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Chapter 337

At the eleventh hour, he couldn’t linger any longer. After a few hurried instructions, he dashed off tothe hospital.

Upon realizing that Clara hadn’t backed down, a wave of panic washed over Heidi’s previouslysmug face. Her icy eyes glared at Clara with venomous intensity. She couldn’t fathom how Claracould keep her wits about her and win this lawsuit while her father lay gravely ill.

Clara wiped away a tear and took a deep breath, steadying herself.

With a sympathetic look, Sasha handed her a glass of water and whispered reassurances, “Clara,don’t worry. Mr. Casey will pull through.”

Clara nodded faintly.

The trial resumed. Just when everyone expected Clara to falter, she fought like a lioness backedinto a corner, growing fiercer as the battle waged on. Her sharp and precise words left the opposingcounsel speechless on several occasions.

Not only did she firmly establish Heidi’s guilt for tampering with her car’s brakes, but she alsoproved Heidi had incited her fans to douse her with acid, resulting in Ian’s grievous injuries. Bothcharges were convincingly upheld after some debate.

As the opposing lawyer tried to leverage Heidi’s supposed depression to mitigate the charges, Claracalled upon Heidi’s psychiatrist to the stand. The testimony was clear: Heidi didn’t have depression.It was all an act.

Heidi was stunned by this turn of events. In a fit of rage, she screamed in the courtroom, “Clara, I’mgoing to kill you!”

Clara’s face hardened with a fierceness never seen before. “Heidi, if anything happens to my dad,I’ll hold you responsible.”

In the end, the court sentenced Heidi to ten years for multiple counts of incitement to commitgrievous harm.

As the judge pronounced the sentence, Clara’s fists clenched tightly. Her icy gaze turned to Paoloas she said with chilling resolve, “Mr. Paolo, if I find out you had anything to do with my father’sillness, you’ll be the next one in the defendant’s chair!”

After saying that, she gathered her belongings and left.

Paolo was ashen. He hadn’t expected Clara to be so relentless, to put her father’s critical conditionaside and still win the case. The trap he had so carefully set had failed to ensnare her, and now hisown daughter was sentenced to additional years beyond what he had anticipated. He had indeedshot himself in the foot.

Heidi refused to accept her fate, and cried out to Paolo in the courtroom, “Dad, save me! I don’twant to go to jail. They‘ll bully me every single day. I can’t stand it in there!”novelbin

With tears streaming down her face, Heidi was forcibly taken away by the prison guards and thrownback into the slammer.

The prison queen smirked as Heidi was hauled back in. “So much for daddy’s money saving you,huh? Looks like it’s up to me to set you straight.”

With a nod to her cronies, they approached Heidi with sneers. Terrified, Heidi stumbled backward.“What are you doing? Don’t you dare hit me. My father will not let you get away with this.”

The woman laughed coldly, “It’s exactly bitches like you we love to break!”

Before Heidi could react, her hair was yanked, and her head was slammed against the wall. Bloodinstantly streamed down her face. A flurry of punches and kicks ensued, each one a blow to herpride, a humiliation she had never experienced.

Inwardly, she screamed with vengeful fury, “Clara, I will never forgive you!”

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