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Chapter 361

"Somebody's trying to cash in on the chaos, and it looks like they have bigger plans."

Hearing the analysis, Brodie furrowed his brow. "Keep Clara safe. They're probably after her."

Teo glanced up at Brodie and felt an odd sense of familiarity in his features. If it weren't for the factthat he'd never had a real relationship with any woman outside his marriage, he'd think Brodie washis own flesh and blood. With a hint of surprise, Teo asked cautiously, "How come your mother hasthis phobia of hospitals?" He trod lightly, knowing he was venturing into personal territory.

Brodie's eyes darkened, his face expressionless. "When she was young, she trusted the wrong guyand got betrayed by a lowlife. She got burned in a fire, and then someone tried to take her out.Waking up in a hospital bed covered in injuries became too common. That's how she developed thephobia."

Teo felt a sharp pang in his heart upon hearing this. It wasn't hard to piece together the kind of hellBrodie and his mother had been through. The kind of pain probably never faded.

Grinding his teeth, Teo spat out, "That scumbag deserves to be torn apart for betraying such a kindsoul. What a piece of garbage."

Brodie's calm demeanor belied the fierce determination in his voice. "I'm on it. Once I find him, therewill be no mercy."

The seemingly tranquil eyes hid an unmistakable ruthlessness that stung Ian's own gaze. He hadthe unsettling feeling that Brodie was hinting at something more.

In the midst of their conversation, the doors to the emergency room swung open.

A young nurse stepped out and called, "The patient is too agitated to proceed with surgery. Weneed a family member to calm her down."

Without a second's hesitation, Brodie rushed into the operating room. The sight of his motherthrashing about in a frenzy brought tears to his eyes. He moved to her side, enveloping her in acomforting embrace. "Mom, it's alright. It'll be over soon."

Half an hour later, with the help of a psychiatrist and Brodie's soothing presence, Katherine finallycompleted the surgery.

When she was wheeled out, Ian was shocked by the sight of Brodie. His face, his neck – they weremarked with scratches, and his arm bore bite marks. Buttons from his shirt were torn off.

The typically suave Brodie now looked utterly disheveled. What state had Katherine been in to havelashed out so violently at her own son? Had she lost all reason in her episode?

Ian clenched his fists and hurried over. "How is she?"

"Her back's stitched up, over a dozen stitches, but no bone damage," Brodie replied with a sombertone.

"I've got this. You should get those wounds treated."

"No need. If she wakes up and I'm not there, it'll only make things worse."

Ian watched Brodie with concern. "Can't the psychiatrist do anything? All these years and noprogress?"

Brodie managed a weak smile. "There has been progress. She doesn't have episodes when thingsare calm. But for a full recovery, we need to find the root cause. She's got amnesia, so it's beenelusive."

Ian felt an unexpected ache in his heart. He had always been cold and detached, but the plight ofBrodie and Katherine touched him deeply. He couldn't imagine what Brodie must have endured all

these years with a mother like that.

Outside of the hospital, Ian cast a glance at Teo, who was also silent. In a heavy tone, he asked,"Dad, could Brodie be the result of one of your old flings?"novelbin

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