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Chapter 461

Clara's gaze lingered on the final entry of the diary, which bore a date that coincided with the eve ofher mother's tragic accident. Her mother had been so full of hope for her arrival, yet fate cruellysnatched her life away before Clara had even taken her first breath.

Now pregnant herself, Clara could intimately relate to the cocktail of emotions that must haveswirled within her mother. The thought sent a spasm of pain through her heart, and tears made theirsilent escape down her cheeks.

Ian walked in just in time to witness her sorrow. He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist frombehind, his voice a soothing baritone. "Missing your mom?"

Clara sniffled, "This... this is the first time I've really felt my mother's love. She loved me so muchand did so much for me. Why did fate have to take her? Why tear us apart? I so hate the personresponsible for her death. If I ever find out who it was, I'll never forgive them."

Ian felt a sudden weight in his chest at her words and instinctively tightened his embrace. Thoughno evidence had surfaced to implicate Leonora in the incident, Clara's words still set off aninexplicable alarm inside him.

He kissed the tip of Clara's ear gently, his voice deep and imploring, "Clara, no matter whathappens in the future, don't you ever leave me. Please, can you promise me that?"

Clara turned around, puzzled, "What are you talking about? You're the father of our child. Whywould I leave you? The three of us have so many dreams to fulfill."

She tiptoed to plant a kiss on Ian's chin, smiling, "You're the man Mom chose for me. I trust herjudgment. Honey, I'll always love you."

Ian saw the sincerity in her tearful eyes and felt the warmth in her gaze. His earlier worries melted inhis heart, which was filled with sweetness from the inside out.novelbin

He gently lifted her chin, nuzzling her cheek with his nose, his voice husky with emotion. "Babe, Iwill always love you, too."

He captured her soft, full lips in a kiss that promised forever.

Meanwhile, Casey had been informed that setting the wedding date was up to him. Early in themorning, he drove to the Hayes family estate.

Together, he and Teo headed the western suburbs, seeking the wisdom of a famous fortune-tellercalled Mr. Heiman.

Casey handed over Clara and Ian's info to the sage. His voice was filled with reverence. "Sir, thesetwo are planning to get married next month. Could you please choose a good date for them?"

Heiman set aside his beads, studying the details with a benevolent face. "The eighth of next month,at eleven eighteen in the morning, is an good time. If the couple can marry at this precise moment,they will enjoy a smooth life, blessed with health and happy children. If not, they're bound to face arocky path full of hardships."

Casey and Teo exchanged a worried glance at these words. "Are you suggesting they'll face trials?"

Heiman nodded solemnly, pulling out two protective talismans from his pocket and handing them toTeo. "These are the blessings Marian has accumulated over the years. I entrust them to you, hopingthey'll safeguard their lives."

With those parting words, he rose and left.

Teo, holding the talismans, looked concerned. "What did the he mean by that? What's this aboutsafeguarding their lives? Could danger be looming for Clara and Ian?"

Casey was equally unsettled, furrowing his brow. "Regardless, we need to advise them to becautious. Didn't he also say that if they marry on the eighth, all will be well? Until then, we'll ensuretheir safety."

"Yes, we must see to it that they marry on the eighth. Otherwise, they face a future fraught withdifficulties."

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