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Chapter 70

Chapter 70

The sanatorium was the epitome of exclusivity and confidentiality. Every patient’s Information waslocked behind Ironclad nondisclosure agreements. Patients were known only by their assignedcodes, stripped of their names.

She could only remember his code, Number 99. And he knew her only as Number 11. He didn’teven know what she looked like, or what her voice sounded like. Should they cross paths in the vastcrowds of the world outside, he wouldn’t recognize her.

These scenes flashed through Clara’s mind like a movie. She kept searching for the man whomade her heart race, but he always vanished just as he appeared.

She longed to hold him, yet she could never quite reach him. In desperation, Clara clutched atsomething fiercely, refusing to let go. Her voice was a soft whisper, “Please don’t go, will you?”

lan’s heart took a heavy hit, skipping a beat in that very moment. He gazed at Clara’s anxious andpale face, and a genuine smile broke across his features.

His hand gently stroked her hair, his tone soothing and persuasive. “Alright, I’ll stay. Will you wakeup for me?”

As they were locked in a tight embrace, the door to the hospital room swung open. Leonora walkedin with Heidi at her side. The sight that greeted them darkened Leonora’s already sour expression.Leonora had never heard lan speak in such tender tones, nor seen such affection in his eyes. Sheinterrupted without hesitation, “lan, has Clara awakened?”

At the sound, lan slowly let go of Clara but kept a firm grip on her hand. He lifted hist eyelids lazilyand asked coolly, “Do you need anything?”

“It’s Heidi. She’s afraid you won’t believe her, so she asked me to check on things. I’ve heard whathappened. Clara was jealous of Heidi, and tried to push her into the pond, but Heidi dodged, andClara fell in by mistake. She brought this on herself. You shouldn’t blame yourself. The Hayes familywill cover the medical expenses, and we’ll provide a generous sum for her recuperation. I thinkthat’s more than fair.”

lan’s expression was unreadable as he looked at Heidi, “Is that so?”

Tears brimming in her eyes, Heidi nodded, “lan, I really didn’t push her. She fell on her own. If Ihadn’t been quick, it would have been me. You know I suffer from depression, and a shock like thatcould make it worse.” novelbin

Leonora chimed in, “Thank goodness it wasn’t Heidi.”

The storm gathering in lan’s eyes intensified, his gaze upon them frosty. “Done talking? Then getout!”

“lan, are you still angry with me? I promise, I’ll ask my mom to drop the assault charges againstClara as compensation for the accident. What do you say?”

Before lan could respond, a frail voice filled the room. “I disagree.”

At the sound, lan immediately turned around. His gaze met Clara’s weak and somewhat cold eyes.He leaned in closer, his voice softer, “Clara, you’re awake. How do you feel?”

Clara looked at lan, then at Heidi, the surrogacy thing resurfacing in her mind. She watched lancoldly, “Do you believe her story?”

lan replied firmly, “I believe in evidence.”

“And what if the evidence is wiped clean, just like last time? Whom will you believe then, her orme?”

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