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Chapter 472

The sound made Robert instinctively flinch backward. His eyes, slightly clouded with age, darted inthe direction of the noise.

Dressed head to toe in black, with a stormy expression on his face, Ian advanced towards him. Itwas only then that Robert realized Ian had played him.

In a calm, measured tone, Robert said, "You've got the wrong guy. I'm not this 'Ford' you're lookingfor."

Ian's lips curled into a sinister sneer as he approached Robert and yanked off the mask concealinghis face, revealing features that bore an uncanny resemblance to someone familiar. His eyes, darkand profound, fixed upon the unmasked visage as a chilling, gravelly voice emanated from histhroat. "Ford, did you really think I wouldn't recognize you behind this little charade?"

With a swift kick to Robert's stomach, Ian sent him reeling back several yards before he slammedagainst a pillar, coughing up blood.

Ian's aura was like that of a man encased in ice, emitting a chill that took one's breath away. Thethought of this man ruining his wedding celebration and nearly causing the death of Clara and theirchild made the malevolence within Ian surge.

He strode over to Robert, planted his boot on his neck, and demanded in a frosty tone, "Talk. Whatreally happened in that fire all those years ago?"

Robert struggled for breath, his face turning a shade of crimson, yet his jaw was clenched tight, aclear sign that he would rather die than spill his secrets.

Ian let out a scornful chuckle, slowly releasing his foot from Robert's neck, and crouched besidehim. "You think I can't touch you if you play dead? The Hayes family has been supporting your wife

and kids for years, not for nothing. It's been a long time since you've seen them, so maybe it's time Igive you a chance for a little family reunion. Your grandson's in elementary school now, thanks tome. It's the best school in Northbridge, and I bet he'd love to meet the grandfather who 'died'protecting the Hayes family fortune and then came back from the dead."

Ian pulled out his smartphone, found a video of a child reciting a poem in class, and showed it toRobert.

The sight of the child in the video crumbled the fortress of Robert's mental defenses. For years, hehad been watching over his family from the shadows. He knew about his grandson attendingelementary school and even masqueraded as an old scavenger just to speak with him once by theschool gates. The boy hadn't shunned him; he'd even helped him find his way.

How Robert longed to embrace the child, buy him toys, and treat him to a feast. But all he hadmanaged to say was 'thank you'—nothing more.

Tears streamed down Robert's face as he stuttered out apologies, "I'm sorry, I had no choice.Leonora had evidence of my crimes; if I didn't do as she said, she would expose me."novelbin

He confessed everything.

Robert, having served as the Hayes family butler, was in charge of dispensing the staff's salariesand managing the family's monthly expenses. Over the years, he had embezzled millions, andLeonora had caught him red-handed, threatening to blow the whistle. He had begged on his knees,willing to do anything to keep the matter hushed up.

At this revelation, Ian's eyes narrowed slightly. "Who's the woman in the warehouse, and why didLeonora want her dead? The charred remains weren't yours, so whose were they?"

Robert confessed, "She was a homeless person. Leonora ordered me to burn a woman who hadseduced Mr. Teo and was carrying his child. When I got there, the woman's face had beendisfigured beyond recognition, but she seemed to know me and was crying and begging for mercy.In a moment of heartlessness, I lit the gasoline. That's when a homeless man burst in, claiming thewoman was his savior and that he wanted to save her. I fought with him..."

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