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Chapter 68

Chapter 68 novelbin

Clara’s eyelids fluttered down gently as consciousness began to fade, her body sinking deeper anddeeper into the abyss of darkness.

After what felt like an eternity, warmth enveloped her, and she could sense the steady rhythm of lifebeing breathed into her underwater.

Slowly, Clara opened her eyes to lan’s chiseled features, etched with concern and fear. She didn’teven have the strength to mock herself anymore. Consciousness slipped through her fingers likesand.

lan cradled her face, tirelessly administering mouth–to–mouth resuscitation while patting her cheeksgently, but to no avail. He dragged her towards the surface, only for their legs to be ensnared by themuddy grasp below. Both of their bodies were trapped in the mud, and trying to struggle out wastoo difficult.

As Clara sank deeper and deeper, lan pulled her hand hard, trying to drag her out. He kept tellinghimself. “Clara, you can’t die on me! If you dare, I’ll drag you back from the afterlife myself.”

Just then, a lifeline appeared before him. He seized the rope and heaved, pulling Clara from themurky depths. With one arm around her and the other clutching the rope, he swam towards theshore.

Once on land, lan laid Clara down and pressed on her chest relentlessly. “Clara, wake up,” heshouted, “Clara, come back to me!”

But his calls seemed to fade into oblivion. He leaned down to breathe life into her once more, andas his lips touched her cold ones, tears blurred his vision. He was terrified she might never


Just then, someone suddenly shouted, “The doctor’s here!”

lan snapped to attention, commanding, “Save her, by any means necessary.”

The doctor knelt beside Clara, examining her eyes with a grave expression, “Mr. Hayes, I’ll

do everything I can.”

lan, frantic, grabbed the doctor’s collar, “If you can’t save her, your life is on the line too.”

“Mr. Hayes, please let go. Any more delays, and it might be too late.”

Several minutes later, Clara coughed up water, yet remained unconscious. lan carried her to theambulance.

Outside the emergency room, he stood rooted to the spot, waves of dread churning within him.

Heidi arrived, clutching his arm, tears streaming, “lan, I didn’t push Clara. She fell on her

own, jealous of our work trip together. She did this for your sympathy, lan, you have to believeme. I didn’t push her.”

Her grandmother Kayla came too, pleading for her daughter, “Yes, lan, Heidi is innocent. How couldshe harm anyone? It’s Clara’s trick. She’s the cunning one, trying to win you back with her ploys.”

lan’s eyes, dark and cold, turned towards them, “She wouldn’t stay by my side even if I begged.Why would she need to resort to such schemes?”

“lan, do you not trust me?”

“What do you think?”

Heidi watched lan with teary eyes. She was about to explain something when the door to the ERopened.

Ian rushed to the doctor, “How is she?”

The doctor frowned, “She has thalassophobia. Weren’t you aware?”

lan shook his head, his voice husky, “I didn’t know. Is it serious?

The doctor sighed, “She’s had a traumatic experience in the water before. Just the sight of it cantrigger her, let alone falling in Physically, she’s stable, but the psychological trauma is severe. She’llneed her loved ones to help her recover”

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