip of her toes.

jackie smiled as he stretched his hand to take it.

“Mummy, I want it. I also want the little yellow duck!” At this moment, a young boy was acting coquettishlyto a woman.

jackie had already taken the little yellow duck in his hands and passed it to Kylie. “Kylie, come!”

Kylie had just received the yellow duck when the woman walked two steps forward and snatched it over.“We’re buying this toy!”

“You’re buying it?” jackie’s face darkened when he heard it. “I’ve already taken it and passed it to mydaughter. How can you buy it?”

“You haven’t paid, right?” The woman smiled coldly. She hugged her hands in front of her chest and saidwith an arrogant expression, “My son has his eyes on it. You can go search for it at other shops. There’snone here!”

Chapter 466 Helpless, Kylie fought back her tears. She could only look at the little yellow toy duck witheager eyes. The woman handed her son the little yellow duck. The son felt triumphant and humored atthe fact he had mugged Kylie.

“The toy was in our hands first, and you snatched it from us,” jackie sneered. “Why should we be theones who should ‘get it somewhere else’?”

“That’s right. You’re so ill-mannered! Don’t you understand the meaning of ‘first come, first served’?”Selena was just as angry as she reprimanded the woman.

“I don’t care. It’s in MY hands now, so it’s mine. Besides, you haven’t paid for it!” that woman exclaimedarrogantly.

What happened next made the woman stunned silent.

jackie extended his hands and seized the little yellow toy duck. “Oh, in that case, it’s mine now!”

“You…” She pointed at jackie’s nose.

“Well, this isn’t yours because you haven’t paid for this.” A tooth for a tooth, jackie gave the woman ataste of her own medicine.

“Why would you snatch a toy from a kid as an adult?!” The woman was so mad she had no othercomebacks. “That’s not gentlemanly at all!”

“Wha…wha…” The little boy then bawled as jackie snatched the toy in his hands.

“Look… Look at you! An adult who snatched a toy from a kid! What a shame! And look what you did tomy son?! How are you going to compensate for this?” The woman panicked as her son cried and barkedat jackie incessantly.

The saleswoman on the side could not stand this barbaric sight anymore and finally stood up for jackie’sfamily. “Madam, they had their eyes on the toy first,” she spoke firmly. “I suggest you check out the toyshops nearby; they must have the same model.”

“Are you hearing yourself?” The woman’s nerves frazzled even more as more patrons surrounded them.She pointed at the saleswoman angrily and yelled, “It was in OUR hands first before this young mansnatched it from my son! Besides, the ‘gentleman’ should always let the lady choose first. Should he notbe ashamed of himself?”

jackie chuckled at the woman’s pitiable comeback. “I might’ve let you have the toy if you had actednicely, but you didn’t! I don’t have to be nice to such an unreasonable and uncivilized woman.” jackiesmiled then continued without restraint, “It’s only because you’re a woman that I hadn’t laid a singlefinger on you. Otherwise, you’d be lying on the floor right now!”

“Okay, so we both had our eyes on this toy. If that’s the case, let’s see who can pay more. The one whopays more will get the toy!” The woman realized that she had no grounds to retaliate. Even though she

felt slightly guilty, she still wanted the last word.

Any other day, she would have gotten things to work her way by doing this. Others would not dare tomess with her as she was always lavishly dressed in branded goods. Who would have known that shewould encounter a man like jackie, who would actually dare to go against her and fight with her publicly.

“Madam, we only sell fixed priced items here. We won’t accept any more than the fixed price, even ifyou’re willing to pay,” the saleswoman reminded as she bit her lips.

“Shut up!” that barbaric woman shouted at her. “I have money, and I’m willing to pay more for this! Stopyapping and just take it! Who are you to be defending the ungentlemanly man here?!”

Chapter 467 “I’m sorry. I’m only gentlemanly to women who are worthy of it.” jackie smiled before hecontinued, “Being a gentleman to a shrew is a disgrace to the culture.”

“You…” Face reddened in anger, she swung her palm and aimed for jackie’s cheek. That caught jackieoff-guard; he did not expect this woman to act as violent as she was being ridiculous.

He caught the woman’s hand in an iron grip so powerful that the woman could not pull herself away.

“Are you trying to beat a woman, being a man like yourself?” she mocked again.

Other patrons who witnessed the scene shared the same thought that the woman was ill-mannered. Itseemed this woman had encountered a worthy match— jackie did not seem to be giving in to hermadness.

“I could do it since you instigated it, but that will dirty my hands.” jackie laughed. He grabbed the toys andpassed them to the saleswoman. “I’d like to pay now,” jackie simply spoke. “Let’s not bother this woman.”

“Very well, bastard. You’re bullying me, a single mother, and my child. I’ll make you regret your actions!”The woman pointed at jackie, right at his nose, before leaving with her son.

“Ah…” sighed the saleswoman. There were many customers just like that unreasonable woman, butmany others chose to give in. jackie putting that woman to shame satisfied the onlookers.

“Well done! She needed a lesson.”

“That’s right. Little darling here picked it first, and she came right in and grabbed it! We saw whathappened!”

“Mhmm! What an arrogant btch, paying double doesn’t change the fact that she’s a btch!”

The patrons started discussing after the woman’s departure.

“You’re a hero, Daddy! That auntie is a bad woman!” Kylie exclaimed the moment they stepped out of thestore. She looked at her father with eyes filled with admiration.

“You must remember, Kylie. We must be kind, but we can’t be kind to just everybody. Bad people like thatauntie need a lesson.” jackie smiled and held her little hands.

“Dear, let’s sit down at the park up ahead,” Selena suggested.

“Sure! I remember there’s a lotus pond in that park. It’s summer now, so the lotuses should be blooming.”jackie nodded.

Just as they were making their way to the park, a few men in black suits chased after them and blockedtheir way. The woman from the store soon caught up to them with her son in her hands. Panting, sheyelled, “Here they are. Hmph! Not only did they take away toys from Hammy, but they made him cry too!”

Beside this woman was a man with a big beer belly. He had obviously struggled chasing after jackie andhis family just by the sight of him panting his lungs out.

“Aren’t you gutsy, young man! How dare you take away my son’s toy? Why are you fighting over a toywith a child? Looks like I have to teach you some manners!” The fat man could only reach jackie after

pausing and resting for a moment.

Chapter 468 jackie burst out in laughter. “This is going to be fun!” It seemed that this woman was marriedto a rich businessman, and they came with bodyguards. It was no surprise she was so ill-mannered.

Nonetheless, they should consider themselves unlucky for encountering jackie.

“What are you laughing at? My bodyguards have you surrounded. You should know what’ll happen next.”the plump man sneered.

“You’re right. He’s just a kid, and so are you! An unreasonable mom, and a judgemental dad… Withparents like you two, it’s no wonder why your kid acts like this,” jackie spoke nonchalantly, shrugging ashe did.

“We’ve had our eyes on the toy first. Your wife was the one who took the toy out of MY daughter’s hands.You’re blinded by lies!” Selena added. Such a shameless *ss to be chasing after them for that incident.

“Hmph! I don’t care if it was my wife who took it from you, you still made Hammy cry! I won’t let you gofor that! I won’t accept it even if you want to return us the toy now. Go get him, boys!” the man orderedhis bodyguard to charge at jackie.

“Ha! Consider yourself unlucky for stepping on Brother Hugh’s toe!” Some of the men closed in on jackie.

Alas, the bodyguards soon found themselves dropping like flies as they wailed like a baby. In comparisonto the bodyguard from the Clark’s and the Hugo’s, they were mere chicken feed.

“Darling, what…” The woman was scared sh*tless.

“Your turn, Fatty!” jackie beckoned to the portly man.

This supposedly respectable ‘Brother Hugh’ was just as scared with sweat dripping down his face.Looking at how jackie had taken down a dozen of his bodyguards in mere seconds, it was only natural

he was afraid of jackie.

“That’s…too fast!” Even Selena was taken aback. She had seen jackie fight but not at such a speed. Hadjackie levelled up, or did he not show her his true powers before?

“Sir… Good sir… Forgive me, I’ll back off. We don’t have to go through this for such a small matter…”The man’s voice was evidently quivering as he laughed awkwardly.

“Small? Then what was all this bodyguard about? If I wasn’t strong enough, I’m afraid that my wife anddaughter would be beaten up, not just me.” jackie looked at the man like he was a joke.

“I’ll… How bout I’ll pay you money and we call this a deal? How bout that…?” The fatty suggested aftergiving it some thought. He thought money could be the solution to all problems.

“No, thank you!” jackie declined. “There’s one thing you can do, though. Your wife is at fault here, so goslap her three times and I’ll let you go. Otherwise, I can make sure you’ll be hospitalized for the nextwhole month. She, who made the mistake, should be punished!”

“Sir, I haven’t even revealed the amount, and you should consider… I’ll give you twenty thousand!Twenty thousand should be enough as compensation!”

The fatty thought jackie declined the offer at first because he had not disclosed the amount ofcompensation. jackie could have thought it was only a couple hundred dollars. Twenty thousand shouldbe enough for jackie to let them go for such a small altercation.

“It’s not about the money!” jackie icily responded. He paced toward the fatty. “Option one: I beat you up.Option two: You slap your wife. Hard enough so I can hear the sound! If I can’t hear it, slap again until Ihear it.”

The fatty turned around and looked at the woman behind him. He hesitated for a while…

“I dare you!”

Chapter 469 The woman glared at the plump man. “Walter, you won’t get away with it if you dare touchme!”

She merely finished her sentence when Walter looked at her, with fire in his eyes, and paced toward her.

He slapped her three times.

“I indulged you too much, you btch! Why do you keep causing me trouble? Who’s the fcking boss here?!Without me, you’re nothing!”

It seemed Walter had been immensely frustrated with this woman and finally showed her what a man likehim was made of. It felt good to vent his anger on her.

“You…” It dawned on the woman that she had to rely on this man for power; she only dared to actrecklessly because of this man. She had no guts to fight back when it was the same man who slappedher.

“Scram!” jackie yelled as he looked at the quarreling couple and the bodyguards aroused fromunconsciousness.

Those guards fled like there was no tomorrow.

“Kylie, are you okay?” jackie turned around to make sure he did not scare Kylie, his tone much gentlerthis time.

“No, Daddy. They’re bad guys and they deserved that. When I grow up next time, I wanna be like Daddy!No one will bully me then!” Little Kylie then struck a Superman-like pose, though adorably so.

“Let’s go, you two.” Selena looked at the father-daughter duo and they walked toward the park.

jackie was at peace as he could have a moment with his family—walking by the lotus pond, listening tothe croaking frogs, and enjoying the summer breeze.

As they were crossing a wooden bridge, Kylie pointed forward and asked, “Daddy, Mommy, look! Whyare the uncle and auntie over there kissing?”

Selena and jackie looked in the direction where Kylie pointed and, under the light of dusk, they saw acouple kissing each other in a passionate embrace.

“Hush, Kylie. We should go home.” Abashed, Selena’s face reddened as she covered Kylie’s eyes.Selena turned around, ready to leave.

“Yes, let’s go. We’ve had fun today, and we’ve got work tomorrow,” jackie agreed.

“Hey, Daddy, Mommy… Are they going to make babies?” Kylie asked just as they exited the park.

Her daughter’s question made Selena flabbergasted. She had no idea how to answer Kylie. She wasonly four years old!

“You’ll know when you grow up, Kylie!” jackie answered.

“Hmph! I’m not a three-year-old anymore, I’m not too young to know!” She then quickly added, “Daddy,Mommy, why don’t you two kiss?”

Selena’s face blushed even more. She stared at Little Kylie and quipped, “What are you talking about?Never talk about that, Kylie!”

“Why do you want Daddy to kiss Mommy, Kylie?” jackie was curious.

“I want a brother, Daddy. You two should kiss. I’ll have a brother after that, right?” Kylie answeredcheekily.

Chapter 470 With that, Selena’s petite face and ears were entirely flushed. She knew very well Kylieasked purely out of innocence, which made it much harder to answer her.

She was even more startled when jackie smiled and replied, “Alright, alright, don’t you worry. I promiseyou’ll have a younger sister or brother. Mom and Dad will have a few babies so you’ll have a few siblingsto play with.”

Selena was so embarrassed that she pinched jackie’s back.

“Ah!” jackie’s yelp escaped him by reflex, but he quickly added, “The night is so beautiful.”

The family of three quickly arrived home. Kylie was fast asleep in bed when jackie came out of theshower. jackie returned to his mattress and got ready to hit the sack.

Just as he was getting ready, Selena turned around from the bed and looked at him. “Honey… Why don’tyou sleep on the bed tonight? Consider it your reward for performing well as a father and a husband.”Selena blushed as she finished speaking.

jackie squatted happily on the floor as he heard that. Softly, he whispered, “Honey, have you…beenconsidering to give Kylie a sibling she asked for? Great! Me too!”

Selena rolled her eyes at jackie. “Pfft! What are you talking about? I pity you for sleeping on the floor, soI’ll let you sleep on the bed tonight. Kylie won’t know about this as she’s fast asleep.”

“Just…one night? Sleeping and nothing else?” jackie was slightly disappointed as he thought he wouldhave a chance with Selena.

“Cut it, you! Kylie is sleeping just right there, and I’m not going to risk her seeing anything. We can thinkabout it after we’ve moved and when she has her own room. Also, I’ve told you that you have to proveyourself to Grandpa before I accept you as my husband.”

Selena tucked Kylie toward the center to make some space for jackie. “So, are you coming up or what?Otherwise, I’m going to hit the sack. Remember: I’m only letting you come up because I’m in a goodmood today.”

“Of course I’m coming! I’m not a fool.” jackie climbed straight into bed beside Selena.

Selena could deny it all she wanted, but her heartbeat rate increased as soon as jackie cuddled besideher. One should consider this their first intimacy as what happened last time—when she conceived Kylie—was an accident.

They had no physical contact for five years after that. One could say she was as pure as a dove.

“Honey, so you were saying… We can’t do that because Kylie doesn’t have her own room? We shouldgo buy a house then—a big villa,” jackie suggested after giving it a thought. “That way, we can fit thewhole family and Kylie can have her own room, and we can—”

“Pervert!” Selena stared at him, then said, “Actually… I don’t feel comfortable staying with Taylor’sbecause I’ll have to see that bastard, Ivan, every day there. It’s a bummer. At the same time, I do wish tosee Grandpa inviting us to stay with them, because that’ll mean that they’ve recognized you as a family.”

“So you don’t feel comfortable staying with the Taylor family? That’s an easy problem to solve! We canbuy a villa, it’s not that expensive!” jackie proposed. “And we don’t have to wait until Grandpa invites usto stay with them; I can just fulfill those two promises they asked for. By then, it doesn’t matter if theywant us to stay with them. The decision will be in our hands.”

“That’s true!”

Chapter 471 “But we don’t have money now, so we’ll have to wait for two months before buying ahouse,” Selena spoke, seemingly approving jackie’s idea. “You already gave 20 million as a bride-priceto Ma, so you don’t have to give anything anymore. What’s left is Grandfather’s birthday gift and the ten-

million compensation to Ivan. I’ve got an idea: Since you’re on excellent terms with Miss Tanya, perhapsyou could ask her to give you your first month’s salary a few days earlier than the actual payday. Problemsolved!”

She paused for a moment, caught up in her thoughts, before adding, “Wait till you get another month’ssalary, then we’ll go and scout for villas. It’s not like we can’t stay here for now.”

“I don’t think we can stay here, though! Kylie doesn’t have a room to herself, and you definitely won’tallow me to touch you!”

jackie was firm in his decision as he spoke, “I’ll go and see if there are any suitable houses for us when Ihave the time. We’ll see after we’ve set our eyes on something.”

“Your job is pretty free and easy, huh?” Selena did not know whether to laugh or cry. She felt like jackiewas being a rather irresponsible bodyguard, getting off work early when he had personal errands to run.There were probably no other jobs that were as easy-going as this in the world.

The couple quietly chattered among themselves. Eventually, they drifted off to sleep as the nightthickened.

The next morning, Selena jolted awake and told her husband to get up, afraid that their daughter wouldsee him on the bed. Only then did she wake Kylie up.

The two quickly set off to go about their separate routines for the day.

In the Drake family’s estate, James, Spectre, and Tanya were all utterly stupefied by last night’s events.There were 300 Eagle clanmates who came, and each of them were powerful fighters in their own right.One of them had been the Eagle Clan’s top fighter, too. His fighting prowess was comparable to that of ageneral, yet he had perished under jackie’s indescribable power.

They came to check on the corpses the moment jackie left. More specifically, the 30 odd ones who jackiehad killed with a wave of his hand. They searched for nearly half a day, yet they found that the bodieswere strewn everywhere. They had no way of telling the 30 odd men who had died first.

In the end, Spectre could only sputter a single sentence: “He probably has some sort of hidden weapon!”

Moreover, according to their deductive reasoning, it was confirmed that jackie was a God of War with histremendous fighting prowess. If he was not one of the Nine Gods of War, then who was he? It waspossible that jackie—this God of War—was ranked highly.

Tanya then came before her father.

“That jerk jackie called earlier and said he had errands to run in the morning, so he isn’t coming around.He’ll come by in the afternoon,” she muttered, dissatisfied.

“Whatever he likes. We can only please a person like this; we cannot afford to offend him!” Jamessmiled. “Talk to him more often if you have nothing to do, understand?”

“Tanya, where’s jackie? Isn’t he coming over?” The last thing they expected was for Yvonne to comesearching for jackie, clad in a sexy dress to boot.

Momentarily stunned, Tanya could not help the grin from forming on her face. “Why are you looking forhim, Yvonne? Don’t tell me that his absence makes your heart grow fonder for him.”

Yvonne’s cheeks grew red. “No way! I just wanted to go out shopping with you, and I wanted to bringjackie along because I’m scared that it’ll be dangerous outside,” she protested vehemently. “Besides,wouldn’t it be a waste if we don’t get him to work even after paying him so much money?”

At this moment, a bodyguard watching over the entrance ran over. “Miss Tanya, Master, there’s abeautiful woman with over 20 bodyguards in her retinue,” he reported. “She said that she’s here forjackie White and asked if he was coming to work today!”

Chapter 472 “She’s looking for jackie?”

“A beautiful woman?”

Tanya and Yvonne exchanged glances, unable to comprehend the irritation they were experiencing.

“Just how beautiful is she?” Yvonne pressed on. “Why does that geezer still have beauties clamoringafter him?”

“Oh, she’s very beautiful. How do I put this? She’s almost as beautiful as you, Miss Yvonne, and she’s ona whole other level of beauty, just like Miss Tanya!”

The words gushed out of the bodyguard’s lips, bluntly so. His mind was riddled, though. Why were thesetwo ladies not focusing on the main issue? The woman asked if jackie was here, and yet they werefocused on the woman’s beauty? This was no beauty pageant!

“ jackie isn’t here. He’ll probably only come around in the afternoon. Tell them to go return for now,”James spoke straightforwardly.

“No, I want to go out and see who’s the woman looking for jackie!” Tanya spoke after she thought aboutit.

“I want to see her, too!”

A spark of envy flickered in the two women’s hearts. Was she jackie’s ideal type just because she was abeauty? After all, it would be no strange matter if some women were attracted to the same man,especially when jackie was a fine man. Furthermore, they had heard about the wealthy woman at theauction last time. They assumed that, one way or another, she had ties with jackie. She probably was nottaking care of jackie. Rather, she liked him and was his confidant. After all, a man like jackie did notseem the sort who would want to get involved with innocent young women.

The two ladies followed the bodyguard to the entrance, hastily making their way.

A beautiful woman was standing at the entrance, and she had on a white dress with a floral print. A smallsmile adorned her face, and she gave off a gentle and sweet disposition. Her aura was as clear as aspring breeze, and she emanated the sweet taste of first love.

“Miss Tanya, why have you come here? Where’s jackie? Isn’t he your bodyguard? He should be comingto work about now. Has he arrived yet?”

The woman’s eyes brightened when she spotted Miss Tanya. The smile on her face turned even moreradiant.

“Do I know her? She looks familiar, but why can’t I put a finger on it?” Tanya frowned, her expressionfurrowed.

“Since when has another beauty emerged in Eastfield?” Yvonne grew even more jealous. She felt thatthe beauty in front of her was more attractive than herself—this woman with a smile sweet like honey.

“Tell me if jackie is around first. I’ll tell you who I am after that. How about that?” The woman chuckledand folded her arms across her chest. Her figure was well-balanced, and it carried a warm andrefreshing temperament.

“He’s not here yet. That idiot says he’s got errands to run and is only coming over in the afternoon.”Tanya’s expression gradually turned sour. jackie was not doing his job as he should have been.

Chapter 473 “Alright. You’ll tell us who you are now, right?” Yvonne spoke, drawling her sentence as shedid.

“Do you not recognize me? Heh. It’s Sharon, Tanya! Do you really not recognize me?”

Sharon grinned. “I asked jackie to marry me before, but he didn’t give me an answer. I was overweightthen and I looked ugly, so it’s not odd that he refused me. Because of that, I decided to wait for a whilebefore trying my luck again. There might be hope for me if I ask for his hand now!”

“Sharon!” Tanya took a sharp intake of breath. She scrubbed her eyes, suspecting that she washallucinating. She studied Sharon closely. The woman before her and the Sharon she knew seemed liketwo completely different people.

However, after careful observation, she really did look like Sharon. It was no wonder Tanya felt like shelooked so familiar when she saw her.

“My God. You managed to cure your disease? How many kilos did you lose? I remember seeing you justa few days ago. Didn’t you weigh around 200 then?”

Shock also jolted up Yvonne’s spine. She mentally debated with herself that the person before her was aswindler. Sharon was saying that she had asked jackie to marry her before, but he had not agreed to her.Now that she successfully lost weight and became a stunning beauty, she wanted to give it a secondshot.

“I did. It’s all thanks to jackie’s work. He’s a genius of a doctor. He gave me three pills and I lost weight.It’s amazing!” she gushed. “I love him to death. He gave me life—a second chance at life!”

A slight flush colored Sharon’s face as she spoke. Her expression turned bashful. “Maybe you two thinkthat I’m too reckless now, but I truly think jackie is the perfect man!”

“He’s not too bad as a person, Sharon, but he’s probably not as perfect as you portray him to be,”Yvonne reminded her gently, expression unreadable.

“That’s right. You’re so good-looking now, and there are so many bachelors out there for your picking.Why did you choose a bodyguard? He’s also married! Would your parents even agree to this?” Tanya

was also slightly unhappy, although she herself did not know why.

“My parents? I never asked them!” Pursing her lips for a moment, she then added, “But Daddy andMommy love me very much; they’ll definitely respect my decision. Besides, my parents seem to likejackie very much, him being such an outstanding young man. They’ve had nothing but praises for himthese past two days, and they told me to speak with him more often if I had nothing to do—and to go outwith him!”

Here, Sharon gave a devilish grin. “My mom even taught me that in order to win someone over, you’llhave to win their family first,” she said apologetically. “Since jackie isn’t here, I’ll come over in theafternoon to see him and go see his parents in the morning. I’ll give his wife a present. Oh, his daughtertoo!”

“Seriously? Your mom taught you something like that?” Yvonne’s expression grew rather dark, blatantlyunhappy. She felt as though something of hers was being snatched away.

Additionally, Sharon was a young mistress of a first-class aristocratic family, yet she displayed suchcrude behavior. Who knew her thought-process? jackie was a pervert, yet he was so outstanding in hereyes.

“All right, I won’t bother you any longer, Tanya, Yvonne. Heh. I’m going to see jackie’s family now. I needto get them presents! Oh, right. I heard that Grandfather Taylor’s 70th birthday party is in nine days. Heh!I want to attend it as well. Then I get to see more of jackie!”

It was evident that Sharon was now a fangirl of jackie White. She and her bodyguards quickly left in theircars.

“She managed to lose so much weight in three days?” Tanya went silent for a moment before a sighescaped her lips. “Sharon is so pretty after she lost weight, and she doesn’t have any loose skin on hereither. jackie is amazing, being able to treat a disease like that.”

Meanwhile, at a different place, a fiery red Porsche 911 parked at the bottom of a dilapidated housingcomplex. It contrasted starkly against its environment.

Chapter 474 jackie carried two enormous luggage bags he had bought earlier and stood before Tiger’sresidence.

“Big Brother, you’re finally here. My wife and I have been waiting for you for a long time!” Opening hisdoor and noticing jackie at his residence, Tiger burst into guffaws.

“Come in! Come in!” Tiger’s wife immediately came forward to welcome him.

However, she was puzzled at the sight of jackie carrying in two brand new luggage bags.

“What’s this, Big Brother?” Tiger’s expression matched that of his wife’s. Was jackie thinking of movinghouse?

Unfortunately, their house was extremely small. There was no way he could move in with them.

“I didn’t have time to pick something good for you before I came, so I brought two huge luggage bags foryou!” jackie chuckled and took the bags in, placing them at the corner of the room.

Judging from jackie’s nonchalant expression, the luggage bags seemed to be light—probably empty.

Tiger and his wife were dumbfounded. This was the first time they were seeing a visiting friend buying apresent like this. Others would usually buy fruits, cigarettes, or alcohol—things like that. Still, the twonoted that they were rather decent luggage bags. They wondered how much jackie had spent on them;they seemed branded.

“Big Brother, you’re too generous. Why should you bring a present when you’re visiting us?” Tigerlaughed and asked his wife to go grocery shopping after checking the time.

jackie scanned the room, and his gaze eventually fell on the child at a bed. “How much is the rental hereper month, Tiger?” he asked.

An awkward smile made its way on Tiger’s face. “It’s not expensive. It’s probably the cheapest housingarea in Eastfield,” he answered. “It’s about five to six hundred per month, mainly because there’s onlyone room and one living space here. That’s why it’s cheap!”

His smile eventually grew dull, rather bitter-like. “You know that my wife and I don’t earn much. Not onlydo we have our living expenses, but my parents aren’t in good shape either. They’re in the hospital now,but they’ll be discharged tomorrow. My wife hasn’t been working these past few days because myparents were sick. She could only stay at home, looking after our kid and sending my parents somefood.”

jackie nodded at his answer, and he gently patted the other man’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Tiger. You callme Big Brother, and as your Big Brother, it’s only natural for me to help you out a bit. Take the two bagsas a small token from me!”

Tiger felt embarrassed, unable to comprehend why jackie would say something like that. “Thank you, BigBrother. Let’s drink to our hearts’ content. I don’t have much money now, so I’m afraid I’ll have to troubleyou to eat something simple!”

“You’re treating me like an outsider, saying something like that. Didn’t we sustain ourselves on bags ofpeanuts and two liters of Laobaigan liquor last time? That was the kind of life I led!” jackie chuckled.

After a while, Tiger’s wife came back with the groceries, whipping up a wide array of dishes. Noon came,and jackie drank some alcohol with Tiger before he left their residence.

“I cooked too much,” Tiger’s wife spoke first after jackie left their humble home. “There are so manyleftovers… It’s kind of a waste.”

“It’s not a waste. Nothing is a waste when it comes to treating my Big Brother to a meal!” Tiger smiled.“We can still eat it tomorrow if we can’t finish it today.”

His wife rolled his eyes at him. “True, we can eat it tomorrow, but it’s been so hot lately. We don’t have afridge. It’ll be a waste if we can’t finish this tomorrow.”

Her gaze then drifted toward the two bags at the corner. Her lips subconsciously spread into a grin.“Seriously, your Big Brother has been a soldier for such a long time that he doesn’t know what presentsto give anymore. Who on earth gives luggage bags? And two, at that!”

“Never mind that. Anything that Big Brother gives is good stuff. Besides, you know that it’s branded. It’s arepresentation of his kindness!” Tiger had drunk to the point he was slightly tipsy, the grin on his faceunusually wide. “I had been worried that he had died on the battlefield. It’s a relief he’s still alive.”

His wife merely laughed in reply. She walked over and was about to carry the two empty bags into theirroom.


Chapter 475 In her effort of lifting the bags, Tiger’s wife found that the bags that were, in fact, heavy. Shecould not lift them because she only used a little strength.

“Why is it so heavy? They’re brand new. Is there something inside?” The woman’s brows furrowed,expression puzzled.

Realization shook Tiger to the core when he heard this. He leaped to his feet and slapped his own head.“Big Brother had said this: ‘You call me Big Brother, and as your Big Brother, it’s only natural for me tohelp you out a bit!’”

He rushed over and laid the luggage bags flat on the ground. Tiger opened one. The minute he openedone bag, red-colored notes were practically bursting out from the bag. There were so many that the bag

could barely hold everything in!

“Oh my God… That’s a lot of money! I’ve never seen so much money in my entire life!” His wife staredwide-eyed at the luggage bags, overwhelmed with shock.

Tiger opened the other bag. Just like the other bag, wads of red notes filled this one, filling its entirety.

“Big Brother, this… Since when did you become so rich? Why are you giving us so much money?” Tigersat on the floor, staring at the two bags before him. He was completely stupefied.

“This much money is enough to last us for a lifetime, isn’t it, Tiger? We can buy a house, a car—and we’llstill have so much left!” His wife gulped, only responding after a long pause.

“Mmh. It’s definitely enough. And I was asking why that fellow was acting so strangely, giving us twoluggage bags. Turns out everything is cash inside these two bags!

“He must’ve debated against giving me a credit card; he knew I wouldn’t accept it. So that’s why he didthis!” Tiger was so moved that he found it hard to form coherent sentences. jackie was being way toogenerous toward him and his family.

“We won’t have to eat instant noodles for the next few days, right, Dear?” His wife smiled, happinesswelling within her.

“No, we don’t. Heck, let’s just quit our jobs tomorrow and go buy a house. We’ll have a proper place tostay when Mom and Dad get out of the hospital. And after we get a house, we’ll get a car. We can evenopen our own food business!” Tiger said, extremely excited.

Upon leaving Tiger’s residence, jackie drove over to the Drake family’s residence, ready to go to work.Little did he know, however, that a beautiful young woman with bodyguards in tow came to his house.

“Hello there, Uncle, Auntie. Heh. I’m here again!”

Sharon greeted, grinning.

“Miss, you’re…?” Fiona frowned. She did not recall associating with such a rich heiress.

“It’s me. How can you not recognize me so fast? It’s Sharon,” Sharon replied. “Look at me! The pills wereso effective. I managed to lose weight successfully!

“And I taught the woman who tried to sabotage me yesterday a good lesson. I’m feeling a lot better now!”Sharon beamed.

“Miss Sharon, is that truly you? My God. Y—You’re so beautiful!” Fiona was stunned.

“I…I’m here to visit all of you.” Sharon’s cheeks flushed red. Then, she added, “And I’m here to ask forjackie’s hand!”

Chapter 476 Joan’s expression became displeased after she heard this. She had an uneasy smile asshe replied, “Didn’t you promise to not ask for jackie’s hand anymore the last time, Miss Sharon?”

Sharon’s expression became awkward. “I—I wasn’t good-looking then, so it was only to be expected thatjackie would reject me. Now, I’m a lot prettier, and jackie is such an outstanding man, so I want to give itanother shot!”

Joan began to feel exasperated. “I appreciate your affection toward jackie, Miss Sharon, but I understandmy son’s character better,” she insisted, smiling. “He’s stubborn and straight-laced. That’s why when hetold you that he didn’t like you, chances are that you wouldn’t be able to convince him even if you triedagain. I suggest that you let it go, Miss Sharon.”

“I know this, Auntie, but I still want to try. I won’t have any regrets only after I’ve tried!” Sharon gave awan smile and clapped her hands. Some of her bodyguards then came forward and carried the gifts shebought.

“I didn’t know what to buy for everyone, so I’m giving a jade for each person here. I hope it’s to yourliking! Since Kylie is still young, I just bought her a few dolls.” Sharon commented, smiling.

“My God. There’s one for me, too!” Xena took the lacquered box in joy and examined the jade inside.“This jade’s color is remarkable, Miss Sharon. This must’ve been expensive.”

“Not a single one of these jades our Young Miss has chosen for you is below a million dollars. These arevery good jades!” one of the bodyguards immediately answered.

“So expensive? My goodness. Miss… Miss Sharon, you’re too generous!” Xena was extremely moved.So long as one was associated with the rich, they would always reap some benefits.

She never expected that staying by Ben’s side would bring her out of her miseries.

“How—how can we accept this?” Fiona’s face was all smiles; her heart bloomed in happiness.

“Why can’t you, Auntie? This is nothing if I marry jackie. And if I really do, we’ll be family. I’ll be willing tobe the second wife. There’s no need to be so calculative among family!”

Sharon smiled and added apologetically, “But I do hope that you’ll be able to convince jackie, Auntie. I’min no rush about this, so take your time. I can start off just being friends. I hope you guys keep quietabout this and advise him when you have the time. Who knows? He might just change his mind.”

How could they refuse after they had received such wonderful gifts? Moreover, if Miss Sharon trulybecame jackie’s second wife, then Fiona herself would share the happiness and have money to spend.She quickly made her stance known.

She never bothered to think twice about the matter as she enthusiastically answered, “Don’t worry, MissSharon. I also realized that you’re a nice girl, so I understand you. You’ll make a fine wife. I’ll definitelyhelp you to convince jackie as best as I can!”

On the side, Joan was rendered speechless. Fiona had only met Sharon a few times, exchanged a fewwords, and she somehow understood her? Needless to say, she understood Fiona’s personality verywell. She was a woman who would go to all ends for money. That was why she could not be bothered toargue with her. She pretended that she did not hear anything.

Andrew, however, could not bear to listen to this any longer. He coughed and said, “Let’s leave the kidsto sort out matters between themselves. We have no rights to interfere in matters of the heart.”

He never expected his wife to roll her eyes at him. “The hell are you talking about? We’re far moreexperienced than them. That’s why we should take the initiative and guide them!”

Chapter 477 “That’s right. You’re so right, Auntie!” Sharon beamed. “I’ll be taking my leave now. Thankyou for your understanding.”

“Miss Sharon, why don’t you have lunch with us before you leave?” Fiona said politely.

“No need, Auntie. Maybe next time!” Sharon cast a smile over her shoulder and quickly left with her men.

“Seriously, are you that desperate for money?” Andrew huffed angrily after Sharon left. “ jackie is yourson-in-law, and who on earth finds a second wife for their son-in-law? You’re probably the first in historyof all mankind to do so!”

“What do you know?!” Fiona’s expression suddenly turned frosty. “I’d tell any other girl who wants to bejackie’s second wife to scram, but this woman is different. She’s Miss Sharon, heiress to the Georgefamily!”

She paused here before continuing, “Think about. The George family is one of the Four Major Familieshere. There are only four first-class aristocratic families in Eastfield, and they’re one of them. They mustbe rolling in cash! Also, Sharon is so beautiful now, and she’s willing to be jackie’s second wife even withher social standing. How can we refuse a girl like that? It’d be complete idiocy to do so!”

“and you say that you don’t love money? Seems like you’re pretty greedy to me!” Andrew walked asideand sat on a stone bench. He whipped out a cigarette and lit it up, his expression twisted into a grimace.

As Selena’s father, he did not want his daughter to share a man with anyone else. It was only natural.Furthermore, jackie had made it clear he did not like Sharon. How could they try to pair them up likethat?

“That’s right, Fiona. There’s no need for us to interfere in our children’s business. Let them settle itbetween themselves. After all, my son is earning quite a bit now. We’ll have our own wealth in one or twoyears’ time!” Joan finally commented, unable to contain herself any longer.

“We have a chance for an actual future now. No one in their sane mind would refuse that much money.Do you know how much the George family earns? Besides, they don’t have a son, so Sharon will inheritall the family businesses. She’ll listen to whatever jackie says, too. Doesn’t that mean that the money ispractically jackie’s once her parents pass away? You think I’m money-minded? I’m just thinking of all thisfor your son’s own good!” Fiona folded her arms across her chest, a cold smile on her face as she spoketo Joan.

“That’s right. Why didn’t I think of that?” Ben’s eyes brightened. Assuming that jackie truly marriedSharon and that the George family had no other inheritors to their fortune, she would definitely listen toeverything he said, considering she liked him so much. With that, jackie would control the Georgefamily’s every business.

They were a first-class aristocratic family. Just the thought of their money nearly moved him to tears.Although this was a long-term scheme, it would grant unimaginable rewards to them in the future.

“Auntie, you have to listen to my mom on this. It’s not just my mom that needs to do the convincing—youhave to help convince your son, too. He always listens to you. Your advice will have a great effect onhim.” Ben began to coax Joan after hearing what his mother had to say.

Chapter 478 The mother-and-son duo placed Joan in a difficult predicament. “I’ll try my best,” she saidperfunctorily, “but his opinions are his own. We can’t force him on anything.”

“That’s right, Joan. That’s the spirit! We can’t control his heart, but we can certainly try our best to advisehim to decide what’s best for him.” Fiona’s face broke out into smiles again, seeing as Joan was on theirside. She even called the other woman’s name so lovingly.

Joan merely smiled and proceeded to ignore Fiona.

At that moment, at a hall in the Eagle Clan’s headquarters, more than a dozen men sat together, allexecutives in the clan.

One of the middle-aged men had a dark expression. He remained contemplatively quiet for a whilebefore starting, “Our men have returned. Unfortunately, the three hundred odd men who died in theforests at the city outskirts last night were our men. None of those men survived… Baldy was one ofthem.”

“What? Baldy’s also dead?” Another woman was so frightened that all the color drained from her face.She was also a skilled fighter, and she—along with Baldy and two other elders—built the Eagle Clan toits current heights. They were the Eagle Clan’s infamous Four Fighters.

The four were extremely strong. The Eagle Clan behaved more impudently compared to other clans dueto these four. So long as the clan had the four, nothing could stand in their way. The two other eldersexchanged glances, their gazes filled with the same heaviness.

“Who is it? Who could be that strong? Don’t tell me that our men offended one of the powerful Kings ofWar?” One of the elders surmised after he thought about it.

“That’s got to be it. Only a King of War would be powerful enough to defeat Baldy and three hundred ofour men. After all, the opponent was a single person, not a group of people!”

The other elder nodded. “It’s probably impossible for us to avenge our men if a King of War is genuinelyinvolved in this. We’d be lucky if he doesn’t come knocking on our door!”

The head of the Eagle Clan could only agree, nodding as he did. “That may very well be the case. ThisKing of War might have plenty of devoted underlings. They’ll easily sweep the Eagle Clan the moment hegave the order. Besides, we’ve already suffered enough.”

“So we can only grit our teeth and do nothing with such huge losses? F*ck! This is the first time we’vesuffered like this!” One of the executives was evidently enraged beyond relief, his hand gripped tightlyonto the armrest of his chair.

Crack! The entire armrest snapped under his overwhelming strength.

“It pains me to say this, but we have no choice. This person is too strong. We can only wait and see whathappens. We have no way of retaliating now.” A sigh escaped the leader. He then added, “Nonetheless,we should send someone to check up on everything: find out who killed Baldy and the others, and whyour men decided to provoke the person. We need to investigate everything thoroughly. We should atleast know the identity of our enemy.”

“But what’s the use of knowing? That person’s a King of War!” The executive from before smiled ahumorless smile. It was the first time he felt so helpless.

“It’s always better to know than to remain ignorant. If he offends someone in the future, and thatsomeone could rival him, we can team up with them and obliterate him!

“We won’t even get a chance to take revenge if we don’t know anything!” The clan head spoke firmly,absolution evident in his tone.

His audience felt that this made sense to them after they heard this, and they sent their men to conductinvestigations. It was certainly not difficult to find out the truth. After all, so many men had gone out thatnight. Of course, the ones who did not follow into the fight would want to know why the fight took place.That was why they only needed three days to find out everything.

Meanwhile, jackie had reached the Drake family’s residence.

Chapter 479 “Oh, you’re finally coming to work. It’s a pity that you missed the morning drama.”

Tanya and Yvonne—the latter sipping on coffee—so happened to be in the living room when jackiearrived. The former spoke in a sour tone.

“Morning drama? Tell me.” Curious, jackie walked over to the couch and sat down.

“A beautiful young woman came to see you. She said that she liked you and wanted to marry you.”Yvonne sneered. “I know you’re super happy on the inside!”

“A beautiful young woman? Who?” jackie was surprised for a moment before he replied, “I think the onlybeauties I know are the two of you and my wife. Oh, right—and the Goddess of War, Lana. Still, she’sdefinitely not either of you, and she’s definitely not Lana. My wife is already married to me… So who onearth could it be?”

“Sharon George. Didn’t you help her to lose weight? Now that she’s successfully lost weight, she’s muchprettier now!” Tanya gave a bitter smile.

“Her?” jackie’s features contorted into an unreadable expression when he heard those two words; thegirl’s name. “She should just give up. I’ve told her before that I don’t like her, and she promised me shewouldn’t pester me anymore if she successfully lost weight!”

For reasons unknown, Tanya and Yvonne’s hearts leaped in delight when they heard his words.

Still rather unconvinced, Yvonne continued, “You don’t like the version of her before she lost weight, no?Wait till you see her now. You might just get a nosebleed!”

“A nosebleed? You’re just pushing it now.” jackie chuckled dismissively.

“She looks so beautiful now, and she’s got a pretty figure. She gives the aura of a fresh spring breeze.It’s as though… As though she was your first love!” The words left Yvonne in her internal struggle ofchoosing words.

“That’s her business; I won’t like her anyway. I don’t have any feelings for her!” jackie shruggednonchalantly. He took out a cigarette and began to smoke it, his countenance unhurried.novelbin

“Y—You don’t like her type?” Tanya asked, her heart dancing with joy.

“I’m happy with my wife!” That single sentence plummeted the girls’ hearts in an instant. Was this fellowgenuinely not interested in beautiful women?

“ jackie, jackie! Where are you?” A familiar voice was heard at this moment; at a rather unexpectedmoment at that. Sharon and her entourage of more than a dozen bodyguards came over, looking forjackie.

The moment she saw him, her eyes brightened and her cheeks flushed red. “I asked the bodyguards,and they told me that you’ve just arrived. You’re here, finally!”

jackie was somewhat—though not so much—surprised when he saw how she looked. “Not bad. Just as Ipredicted; you have pretty features. You’re truly a beauty once you lose weight!”

“Really? You think I’m beautiful?” Hearing those words, she mustered the courage to come before jackieand plunk herself onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Then do you think I’mattractive?”

Chapter 480 The fragrance of her perfume filled his nostrils. Sitting on jackie’s lap was a soft, curvaceousbody. jackie’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden boldness.

After all, he was a young man full of vitality. Even if he was a soldier, he couldn’t help his feelings whensomething like this happened.

Still, he quickly pushed Sharon off of him. “What are you doing? How can you be so shameless as awoman?!”

Sharon’s face was as red as a tomato, yet she smiled even when jackie was fuming.

She smiled. “I’m not shameless; I’m just this straightforward because I like you,” she said bashfully. “Noother man has caught my eye like this!”

jackie was speechless. On the battlefield, he had a thousand different methods of killing the enemy—aseasy as breathing.

However, he did not know what to do when facing women, especially a woman as bold as her.

He still maintained a stony expression. “Miss Sharon, don’t forget the promise we’ve made before. Youcan’t just go back on your word as the young mistress of the George family, understand?”

Sharon was taken aback for a moment, doubting and apologetic.

She ducked her head. “Of—of course I couldn’t match up to you then, with the way I looked,” she saidsheepishly. “But with the way I look like now, I think I can match up to you, no?”

jackie was tongue-tied. He could not believe anything this woman said; she swapped faces faster thanone could turn a page. His expression darkened, not acknowledging Sharon’s words.

“So, do you think I’m pretty now?” she asked in a small voice.

jackie looked at her. “You are. But, I have a wife. I don’t want to do anything to betray her. Go look forsomeone else. It’ll be easy enough for you to find a boyfriend now.”

He did not expect Sharon’s lips to curve into a sweet smile instead. “I’m satisfied that you think I’m pretty.To me, you’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I can’t even be bothered to look at other men!”

Here, Sharon paused for a while before she continued, “Don’t worry, I won’t force you. I know that avictory forced is a bitter victory. We can be friends first! I’m in no rush. We can take it slow. I’m still young,after all!”

jackie did not know whether to laugh or cry. “We can be friends, but don’t dream about becominganything else.”

Tanya and Yvonne’s tongues were frozen in their places as they watched the two; they were so direct.One of them directly professed her love, the other blatantly rejected her. Since when were the matters ofthe heart so straightforward? However, they had to give it to jackie—the man’s willpower wasremarkable. Plenty of other men would be having nosebleeds looking at Sharon, but he easily rejectedher. Furthermore, Sharon was straddled on jackie’s lap just now. What sane man could restrain himselfwhen put in a situation like this? jackie easily pushed her away in the end.

“Take your time. There’s no hurry. Who knows? Maybe you’ll see my good side after mingling with me fora long time, and you might accept me just then!” Sharon gazed at jackie. She had a coy expression; itwas obvious she was head over heels for him.

“Is that fellow really any good?” Yvonne and Tanya could not bear to watch this any longer. They shareda common thought: Sharon was going too far.

“Alright. I’m actually just dropping by to visit you. I’ll get out of your hair for now,” Sharon conceded. “But,don’t forget that you said we can be friends, so don’t push me away when I come around wanting tohang out with you during my free time!”

Sharon looked at jackie again, stroking her cheek. She bashfully called for her bodyguards and left.

“I…” jackie was completely speechless, his temple pounding with a headache. When would that childtruly understand the situation?

Chapter 481 “What’s wrong? Have you lost your mind, now that a beautiful young woman willingly servesherself on a platter to you, you pervert? Don’t tell me that a pervert such as yourself is too shy to act onhis impulses?” Yvonne mocked nonchalantly.

The exchange reminded Yvonne of the time jackie walked into her room right when she had just taken anice, warm shower. She still bore that grudge against him until this day.

jackie did not expect the target would be on his back. “who told you that? Do you still remember whocarried you on his back the night before when you were too drunk to even walk home?” jackie trumpeteddeliberately. “And when you were on my back, my hands were not idling, too. Besides, I changed yourclothes for you! Ring a bell?”

jackie recounted the incident in a sarcastic tone. He did not let Yvonne step on his tail since she was theone who started the mockery.

“You…” Yvonne’s cutesy cheeks were immediately kissed pink. She stomped her feet like a child, andwith a slight annoyance in her tone, she complained, “Tanya, you told me my maid changed clothes forme. Why’s jackie saying that it was him? Did you lie to me?”

The sudden accusation stunned Tanya for a moment, then she remained speechless. jackie wasobviously faking the facts to tease her, yet she fell for it.

Tanya pulled a bitter smile and explained, “My dear Sis Yvonne, how could you believe his words? Doyou think I’d let him change your clothes? He’s lying!”

“Tanya, don’t hide it from her anymore. It’s nothing. I didn’t touch her at all. I just changed a new set ofclothes for her,” jackie chimed in.

“In fact, Tanya herself requested me to change your clothes that night. She told me that you were toodrunk to remember what happened. So, as long as she and I don’t say anything, you wouldn’t find out,and the same goes for the others! She made me promise to keep it secret.”

jackie’s expression was firm and solemn. Nobody could tell he was laughing uncontrollably inside hisheart. He then added more fuel to the fire, “Don’t worry. This secret is safe with me…”

“I…” Anger flowed through Yvonne like lava. When she opened her eyes the next morning, she wasalready wearing her nightdress. If jackie had really changed her clothes, then jackie had probably…

She immediately cut off her train of thought and stared at Tanya, her eyes burning. “Tanya, tell me! Is thistrue?” She exploded. “Tanya, how could you let him do that? He’s a pervert!”

“Oh, my Lord! It’s not true! He’s fooling you!” Tanya did not know whether to laugh or to cry at this point.“Don’t you see it? He’s saying it deliberately to frighten you. Who you are to me? Would I lie to you?”

“Wha—You goon! I thought you were an honest person! How could you deceive me!” Yvonne breathed asigh of relief, glaring at jackie.

“Ahem, wait, or do you secretly hope it was true?” jackie let out two dry coughs.

“Hmph! You wouldn’t dare to change for me!” She snorted coldly.

jackie was bored and he started playing with his mobile phone. He was skimming through some newswhen suddenly something on Eastfield News Network caught his attention.

“Ahem, Miss Tanya, I have an errand to run tomorrow morning, so I won’t be here in the morning, but I’llbe back by the afternoon,” he simpered and plastered an awkward smile on his face.

“Fine, but you can go shopping with us now, right?” Tanya pouted, feeling a little emptiness in her heart.She did not know when she started feeling a void in her heart whenever jackie was not around, but eversince then, she was always looking forward to seeing him again.

Yet, whenever she did meet with him, she would feel a flicker of irritation because of his solemn and coldattitude toward her.

The next morning, jackie arrived early at the entrance of an auction house, corners of his mouth curledup. “Babe, this villa looks fantastic. I’ll get it first and give you a surprise!” he murmured to himself.

Chapter 482 The Taylor family had been living in a community of townhouses. As the villas there werenot large and sumptuous, the Taylor family bought multiple units, bordering them with tall thick fencesand turning the area into the Taylor Residence.

On a small hill not far from the Taylor Residence was a huge and opulent villa resting at its foot.

Not only was the location of the villa strategic, but there was also an immaculate park nearby as well asa mega shopping small. That was why the price was exorbitant for such a villa, with its value estimatedto be around 20 to 30 million dollars.

The villa was spacious and was divided into three floors, its interior design extravagant and rich.

The owner of the villa was the head of a third-class aristocrat family who had spent a fortune on this villa.The owner of the villa recently decided to move abroad. Thus, putting it up for auction.

The location was strategic and it was not far from the Taylor Residence. Hence, when jackie saw it onthe Eastfield News Network yesterday, he immediately made a decision—he would bid for it, no matterwhat.

What he did not expect was to be stopped by two security guards when he arrived at the gate.

“I’m here for the auction!” jackie said, flashing a shy smile.

“Sir, if you want to participate in the auction, you need to go over there to have your assets and wealthstatus assessed and certified by our bank officers.

“The funds in your bank account cannot be lower than 50 million. Otherwise, you won’t be allowed toenter!” one of the staff explained.

“How troublesome!” jackie was speechless but he had no choice but to adhere to the process. Hefollowed the staff member to get his assets assessed

The bank officer rubbed her eyes twice after seeing the result displayed on the machine. Was shemistaken? Dizziness washed over her when she realized that the information was correct.

Who was this man? How could a man possess such a large amount of money?

“Is everything alright?” jackie’s forehead creased, obviously displeased.

“Y—yes sir!” The bank officer’s voice trembled as she responded. She then handed his card back tojackie with both hands respectfully. She believed that the man before her was not an ordinary man.

After the verification process was completed, jackie quickly strode past the gate and entered. Already,there were a lot of filthy rich businessmen gathered in a private room. Obviously, they were all interestedin this villa. Furthermore, the starting bid was not that high at all—only 10 million. Naturally, nobodywanted to miss this excellent opportunity.

A moment later, Ivan Taylor came into sight. His expression dulled and sank when he spotted jackie.

“What? jackie’s here? How could the rascal be here? Don’t tell me he wants to bid on the villa, too?”

Ivan started to ponder. There were only a few days left until old man Taylor’s 70th birthday, and jackiehad promised to give him a gift worth more than 10 million dollars.

Could this villa be the gift that jackie was preparing for the old man?

Chapter 483 This thought further affirmed his presumption. This punk was planning to buy the villa for theold man’s 70th birthday present.

Every one of the Taylor family knew how marvelous the villa was. They woke up to the view of it andpassed by the sight of it. The villa was located just opposite the Taylor residence; they could see it everyday. Hence, Ivan came to see if he was able to obtain this villa with 20 to 30 million dollars. He wanted topresent it to the old man for his birthday gift, or perhaps move into it himself and have the old man livewith him.

After all, old man Taylor had been fixated on the villa whenever he went out as of late, murmuring tohimself emotionally, “This villa opposite our residence is extremely well-built. If only I could live in it, I’ddie without regrets.”

As for the resources needed to buy this villa, Ivan did not feel a pinch of pain since the money would becoming from the Taylors’ company. Besides, if he managed to get this villa and give it to the old man, itwould earn him enough face and favor.

He paused for a moment as though some thought had suddenly entered his mind, and he immediatelywalked out of the auction room.

Outside, Ivan found a quiet and secluded place and took out his phone to ring Neil Hugo and Ken Clark.Not long after, the two of them—Neil and Ken—arrived at the auction house in a car. They quickly got out

of the car and went to meet Ivan who was waiting at the entrance of the auction room.

“Young Master Taylor, why did you ask us to come over? Anything important?”

Ken blurted once he met Ivan. When they were on the phone a moment ago, Ivan did not provide anyreason and simply requested them to come over. It was probably something serious and crucial.

“Do both of you know what is on auction today?”

Ivan did not respond to Ken’s question, but rather reciprocated with another question.

“How would I know? I haven’t paid any attention to the auctions for the last two days. It’s probablynothing special. If there really was a golden opportunity, the auction would’ve called to inform!” Neilreplied after thinking about it for a while.

“You’re right. There was no notice on today’s auction, just an advertisement on the website thatmentioned it!”

Ivan flashed them an indifferent smile before he continued, “This time, the item that’s on auction is thesumptuous villa that is right opposite our Taylor residence. The owner of the villa is moving abroad, sohe’s selling it off.” He paused. “I want to bid on this villa and give it to grandpa Taylor as his 70th birthdaypresent. He’ll be over the moon.”

“Damn! This is great! That’s a marvelous idea!”

Neil laughed heartily but his forehead creased to a furrow in the next second. “It’s a good idea, but whydid you call us both over for this? Is it because you don’t have enough to bid for it? Or is it because thecompany capital is running low and you don’t dare to embezzle it?”

An awkward smile immediately appeared on Ivan’s face. “That’s far from the case. I just ran into jackie inthe auction room. I think this trash must be here for the villa, too! I don’t know where his money comes

from, but I think he wants to buy this house and give it to old man Taylor as well! Never thought this punkwould be as smart as me!”

“What? No way! He’s here, too?” Ken frowned, concerned. “Don’t tell me he got an advance on hissalary from Miss Tanya!”

Neil nodded in agreement. “If he dared to come here, he must’ve asked for an advance, and it’s probablynot one month’s salary but two!”

“This second young miss of the Drakes, why’s she so good to jackie? This punk hasn’t even worked for awhole month yet and he’s already asked for an advance of two months. That’s 40 million!”

Ivan felt a flash of irritation. “Hmph! Even if he has 40 million, he still has to spare 10 million dollars tocompensate me! So this leaves the damn kid with only 30 million to bid for the villa. There’s no way hecan outbid me!”

“since jackie’s here to bid for the villa, I want to stay and watch the comedy show! I want to see how hisfacial expression distorts into an ugly one when he loses to Young Master Taylor!” Ken burst out inlaughter. How could he miss such a rare opportunity to witness an embarrassing moment for jackieWhite?

“That’s right! Let’s go in, then. The other bidders are wealthy businessmen who already own severalhouses. They won’t be competing for the villa, hence you won’t have many competitors! The final win isyours, Young Master Taylor!” Ken bobbed his head and agreed. The three of them quickly entered theauction room, their faces full of smiles.

“Oh, isn’t that jackie White? The infamous, useless, trashy son-in-law of the Taylor family! What acoincidence! Why are you here?” Ivan faked his surprise as he sat beside jackie, followed by the othertwo young masters.

Chapter 484 “What? That’s the husband of Selena Taylor, the Beauty Queen of Eastfield?”

“Yeah, this shrimp is extremely fortunate to have Selena as his wife! Everyone envies him!”

“What’s there to be jealous about? That shrimp is just the son-in-law of the Taylors by name, he could betreated like useless trash at home. Knowing that the Taylor family cast them out of the residence, I bethe’s not recognized as their real son-in-law!”

“That’s right! His mother-in-law definitely hates his guts. After all, their family suffered so much becauseof him!”

Many of the businessmen present started to tittle-tattle about them in hushed voices, some withcontempt in their eyes.

jackie did not bother wasting his energy on all the gossip. He turned his head to the side and said, “Yeah,Ivan. What a coincidence! I didn’t quite expect to meet you here!”

“if my guess is correct, you’ve asked Miss Tanya for an advance of two months, and you’re here to bidfor this luxurious villa as a gift for grandpa Taylor’s 70th birthday, am I right?”

Ivan chortled and continued, “You’ve got a great idea, I’ll give you that! This gift is not an ordinary one.It’s exorbitant and is worth at least 10 million! When the day arrives and you give this to grandpa Taylor,you’d gain some face and the Taylor family will finally accept you, am I right?

“But too bad for you! It just so happens that I’ve got my eye on this villa, too. So I’m sorry to break this toyou but your efforts today shall be in vain.” Ivan laughed mockingly and added, “Gifting Grandpa Taylorthis villa is an awesome idea of mine. It’s the most worthy and suitable present that’s able to express myfilial piety to him as his grandson! And the money that you brought with you today is probably less thanwhat I have! So, you literally have no game in today’s auction!”

“I really admire your confidence!” jackie effused a cold smile and decided not to pay attention to thesethree shrimps.

Time passed by rather slowly. Other than jackie, the three young masters, and several businessmen,there were only two to three other people from what seemed like third-class aristocrat families in theroom. They were obviously interested in this villa as well, hoping they could get it at a cheaper price.

After a few minutes, a middle-aged woman came in sight, approaching the auction counter. She waswearing an aqua green cheongsam, flashing a big smile to the crowd as she walked in.

“Welcome everyone to the auction house! It’s time to kick off our auction for today!

“Today’s auction is a little bit different as it was commissioned by Mr. Ryan…”

The middle-aged woman gave an introduction before continuing, “Alright! Let’s not waste time and beginour event! The starting price for today’s item is 10 million dollars and is considered lower than the marketprice! Your bid cannot be lower than 1 million!

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, you may start the bidding!”

The middle-aged woman gestured with her hand and the auction began.

“11 million from me!” an old man shouted. He tentatively added a million after thinking about it for a while.

“12 million here!”

Soon, another man who looked like he was in his forties yelled, adding another million.

One million did not seem much for the people in this room.

jackie did not budge in the slightest. He knew very well that this villa was worth more than that. It was aspacious three-story villa with an exceptionally strategic location. Such a villa would cost more than 20

million. Hence, he knew it was impossible to get it at 11 or 12 million dollars.

Besides, there were quite some people here today for this auction.

Ivan, who was sitting beside jackie, did not start bidding immediately as well. Rather, he turned his headtowards jackie and sneered.

He wanted to wait for jackie to start bidding. Once jackie started to place his bid, he would raise his bidjust to beat him. He wanted to let him know that nobody could take whatever he had his eye on,especially not by a useless son-in-law.

Chapter 485 The seconds ticked by, and soon, the bidding price was raised to 21 million.

The price had already reached a level where some people had begun pulling out from the biddingcompetition and stopped increasing the price.

“Twenty-three million!”

Finally, jackie raised his hand and shouted a price, flashing the woman at the auction stand a warmsmile.

“This gentleman has increased the price to twenty-three million dollars! Does anyone else wish toincrease the bid?”

The corners of the woman’s mouth quirked up after hearing jackie’s price. He did not increase the priceby just a million, but two.

“Twenty-five million!”

Without hesitation, Ivan raised his arm and added three million to the price as though he was thewealthiest man in Eastfield.

After he put his arm down, he turned to jackie and said, “ jackie, don’t compete with me. This villa is mygift to Grandpa. You’re just a son-in-law, why do you want to fight me? You don’t even have theresources to win against me!”

“Are you sure?” jackie jeered coldly. Money was but a number to him. He could buy the entire Taylorproperty without batting an eye, let alone a villa.

“You’re snobbish, aren’t you?” Ken gave jackie a thumbs up and laughed aloud. “ jackie, let us witnessthis great battle today. Between you and Young Master Taylor, whoever loses the battle will have to callthe winner ‘daddy’, how does that sound?”

They never thought that jackie would simply shake his head and remain uninterested. “Sorry, but Iwouldn’t want such an unreliable son. I’d be embarrassed and ashamed if I did.”

“You…” Rage pulsed through Ivan’s veins, making him stand up from his seat. He balled his fist tightly asif he was ready to fight. This shrimp had some balls. How dare he talk back to him like that?

“What’s the matter? Are you thinking about fighting me? This is an auction house, it wouldn’t be nice tocause trouble here. If you’re so keen on fighting, we can fight later after the auction!” he scornedindifferently, his right eyebrow raised.

Ivan immediately chickened out upon hearing jackie’s words. A hundred of him could not even winagainst one of jackie in a fight. The bodyguards of the Taylor family were not of bad quality; however,none of them could barely go near jackie, let alone a pampered young master like him.

“You’re lucky that today I’m not bothered about such a useless waste like you!” He added, sitting backdown with his teeth clenched firmly, “If you’re so capable, go ahead and increase the price, then! Twenty-five million is now my bidding price!”

“Thirty million!” jackie shouted out the number nonchalantly.

Many of the wealthy businessmen who were still present began to view jackie differently, some withadmiration. This young man had placed a bid of 30 million; increasing a bid by so much at once! Thecrowd certainly did not expect that this worthless son-in-law could be this rich.

The corners of Ivan’s mouth twitched. 30 million, that was quite high, was it not?

Nevertheless, the devil beside him, Ken Clark, said to him, “Young Master Taylor, don’t be frightened byhim! This should be the highest price he can offer. He probably increased the bid by so much in one gojust to try to scare you away,” Ken reminded him. “ jackie only asked for an advance of two months.That’s forty million. He’d have to leave ten million aside to compensate you, so that would leave him withthirty million. This is as high as he can go!”

Ivan’s spirit lifted after hearing Ken’s analysis. “Thirty-one million!” he called out.

“What a bunch of idiots! The entry requirement for this auction house is that you have to possess at leastfifty million in your bank account. How would I be able to enter otherwise?” jackie gave a half-smile.“Thirty-five million!”

Chapter 486 Ken and Ivan exchanged glances, their faces contorted. They forgot about the auctionhouse’s entry requirements. They were all young masters of aristocratic families. The staff naturallynever doubted their ability to spend. Hence, they entered the auction house without any verification at all.

There was indeed a requirement notice at the entrance stating that only individuals with at least 50million in their bank account could enter the auction house. The three of them did not pay any attentionto the notice.

After jackie’s reminder, they realized that this punk could very well fork out 35 million dollars.

“It looks like Miss Tanya has given him an advance of three months. It must be, it has to be! He’d havesixty million in hand!” Neil’s face turned cold and solemn. If this were the case, it would not be easy for

Ivan to compete with jackie and take down this villa.

Ivan’s expression was even colder and uglier than Neil’s. If that was true, did it not mean that jackiecould only raise the price to 50 million at most? Given that jackie would set aside the ten million he wasowed. No wonder this shrimp behaved in such a brazen and arrogant way, adding five million in one go.

“What’s the matter? Don’t tell me you’re already scared over such a small amount of money?” jackiesmiled contemptuously, noticing Ivan’s face grow dark. This man was indeed ignorant.

“Me? Scared? Are you kidding me? Why would I be afraid of you?”

Ivan chortled awkwardly to hide his anxiety. “Let’s bet! If I win this bid, you’ll kneel before me, clean, andpolish my shoes, and if I lose, I will do the same for you! How does that sound?”

“Since you’re so eager to clean my shoes, it’d only be polite for me to accept the challenge. How can Irefuse such an excellent opportunity?” jackie agreed to the bet.

“Alright! Forty million here!” Ivan called out.

Ivan did not show any sign of hesitation. He wanted to see if jackie would continue raising the price.

“Forty-five million!”

jackie lifted his right arm without the slightest reluctance as if he was merely throwing a number to thecrowd.

“Fifty million!”

Ivan gritted his teeth and countered without thinking twice. He was so going to win this villa today. Theworth and value of the villa no longer mattered. He wanted to humiliate jackie in front of the throng sobadly—waiting for the moment he would clean and polish his shoes in front of others.

“That’s right. Fifty million is the right number to call! That’s his limit! He can only spend so much money!”A big grin was plastered on Neil’s face, thinking that Ivan Taylor had successfully avenged him this time!

He reminded himself to take a photo of the scene for memory’s sake once jackie lost the bet and wasforced to clean Ivan’s shoes later on. When he got bored and had nothing to do, he would take it out andlaugh at it. The feeling must be awesome!

Ken also looked at jackie with a lopsided grin on his face. In his opinion, as long as jackie was not anidiot, he would not raise the price further.

Anyways, jackie had requested a three month advance from Miss Tanya. He could not possibly spend allhis money on this villa and ask Miss Tanya for a fourth advance. If that was the case, he would truly be ashameless b*stard.

“sixty million, then!” jackie let out a laugh and called out a higher number.

At this point, the smiles on the trio’s faces completely froze. They were puzzled and wondered if they hadheard wrongly. This useless shrimp had used up his three-month salary and battled himself to deathsolely for the sake of winning this bet!

“Oh boy. You really have some guts, huh? This villa is not even worth sixty million, didn’t you know?”

Chapter 487 The corners of Ivan’s mouth twitched fiercely out of control. The crowd present at the scene clearly knewthat there was a battle going on between these two men as they had been following their exchange.

Moreover, when Ivan challenged jackie to a bet, he had announced the terms of the punishment soloudly as if the crowd was deaf. His ultimate goal was to show everyone in the room that jackie wasindeed useless trash who only deserved to kneel before him and lick his shoes clean.

But now, the tables had turned. The number—60 million—that jackie had just called out, sent him backinto his tiny brain as he started to scheme again. ‘Is this villa really worth sixty million? If I continue toraise the price and it ends up being a trap that the b*stard has set for me, wouldn’t I be a fool, then?’ Hethought to himself and doubted.

He pondered hard on jackie’s intention—was jackie deliberately increasing the price just to lure him intoa deadly trap?

However, if he stopped here, it would mean he lost the bet which in turn, would mean that he had toclean jackie’s shoes. How could a young master from a second-class aristocrat family like him kneelbefore trash and clean his shoes? If word of the incident were to spread, his name—Ivan Taylor—wouldnever be as glorious as before!

Ken’s eyes widened as though he had just come up with a brilliant idea with his mini-brain. He leanedforward to Ivan and whispered into his ear, “Young Master Taylor, don’t be afraid of him! Go ahead andfight! You only need to fork out sixty million, I’ll cover the rest! It’s probably not going to be much morebecause I’m sure this punk has reached his limit. So just add another million to surpass him!” He pausedbefore swearing, “Goddammit! We need to teach this punk a lesson no matter what!”

Upon hearing Ken’s words, Ivan felt at ease as though the weight on his shoulders was finally lifted. Witha smile plastered on his face, he shouted, “Sixty-one million!”

The scene happening at the back of the auction room had left the middle-aged woman on stagespeechless. The two young men were practically shouting out prices from the back, making those aroundthem—those wealthy businessmen, as well as a few other third-class families—dumbfounded. Thecrowd became watchful onlookers to this money battle.

They had even taken over the responsibility of the middle-aged woman as an auctioneer—directing andconducting the auction. The two of them took turns to call out their bids, jacking up the price to anunreasonable amount.

“Y—young Master Taylor, s—sixty-one million!” Her voice trembled in nervousness. She was just aboutto regain control of the auction when she realized the price had already reached an unbelievableamount. That would result in a mountain of bonuses, too! This was her first time encountering such anepisode. Her soul could not help but feel flabbergasted with joy.

Before she could speak, jackie interrupted. “What’s the matter? When did the Young Master of the Taylorfamily become so stingy? Did you think a million would be the magic trick to kick me out of the battle?Heh! I call seventy million!”

“Jesus Christ! Is he nuts? That’s seventy million!”

“Yeah! This isn’t just a shouting competition, right? He didn’t just shout out the number for fun, right? Isn’tseventy million considered money to him?”

“Yes, I can buy two villas with seventy million!”

A few of the businessmen started doubting their existence. Although they were rich, they held similarnotions about obtaining items from an auction; the cheaper the better. Of course, people would want theprice of an auctioned item to be as low as possible!

Never did they expect that this adopted son-in-law of the Taylor family would stir up so much trouble withYoung Master Taylor, as though money was just stacks of paper to him.

“That…that much?”

Beside Young Master Taylor, Ken’s eyes widened into spheres as large as saucers. His jaw dropped tothe ground. A moment ago, he had thought that he was on the winning side and that he only had to forkout one or two million to help Ivan win this bet.

Now it seemed like the shrimp had brought more money with him than they expected. They trulyunderestimated that piece of junk.

Or, perhaps the trash had asked for an advance of four months, or possibly even six!

However, he struggled to understand it, though. Was the Drake family an idiot? How could they be sonice to a mere bodyguard?

“Young Master Clark, this….” Ivan looked at Ken eagerly, seeking his advice. After all, he only had tocough up 60 million and Ken would cover the remaining.

“Don’t be afraid! Just keep increasing the bid! I don’t believe that we can’t teach him a lesson today! He’llwipe your shoes clean!”

“Seventy million, right? jackie White, I’ll fight you to the death today!”

“Seventy-five million!” he called out the bid after thinking about it for a moment, his fists clenched firmlyand determination glowing in his eyes.

Chapter 488 In order not to be looked down upon and be seen as inferior, Ivan did not care about the issue of moneyanymore. What was on his mind was his image and reputation. He could not afford to lose his face. Afterall, as the young master of the Taylor family, the perception of him as being far more superior and betterthan the trashy son-in-law was natural. His status, his wealth, and his reputation were definitely far moresuperb compared to jackie’s.

It was impossible for him to kneel before jackie and clean his shoes. Furthermore, he now had thefinancial support from Young Master Clark—he only needed to cough up 60 million dollars and that wasall!

“Young Master Clark, you’re truly amazing. You raised the bid!”

“Of course! How could a young master of the Clark family lose to a useless adopted son-in-law?”

“I heard that jackie works for the Drakes as a bodyguard and that his monthly pay is quite high. I’m notsure if it was the Drakes who lent him that amount of money, or perhaps they paid him his salary inadvance!”

“His pay is high? Hmph! How high could it be? After all, he’s just a tiny little bodyguard.”

“He earns twenty million a month, isn’t that high?”

The crowd was talking about jackie energetically.

jackie frowned. The thing he cared the least about was money. He was interested in what was going onin that ignorant brain of Ivan’s. If Ivan were not an idiot, then why would he still raise the bid at this point?

“What’s wrong? Why did you stop? Are you afraid now? Or have you finally realized just how powerlessand insignificant you are? Just kneel and clean my shoes already!”

Ivan thought he had finally won the bet when jackie stopped calling out his price as quickly as theprevious rounds. He assumed that jackie had only requested an advance of four months and that 70million was his limit. If jackie continued to raise the bid again, it would leave him no money tocompensate Ivan. Hence, jackie only dared to go up to 70 million. The win belonged to Ivan now.

“eighty million, then!” jackie sighed long and hard before he called out a price again. He then added,“Ivan Taylor, your turn!”

“Eighty million?”

Ivan’s face blanked. It seemed like jackie desperately wanted him to lose; he was so ready to riskeverything. Even if Ivan wanted to continue the game, he was afraid that Young Master Clark would sayotherwise.

Ivan turned his head, looking into Ken’s eyes as though he was asking how much more Ken could bear.

All the color drained from Ken’s face as well, his face looking dull. He only expected to fork out a fewmillion, but the worthless shrimp had actually raised it to 80 million! That was an extra of 20 million, andeven if Ivan won, the house would belong to Ivan and not him!

When Ken saw the puppy dog eyes and pleading look all over Ivan’s face, he gave in with gritted teeth.“Young Master Taylor, I can help out with another ten million at most. Thirty million is my ceiling. If youexceed this amount, you have to bear the remaining. After all, the villa is not worth eighty million and thehouse will not be mine either!”

Ivan bobbed his head appreciatively. In other words, he could still call the bid up to 90 million.

Ivan gave jackie a dry smile. “ jackie, are you sure you have that much money? Did you raise the priceon purpose just to make me pay more than its actual value? If that’s the case, you’re violating the auctionrules. You need to pay the amount for your actual bid!”

“don’t you worry about me!” jackie chortled calmly. “Since I’m planning on beating you in this battle, I’dnaturally have to spend that much money. Most importantly, I’m still waiting for you to clean my shoes!”

“Eighty-one million!”

Ivan increased another one million to test the waters.

“Eighty-five million!”

jackie smiled subtly and mocked, “Young Master Taylor, don’t be such a wimp! Are you running out ofmoney? Is that why you’re raising it slowly, only one million at a time? Why don’t you use all of theTaylors’ money and go all in! Should you do that, I’ll admit defeat.”

Anger rose in Ivan like a fierce tide. He was not a fool. Every penny, asset, and property that the Taylorfamily owned now would eventually become his! Unless he was a lunatic or an idiot, he would not use upall the money from his family for such a villa!

“Ninety million!”

Ivan finally called out the price. He had thought it out and this would be his final price. He only needed topay 60 million, the other 30 would be borne by Young Master Clark.

“Ninety-five million!” jackie shrugged and shouted nonchalantly as though he owned the national bank.

Chapter 489 Ivan’s tiny little brain could not fathom it. Where did jackie get so much money? 95 million? Was he evensane?

Ivan clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth. He paused before saying, “Fine. I’m down on my luck today.I’ll let you have it this time. However, I really want to know if you increased the price deliberately just totrick me. Do you even have that much money? Hmph! If you can’t take out ninety-five million right now,everyone here including the upper management of the auction house will not let you slide!”

“Ninety-five million! Such an unbelievable price!”

“That’s right! How could an adopted son-in-law cough up ninety-five million? It’s just a villa! That’s almosta hundred million!”

“The owner of the villa who commissioned this auction would probably be shocked to death with theoutcome!”

The wealthy businessmen were completely stupefied as well. Their gazes toward jackie were no longerfull of contempt and mockery but replaced with approbation and respect. They all knew that no onewould squander their money like this unless the individual was not an ordinary person.

“given up, have you? That’s great!”

jackie let out a hearty laugh and turned to the auctioneer on the stage. “Hammer it and seal the bid!”

“Ninety-five million, going once!

“Ninety-five million, going twice!

“Ninety-five million, going for the third and final time!


The auctioneer shouted without any emotion, striking her gavel against the block. Little did the crowdknow, the auctioneer was still in shock.

“Alrighty, Ivan Taylor, our beloved Young Master Taylor, it’s time for you to shine like a shoe-shiner! Butthere isn’t a cloth nor a rag here, how’re you going to wipe my shoes clean? Hmm. Don’t tell me you’regoing to lick them clean?!”

jackie laughed wholeheartedly. This ignorant punk had been bullying his wife and daughter for a longtime. He would not let him off so easily no matter what.

“You pay the ninety five million first and then we’ll talk. How would I know if you have that kind of moneyif you don’t pay up?” Ivan smiled mockingly, but he was praying hard that jackie did not possess thatamount of money.

jackie strode to the front of the room swiftly and paid 95 million with his bank card.

“You no longer have reason to be concerned, right? Our dear, Young Master Taylor?” jackie articulatedwith an evil grin on his face.

“Young Master Taylor, we’re sorry. We can’t help you this time. We have no idea how this punk has somuch money!” Neil forced a dry smile. “It looks like he asked for an advance of many months from theDrake family!”

Unexpectedly, Ivan took off his shirt and said, “Isn’t it just a shoe polishing? Who says I can’t do it!”

He squatted down right after he ended his sentence. His face was burning hot and veins popped out onthe side of his neck. He was feeling embarrassed. With so many people at the scene, he could not eathis words!

Ivan could only clench his jaw, grit his teeth and wipe jackie’s shoes clean!

“Wipe them clean. Otherwise, your job is not done!”

jackie beamed. He raised his foot higher and ordered, “Don’t forget the soles! Every part of the shoesshould be wiped clean and polished!”

“ jackie White, don’t go too far! I’m the Young Master of the Taylor family and not to mention, your cousin,too! You’ll regret doing this to me!”

Ivan lifted his head and shot jackie a hateful glance.

He was already so angry that his anger almost consumed him. How dare this shrimp ask him to cleaneven the soles of his shoes!

Chapter 490 “Are you threatening me? This is interesting!”

jackie let out a faint smile and looked at Ivan who was crouching on the floor. “Back when you werebullying my wife and daughter, didn’t you think you’d regret it?

“Go on, get to polishing, seeing that you’ve lost the bet, and deserve it. Polish it nice and clean!” jackieresponded casually.

“So be it, I’ll polish!”

The shirtless Ivan’s face was filled with dissatisfaction, his teeth clenched tightly. His hatred toward jackiegrew even more in his heart.

From the looks of it, the Drake family had given jackie a bountiful amount of money, making it impossibleto chase him out during Grandpa Taylor’s birthday. Therefore, the only way was to wait until the end ofGrandpa Taylor’s Birthday. Once jackie lowered his guard, only then would he command Xena to feedhim the poison. As long as jackie consumed the poison, he would surely lie down in a coffin after amonth.

When Ivan imagined jackie’s soon-to-be fate of death, he felt so much better. With his teeth clenchedtightly, he finally cleaned up the soles of jackie’s shoes.

“Done!” Ivan shot up from the ground, his eyes filled with fury.

“not bad. This is my first time experiencing Young Master Taylor’s handiwork. jackie laughed, “Not toobad, Young Master Taylor. At least you’re not a sore loser! Alright then! I’m off for the transferprocedures. Take care and have a safe journey!”

“Move!” Ivan’s mouth twitched as he walked out topless. He headed to a nearby clothing shop topurchase a new shirt immediately.

“Over ninety million, ninety million! Useless son-in-law, how does he possibly have such a massive sumof money. F*ck, this is so frustrating!”

Losing to a trashy shrimp he scorned, the fury continued to burn stronger as Ivan pondered. Although theincident was nothing but a huge embarrassment, there was a fear in him that the news would very soonspread to others.

“It’s got to be someone from the Drake family who allowed him to get his salary in advance. He can’t forkout such a large amount of money on his own!”

Neil was still in disbelief that the useless son-in-law had the audacity to forcefully buy over the villa.

Although it was slightly overpriced, the sole act of having Ivan polish his shoes would put them to shame,bringing disgrace to them all. Especially for Ivan who was the one doing the polishing. Such an act ofrevenge would definitely be remembered.

“Let this brat brag for a few days. From the looks of it, Old Master Taylor would be very satisfied with thegift he has prepared!”

After considering for a moment, Ken spewed, “After Old Master Taylor’s birthday celebration, we mustfind a way to make sure Xena is able to poison jackie. We shall not drag this further anymore!”

“Yes, it’s said that love grows with time, and if this drags on, it’s possible that Selena’s feelings for thispunk would grow deeper and deeper. By then, it won’t be easy to win over Selena’s heart!!” Neil’sforehead puckered. The thought of not being able to win Selena over was carved deeply in his heart. Hecould not give up, he did not want to give up.

“By the way, which one of you is a little closer to Miss Tanya? Or, knows anyone from the Drake family?”Ivan popped the question after a moment of silence.

“I have a friend who is a relative of the Drake family’s butler. Why do you ask? Young Master Taylor, didyou think of another way to deal with jackie?” After a moment of consideration, Neil opened his mouth.

“See if your friend is able to find out how much of his salary this punk, jackie White, requested from theDrake family in advance. It’s not like the Drake family would give him an advance of year’s salary, right?”

Chapter 491 Ivan laughed bitterly, “This Drake family is way too generous now.”

“Alright, I’ll have him look into the whole situation!” Neil chuckled helplessly and said, “Sigh, jackieactually managed to have us spend a hundred fifty million dollars on him back then. Even a powerfulassassin wasn’t able to murder him. Truly, he’s a resilient little bastard!”

Neil felt awful when he thought about the money they had previously spent. Spending that much moneyonly for the task to fail was a major waste, regardless of how wealthy the Hugo family was.

The trio left soon after. jackie, on the other hand, had arrived at the main entrance of the mansion aftergetting the paperwork done and receiving the keys.

“Although a price tag of over ninety million is slightly more expensive than usual, I’m glad I’m still able togive my wife a house and a surprise at the same time!” jackie smiled as he stared at the mansion in frontof him. He opened the door and entered.

jackie was even more satisfied after taking a look at the garden and renovations done for the mansion.

At the back of the mansion, there was a row of smaller houses. They looked impressive, suitable to beused as living quarters for the maids and servants of this house.

“I don’t think there are any other spots in this mansion that might need further renovations.” jackiethought for a while after looking around. He then gave Lana a call and invited her over for a look.

Lana was a woman, so perhaps a woman’s eyes would be better at spotting which areas needed furtheradjustments. Till then, he would be able to make the necessary changes.

Lana arrived in less than 20 minutes. She parked her car at the entrance before walking in.

“Whoa, what a house, master! Oh, how envious I am of a house this huge. It would feel much betterliving here than in my place!” Lana told jackie who was smoking when she entered the mansion.

“How could you be this forgetful? Why are you still addressing me as your master?” jackie felt helplessas he stared at the lady in front of him.

“Sigh, there’s no one here besides us. I haven’t called you my master for a very long time now and mymouth could not resist any longer, okay! You know, I prefer the days we spent in the military where I got

to call you my master every day. I’m bored to death living in Eastfield!”

Lana sat in front of jackie, crossing her legs. She was dressed in a purple Qipao dress which made herincredible body stand out even more.

“If you’re bored, you can always go on a vacation or a shopping trip. It shouldn’t be that difficult for aperson of your status to find yourself some company!” jackie said as he let out a bitter smile.

“I find it all meaningless. It’s not as fun as spending time with you, master!” Lana continued as shechuckled, “Oh, that’s right, master. Why’d you invite me here? Are you going to show me around yourmansion?”

“Right, let’s go. Let’s take one look around the mansion just to see if there’s anything the place lacks orrequires renovation. I feel like the place isn’t too bad, but something just feels off and I’m not sure what itis exactly!”

“Besides, you’re a woman, so you should be able to take a closer look at this place and tell me if there’sany problems or not!” jackie said, showing Lana around the place.

After she was done with the tour of the place, Lana spoke with a bitter chuckle. “Master, the renovationsare impressive. I can tell that its previous owner was a person of culture and taste. You can move inwithout worries now!”

As she spoke, she pointed at a couch in the main lobby and said, “The only gripe I have is this couch. Itlooks a little dated and it feels off. It’s unsuitable for young people. You should change it!”

“Right, right, right! I felt that something was out of place. Now that you’ve pointed it out, you’re absolutelyright!” jackie nodded immediately. He then looked at the time and said, “Let’s go, it’s getting late now. Letme treat you to a meal then we’ll go shop for a couch and a new dining table in the evening!”

Chapter 492 It did not take long for both jackie and Lana to head out for some furniture shopping, each in their owncars.

However, he did not expect to run into Ivan, who was on his way home, while they were driving awayfrom the mansion.

“It’s jackie and that wealthy lady!” Ivan gasped. This was not his first time running into the both of them.

Although Lana wore a mask whenever she went out to prevent people from recognizing her, Ivan couldstill recognize her from the back; those long legs and incredibly attractive figure. The woman that left withjackie earlier had to be that same wealthy woman that went to the auction.

“I think I understand now. That money must not have belonged to jackie. He never gets an advance fromthe monthly wages given to him by the Drake family. It has to be that wealthy lady’s money!” Ivan cackledout loud, feeling incredibly excited. It was fortunate for him that the mansion was close to the Taylorfamily home, or else, he would never have discovered such a secret.

He immediately called Neil and Ken, both of whom had just left, and told them to return immediately.

“What’s the matter, Young Master Ivan? Why’d you want us to come back when we had just left?”

Both Ken and Neil frowned when they met Ivan. They looked confused.

“I just saw jackie coming out from that mansion!” Ivan said while laughing maniacally.

Ken’s expressions dulled as he said, “Young Master Ivan, are you kidding? You wanted us to come backbecause of this? My time is precious to me! jackie spent so much money to buy that mansion, obviouslyhe’d be excited to take a look himself. this is like when you’ve just married a beautiful woman, wouldn’tyou be excited to sleep with her?”

“Yeah, well said! Especially for poor people like him. He’s been poor his whole life. Now that he’s rich, it’dbe odd if he wasn’t excited to look at the mansion he’d just bought!”

“Though this mansion might be a gift for the old master, it was still bought with his own money so hemight actually move in for a couple of days anyway!” Neil explained. He felt that Ivan was making amountain out of a molehill.

Ivan was speechless as he rolled his eyes at the both of them. He said, “If that was just the case, whywould I have called you to come back in the first place? Yes, I saw him getting out of that mansion but awoman left with him!”

“A woman? That isn’t Selena?” Neil was shocked. Before making a wild assumption, he said, “Could thatwoman be Miss Tanya? Could Miss Tanya have called jackie over because she wanted to bid for themansion? Yes, if Miss Tanya had decided to buy that mansion, it’ll explain everything that had justhappened!”

Ken clenched his fist and said, “ jackie, that b*stard! He actually used Miss Tanya’s purchase of thismansion to go against you, Young Master Ivan! He made us butter up to him, and now it seems thatmoney never belonged to him. He was just helping the Drake family buy the mansion. How could weever compete against the Drake family? Do we even stand a chance against them?”

Ivan wore an odd expression. He spoke with a bitter look, “Both of your imaginations are quiteimpressive. However, that woman wasn’t Miss Tanya nor was it Selena. It was that wealthy lady we metfrom the auction house that day!”

“Her?” Both Neil and Ken gasped.

It did not take long for Ken to slap his thighs and curse, “Fcking bstard that jackie is. I told everyone thatwoman had to be a wealthy lady. jackie is no doubt her sugar baby. That brat just wouldn’t admit it. Even

Selena refused to believe me. This hasn’t been our first encounter with this situation, and now it seemsthat all of that had to be real!”

Chapter 493 “Yeah, they had already driven off when I saw them so I didn’t manage to take a picture in time. It’d beawesome if I did, though!” Ivan nodded as he lamented.

He continued after some thought, “The money must be hers. She must’ve bought it for him!”

“Yeah. Young Master Ivan, since you live opposite that mansion, you should pay closer attention to itthese few days. If you notice jackie returning to the mansion with her again, you have to find a way totake more pictures of them. The more the merrier, yeah? You know what to do!”

“It’d be amazing if you can get a picture of them kissing! when that happens, we’ll make copies and hangthem up on every corner of every street and alley. What do you guys think would happen?” Ken cackledsince this was such a great opportunity.

He did not expect that after trying to rack their brains to come up with methods to handle jackie, jackiehimself would present them with such an opportunity.

“This time, we definitely need to dig up some dirt on jackie!” Ivan clenched his fist and said, “Look, thecourtyard in our Taylor family home is closest to that mansion. It’d be difficult for jackie to notice me if Ihid behind that tree to sneak a picture of him!”

“That’s good to know. If you’re free, Young Master Ivan, keep a close eye on him. Try your best to getintimate pictures of them, okay! We’ll leave everything to you, Young Master Ivan!”

“I’ll see when I can talk to Selena about this. I believe this whole ordeal of jackie buying that mansionwith that woman could not be kept from her forever,” Ken explained after some thought.

“Well said!” Ivan nodded. After thinking, he added, “If jackie bought this house for that woman, then I’mguessing this would be their private love nest. If the housing deed is under jackie’s name then it’s highlylikely that this mansion was given to him by that woman. Let’s see if he can explain himself then!”

Ken nodded as he replied, “What if this love nest of theirs is under that wealthy lady’s name?”

” jackie wouldn’t be able to explain their relationship as well, right? jackie went to the auction for thatmansion and then it was placed under that lady’s name. Do you think Selena would be happy if shelearned about this? This just shows how complicated jackie’s relationship is with that lady. This mansioncould be the place where they secretly meet for their affairs!”

“I think that lady only wears a mask to prevent her husband from finding out about them. It seems herhusband isn’t as simple as we thought. He might not even be a local from our Eastfield!” Ivan spokewhile cackling out loud.

“This could mean that jackie has yet to prepare the Old Master’s gift. He could still get exiled on the OldMaster’s birthday!” Neil explained.

At the end of their discussion, Ivan was tasked to keep a close eye on jackie over the coming days. Hewould try his best to catch jackie and that woman in any intimate acts.

Ken was tasked with letting Selena know about today’s findings to put some strain on her relationshipwith jackie. He also planned to have his friend investigate if jackie had received any advanced wagesfrom the Drake family.

Neil, on the other hand, would get his men to follow jackie around to find out if he had bought anythingthat cost above 10 million dollars.

Chapter 494 Within the office of the Drake Dynasty Real Estate, which belonged to Drake Group, Selena happened to

be relaxing while drinking a cup of coffee. The recent operations for the company were going quitesmoothly, leaving her with nothing much to do. Just as she was enjoying her leisure time, she noticed itwas almost lunch hour when Ken came looking for her. After knocking on the door and receivingpermission to enter, Ken came in with a freshly picked flower.

“Young Master Ken?” Selena looked disgusted when she noticed Ken.

However, she still smiled at him as she said, “What are you doing here, Young Master Ken? You wouldn’tbe asking for a collaboration with our company now, would you? If I recall correctly, your companydoesn’t have any relation to construction at all!”

Ken laughed. He handed her the flower while saying, “ jackie is nothing more than a mere soldier, amindless brute who is absolutely unworthy of you. He must be illiterate. Why would he be a take-outdelivery boy back then, if he wasn’t? It’s too embarrassing for you to stay with him!”

Upon noticing Selena’s silence, he continued, “Just accept me. I assure you, I’ll treat both you and yourdaughter extremely well. I swear I’ll treat your daughter like my very own!”

“Pardon me, Young Master Ken. Save this flower for another woman. I believe there are countlessbeautiful women out there who’d love to receive flowers from you. Besides, you’re rich and handsome.You’re undoubtedly the absolute dream man for some women out there!”

Selena did not accept the flower. She used to think that Ken was not bad. However, after jackie returned,she realized that Ken was truly a horrible person.

Ken brought some people with him to forcefully demolish their home. If he was truly an honorable man,he would never use such an underhanded method. Ken realized Selena would not accept his flowereven after waiting for a good long while. He chuckled awkwardly before placing the flower on the deck onanother end.

He then walked over to her and continued, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I admit I’m rich and my social status isquite high. It is without a doubt a bunch of beautiful women would want me if I were to look for them.”

He paused for a moment after saying that before continuing, “However, I’m loyal to you. You know that.Other women are not even a fraction of what you are in my eyes!”

“Really? If you were to ask me, I think that the more difficult it is for you to obtain something, the moreyou want to have it, right? Aren’t all you men this way?” Selena chuckled coldly and said, “Young MasterKen, please don’t bother me ever again. It’s impossible for us to ever be together, and not to mention, myhusband is quite good to me. I have a daughter, too, so I’m pretty content with my life. So, please, I hopeyou won’t ever disturb me again!”

“Your husband is nice to you?” Ken chuckled coldly as he said, “If he’s so nice to you, why would he lookfor that wealthy lady? I think you’re too naive and that you have no clue that b*stard of a man lied toyou!”

“Wealthy lady?” Selena frowned when she heard those words. She asked, “Why are you spoutingbaseless nonsense out of nothing again, Ken?”

“Baseless nonsense?” Ken laughed as he said, “Selena, you’ve no idea just what kind of person jackietruly is. You don’t understand him well enough. How well did you know him before marrying him? Youwere completely oblivious, right? He was enlisted on the second day of your marriage, and that singledeparture took five whole years.”

Chapter 495 “He’s only been back for less than a month, right? Do you think you truly understand that man? He’snothing more than a sugar baby right now. You wouldn’t have a single clue. A true sugar baby wouldcheat on you behind your back. We saw him today. He was with that wealthy lady, the same lady thatspent five hundred million dollars to win the bid for that luminous pearl from back then!” The more Kenspoke, the more emotional he became. Even his neck turned red.

Selena frowned harder when she noticed just how incredibly angry Ken was. She was indeed quiteskeptical of jackie back then since Ken was not the only one who had told her that. Even Michael hadsaid the same thing. In the end, however, she still chose to trust jackie, thinking that jackie was notsomeone who would do such a thing. However, Ken mentioned that he saw jackie with that wealthy ladyagain today. Having been accused of the same thing twice, could it be real?

Not to mention, jackie’s previous excuse was too outrageous. He told her that the Goddess of War, Lana,was his disciple. Was this not outrageous to hear? He even claimed that all of the nine Gods of War werealso his disciples.

“You, what evidence do you have? If you don’t have any evidence, you’re just spouting nonsense aboutsomeone else!” Selena stuttered while saying after remaining silent for a moment.

Ken knew Selena was starting to believe him when he noticed her reaction.

He was delighted as he said, “Of course, I have evidence! Your cousin Ivan, Neil, and I were all together,and all three of us saw them both together!”

He never expected Selena to reply in such a cold tone, “You, Ivan, and Neil? I wouldn’t believe a wordfrom those two since you’re all just a bunch of horrible people who hate jackie. Did you think I’d believe aword you said?”

Ken was speechless, unable to argue with her.

Chuckling bitterly, all he could say was, “Alright, it’s fine if you refuse to believe a word I say but there’sone thing that’s real, right?”

Ken paused before continuing, “The mansion opposite of the Taylor family home was auctioned today.Young Master Ivan knew that Old Master Taylor loved that mansion since it’s right opposite the Taylorfamily home. He wanted to buy the mansion as a gift for the Old Master’s seventieth birthday.”

“What does that have anything to do with jackie? Ivan is rich now after sealing the deal on that projectwith South Hill Real Estate. I couldn’t care less if he went to the auction to buy the mansion for OldMaster Taylor.”

Although Selena said that, beneath the surface, she was actually quite shocked. She did not expect thatIvan would stir up such a storm just to please Old Master Taylor so he could inherit the Taylor family’sassets. It seemed like he would do just about anything for that!

“naturally, that wouldn’t have been a big deal. However, we ran into jackie there! You should know thatmansion costs thirty million dollars, and jackie spent ninety-five million to buy that mansion! Tell me,where did he get all that money from?”

Ken cackled out loud and said, “Coincidentally, we also noticed that wealthy lady leaving that mansion.So, tell me. Don’t you think they’re in a relationship with one another? Isn’t he a scummy man?”

Chapter 496 “He actually spent ninety-five million dollars to buy that mansion? No way… And you ran into him andthat wealthy lady again? They left from that mansion?” Selena’s face turned slightly bitter. If what theyhad claimed was true, jackie’s relationship with that wealthy lady was indeed quite unique.

If all of it were true, that would mean that the man she had spent five years desperately waiting for hisreturn actually lied to her, and that she would have been the most foolish woman in the entire world.

“Of course it’s real. If you don’t believe me, we can both head over to the auction house and ask if therewas indeed a man named jackie who bought the mansion for ninety-five million dollars!”

Ken immediately said, “I can’t lie about that now, can I?”

Selena frowned, remaining silent. Her heart felt slightly awful. She felt incredibly wronged.

Over the last five years, she had suffered too much mockery and judgment for the sake of jackie andtheir daughter to be treated this way. jackie had repeatedly told her how much he loved her, and yet hewent looking for a wealthy lady? Not to mention, they actually bought a love nest right opposite the Taylorfamily home? Would this not be the most insulting thing to do to her? they made their love nest in front oftheir house!

“Truly, Selena. If I’m lying to you this time, I’d be struck by lightning!” Ken raised his hand andimmediately started swearing.

Selena recalled something else at this moment, the incident where jackie returned home extremely lateat night. He had some alcohol to drink and when he returned home, the scent of a woman’s perfume wasemanating from his body.

When she questioned him about it, he told her that it was Miss Yvonne’s perfume. Miss Yvonne wascompletely drunk and he had to carry her home on his back. Hence, the perfume. Now, however, Selenacould not help but feel skeptical about the truth he claimed. Was he actually with that wealthy lady thatnight? Moreover, was the money that jackie used to buy the Porsche 911 from the wealthy lady?

Once a person started to overthink, they would often spiral out of control. The more one were tooverthink, the more terrified one would become. It seemed like she started seeing issues with jackie now.

“So? Want me to take you there right now?” Ken spoke in a casual tone.

“There’s no need for that. You can return home now!” Selena glared at him coldly as she said, “I still havework to do. This is a workplace, so if you have any work-related business, then we can talk. If not, youcan spare me from that!”

“Selena, you can’t pretend to be oblivious about it, right? You were taken for a fool by jackie, thatscumbag. You, yourself had no idea. Do you still think he’s a good person? Selena, I’m doing this foryour sake. Only my feelings for you are true!”

Ken seemed a little frantic. He could tell that Selena somewhat believed him. However, he was unsureas to why Selena refused to go with him to validate the information he told her.

“Leave now. If you don’t, I’ll call security!” Selena stood up immediately as she furiously exclaimed that.

“Alright, alright. I’ll leave. Just think about everything I told you. Think if there’s anything peculiar aboutjackie that stands out. Also, you can’t let him know that you’re suspicious of him yet. We will present youwith all the evidence soon. I believe that there’s only one truth to this whole ordeal!”

Ken walked out, leaving Selena with that statement. He left after he was done speaking.

The moment Ken left, Selena sat back down on her chair, frowning deeper.

“It can’t be real. That can never be real. Even if my husband liked another woman out there, he would tellme about it. He’d ask for my opinion, right?” Selena started talking to herself, “And besides, he’s notsomeone who would be a sugar baby!”

Chapter 497 Lunch hour soon arrived. She walked out of the exit and after some thought, she drove to the auctionhouse.

“Is there anything I can help you with, miss? Our auction will begin at 1pm. We auctioned off a mansionearlier today and we’ll be auctioning off an amazing antique later.”

When a beautiful female staff noticed Selena, she immediately approached her with a professional smile.

“Oh, I wanted to ask if it was true that an astronomical price was offered during the auction for themansion this morning?” Selena probed after biting her lip.

She felt nervous after asking the question, worried she might feel awful about the answer.

“Of course, it’s true. That man was incredible. He’s the son-in-law of the Taylor family…and he spentninety-five million dollars to win the bid for that mansion!”

As the staff spoke, she exclaimed enviously, “Truly, the wealthiest amongst the wealthiest. He actuallyhad that much money to buy it on a whim!”

“You, how do you know he’s the son-in-law of the Taylor family?”

Selena felt unhappy after hearing it. Apart from jackie, who else would be referred to as the son-in-law ofthe Taylor family, could there be another person?

“Of course, I know. Everyone knew!”

The staff immediately said, “He had a bet with Young Master Ivan. Both of them kept adding to their bids.It was insane, I tell you! They said that whoever lost the bid for the mansion, the loser had to shine thewinner’s shoe, and it turned out that the son-in-law won! Oh right, Young Master Ivan was the one whomentioned that detail. He said that person was the son-in-law of the Taylor family. If he hadn’t, even wewould’ve no idea!”

Selena had an odd expression as she said, “Ivan actually polished the son-in-law’s shoe?”

“Of course, and since neither of them had a cloth with them, Young Master Ivan was forced to take hisshirt off to shine his shoe for him! That son-in-law was truly ruthless. He wasn’t even afraid of crossingthe other person, actually making Young Master Ivan clean the soles of his shoe!” the staff explained.

Selena was picturing the scene in her head, her heart feeling slightly better since Ivan did bully both herand Kylie a lot. If it was not for him being the Young Master of the Taylor family and her cousin, shewanted nothing more than to see him dead.

“Thanks a lot!” she left after a bitter chuckle.

However, what she could be certain of right now was that jackie did fork out ninety-five million dollars tobuy that mansion. That money must have come from that wealthy lady since it would be impossible forjackie to fork out such a huge amount. This also meant jackie was in a secret relationship with thatwealthy lady!

“Who exactly is that wealthy lady? Why would she be willing to fork out so much money for jackie?”Selena frowned. To get some form of confirmation, she remembered Miss Tanya’s number was saved inher phone.

With that thought in mind, she gave Miss Tanya a call, “Hello, Miss Tanya? It’s me, Selena White. I waswondering if you gave an advanced pay to my husband?”

“No. What’s up?”

Tanya’s voice could be heard from the other end of the call as she said, “Are you guys short on money?Do you need an advance? If you do, just let me know!”

“Oh, there’s no need. I was just randomly asking! Don’t tell jackie about it, okay!”

After Selena hung up, her mind was buzzing. It seemed jackie had indeed lied to her. He actually had awealthy lady out there.

Chapter 498 Miss Tanya did not give jackie an advanced pay, yet he spent ninety-five million dollars on that mansion.This meant that the money must have belonged to that wealthy lady. She guessed that the mansion wasbought by the wealthy lady, and whenever the both of them were free in the future, that was where theywould go for their dates.

She grew incredibly furious when she thought about how she allowed jackie to cuddle up with her theentire night last night. However, it did not take long for her to calm down. She pretended as if nothing had

happened when she returned to her office, all the way till she was done with work for the day. She drovehome as usual.

After jackie and Lana had lunch, they immediately went furniture shopping.

Lana left after they were done picking the right furniture. jackie, on the other hand, followed the deliverystaff back to the mansion and switched out the furniture from the previous owner that he did not want.

After they were done, he realized that the overall feel of the place felt even more perfect than before. Hebelieved that Selena would absolutely love the place once they moved in.

Since Ivan had nothing to do during the evening, he kept a close eye on everything that was happeningat the mansion across the street.

Unfortunately for him, all he saw was jackie returning to the mansion along with a couch. The wealthylady was nowhere to be seen. He felt a slight disappointment in his heart. However, after much deeperthought, he thought it made sense leaving jackie with all the hard labor since all the wealthy lady had todo was pay, right? He reckoned that all he had to do was keep watch at night and pay extra attentiontomorrow so he could actually capture something.

Since the mansion was newly bought, the wealthy lady would definitely want to taste what it must feellike doing the deed with jackie in their brand new mansion, right?

As for the old table and couch, they looked expensive and he could tell that they had not been used toooften. Perhaps jackie simply disliked them.

jackie immediately gave both the pieces away to the delivery staff and they happily left. Since jackie hadnothing to do, he took a nap in the mansion. At 6pm, he drove home.

“You’re home, honey!”

jackie noticed Selena in the courtyard and he greeted her with a smile.

“Yeah!” Selena’s reply was casual but her expression was cold.

Upon noticing Selena’s poor mood, jackie approached her and asked, “What’s the matter? Honey, youseem to be in a bad mood. Was that Sonia lady giving you trouble at the office again? If she keepstargeting you, just fire her! I slapped her in the face back then, did she not repent?”

“No!” Selena chuckled before asking jackie, “Oh, that’s right, honey. What did you do this morning?”

“Nothing much. I was working in the Drake family home!”

In order not to ruin his surprise for Selena, jackie hid it with an awkward chuckle, not speaking the truth.

Selena felt the hurt in her heart after she heard him say that.

She chuckled and said, “Oh, Miss Tanya treats our family really well. You should work hard to repay herkindness now, okay?”

“Honey, why do you seem a little odd today? Are you sure that nothing’s up with you?”

Chapter 499 jackie could sense that Selena was in a bad mood. She seemed as if she was hiding something fromhim.

Selena chuckled and said, “No. What are you talking about!”

“ jackie is back!” Fiona was taking care of something in the house.

When she noticed jackie’s return, Fiona came over smiling cheerfully, “Oh look, it’s my amazing son-in-law. You’re back!”

Both Selena and jackie looked at each other. instantly sensing that something was off. Fiona actuallygreeted her son-in-law, and on top of that, called him amazing. This made them feel as thoughsomething sketchy was happening.

“Oh no, I’m not worthy of your praises!” jackie chuckled awkwardly and asked, “Is there a problem,mom?”

“you sure are sharp!” Fiona chuckled before saying, “Sharon’s been looking for you for a few days in arow now but you haven’t been home.”

jackie gasped when he heard that. His expression dimmed slightly. It seemed like that woman would stillshow up here. It seemed like his mother-in-law might have gotten plenty of good deals out of this sinceshe was smiling so cheerfully. Judging from how she looked, he was worried that his mother-in-law mighttry to matchmake Sharon with him since Fiona nearly forced them to be with each other for money!

As expected, Fiona continued, “Miss Sharon is the lady of the George family. Now that she’s successfullylost weight, she looks just as beautiful as my daughter. She came over just for you and gave us each apiece of jade. They all look expensive, they might be worth millions! Say, she still likes you a lot. Shewants us to talk to you.”

After she was done speaking, she took out a box and handed it over to Selena. She said, “Here, Selena.This is a gift that Sharon prepared for you. Look at how thoughtful she is. I can tell she truly loves jackie!”

“Mom, you’ll accept anything people give you. Why didn’t you ask if jackie agrees to it or not? Or how Iwould feel about the whole ordeal? Am I just a statue to you?” Selena was already in a bad mood. All hersuppressed emotions exploded after watching how Fiona was trying to persuade jackie into marryingSharon.

She stood up furiously and tossed the box onto the ground while saying, “Have I never seen a piece ofjade before? It’s only a million dollars, right? Do you think I’m a complete nobody for you to encourage

someone who is going out of their way just to snatch my husband?”

Fiona immediately rushed to pick up the box and said, “Are you insane? This happens to be reallyexpensive. Even if you don’t like it, you can’t just throw it away. You can always give it to me. What wereyou going to do if it broke?”

Fiona carefully examined the piece of jade. After making sure it was not broken, she let out a sigh ofrelief and kept it away. She then told Selena, “Dear daughter, it’s normal for a man to have mistresses,right? Plenty of rich men out there have a few mistresses at home.”

Selena immediately turned around with a cold expression, ignoring Fiona.

“Mom, how could you accept such an expensive gift. She even gave you more than one. Did you think itwas appropriate for you to accept it?” jackie was also speechless. His own mother-in-law was trying tohelp him find a mistress. This was the first time in his life hearing something like this.

It seemed as though his family was the only one in the world that would do such a thing.

“Why would it be inappropriate? To any normal folk out there, such a gift is indeed an expensive gift, butto Sharon, this is nothing more than pocket change to her. Why can’t I accept it?” Fiona spoke with abitter look, “You guys should seriously think about this whole ordeal. jackie, you haven’t even seenSharon yet. She isn’t the same Sharon she used to be anymore. You might actually agree to her aftermeeting her. She truly was too fat. Even I wouldn’t agree to her offer back then. Don’t all men lovebeautiful women?”

“I’ve seen her before and yes, she is indeed beautiful. However, Selena is the only woman I love. I haveno feelings toward Sharon, especially when she already agreed to stop bothering me and yet, decided tocome again anyway. That disgusts me even more!” jackie replied with a cold look on his face.

Chapter 500 Selena was completely charmed by what jackie had just said. She could feel that the statement camedirectly from the bottom of his heart. The tone of his voice did not sound like he was lying. She mighthave misunderstood him if that were the case.

However, if it was not a misunderstanding, and since jackie loved money so much, why would he notpick Sharon. Since Sharon was not only pretty, she was young too. She had not even dated anyonebefore. Such a pure innocent lady would be much better than any wealthy woman, right?

Selena seriously wondered if she had actually misunderstood jackie. It might be quite possible that Ivan,Neil, and the others had intentionally laid a trap for jackie to strain their relationship. jackie might nothave even gone to the auction house today and went to work. Perhaps the staff at the auction housewere all bribed by Ivan and the others to intentionally say that. That was because Ken and the otherswere no fools. They could have guessed that she might secretly go to the auction house to confirm it forherself. Hence, they laid a trap for her, too.

‘Forget it, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. I’ll just wait for him to explain it to me on his own!’Selena thought to herself.

Selena calmed herself down for now. Since she did not allow jackie to touch her anyway, she would justcontinue living her life like this. She should be able to find out real soon if that was in fact, a trap set byIvan and the others.

Fiona grew incredibly furious as she said, “You, you’re pathetic!”

“Mom, what does me being pathetic have anything to do with the whole thing? Also, I’ll never be withSharon!” jackie replied after letting out a bitter chuckle.

“Don’t be hasty and refuse her just yet! Listen to me, Sharon happens to be the only daughter of theGeorge family, and after the master of the George family dies, every single asset of the George family

will belong to Sharon! Sharon is more than willing to marry you and be your mistress. She’ll be extremelyobedient to you. That means, in the future, all of the George family’s assets will be yours! Our family willbe rich! Wouldn’t that mean that my daughter, Selena’s father, and I would be able to live a happy life,then?” Although she was incredibly furious, Fiona still tried to keep herself calm while she advised jackiewith a smile.

“Have Ben marry her then, wouldn’t that be better?” jackie chuckled coldly before walking toward thehouse. He said, “I’ll be taking a shower now. Please stop trying to convince me about this in the future,mom. I’ll never agree to it.”

“I wish she’d like Ben, too, but she doesn’t like my son. What can I do?” Fiona yelled at jackie with a coldexpression, “Think about it. You’d come out of it a hundred million dollars richer!”

“Mom, stop trying to persuade him. Relationships are not to be forced. If he likes Sharon, then it’s fine.However, he doesn’t even like her in the slightest. How do you expect him to marry her? He isn’t going tobe happy like this!” Selena felt helpless as she stared at her mother.

The George family happened to be a First-Class aristocrat family. For someone that rich who came fromsuch a reputable family to like jackie would be something Fiona might not easily give up on.

As expected, Fiona stared at Selena and spoke with a smile, “Selena, jackie listens to you and hismother the best. I told his mother already to talk to him. You should also do the same. I think he’s justworried that you might be unhappy so he doesn’t dare to agree to Sharon’s advances. Or else, whywould any man refuse such an amazing offer, right?”

“This is up to him. Though I’m not against this ordeal, I’m not supporting it either. Which wife wouldencourage their husband to get a mistress!” Selena rolled her eyes at her mother before returning to herhouse as well.


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