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Chapter 324

Ian returned to Riddleton five days later. Barely had he settled into the car when Dawson began hisreport. “Mr. Hayes, something odd is going on. Lately, Mr. Casey has been reaching out to hisbusiness contacts, saying he wants to sell his newly established company due to health issues. Andhe’s willing to let it go for a song.”

A flicker of concern passed through Ian’s eyes. Something didn’t sit right with him.

Casey’s new venture was in the solar energy sector, a field that was not only flourishing but alsoperfectly aligned with his expertise. Less than six months since its inception, the company wasalready worth billions. With the trajectory it was on, it wouldn’t be five years before it outstripped thegiants in the industry in annual profits. A poor bill of health couldn’t be the sole reason for such ahasty sell-off. There had to be another reason.

Casey was planning to leave, Ian thought. His heart skipped a beat. “To the Bell family estate,” heinstructed immediately.

Half an hour later, the car rolled through the gates of the Bell estate. Ian strode into the foyer withpurpose, his tall figure cut through the air. When he saw Casey, clad in an apron, emerging from thekitchen, his coiled nerves finally relaxed. Still, his voice betrayed an urgency he couldn’t suppress.“Casey, where’s Clara?”

Casey pointed upstairs with a smile. “Up there. When did you get back?”

“Just now. I brought some gifts for you and Clara from Riddleton and came straight here.”

Casey’s eyes momentarily danced with an indescribable emotion as he glanced at the assortmentof gift boxes in Dawson’s arms, but he quickly regained his composure. “Dinner will be ready soon.Could you please call Clara down?”


Ian hurried upstairs, unable to wait a moment longer. Pushing open Clara’s door, he found herpacking a suitcase that looked ready to burst. She was struggling to zip it up, her efforts evidentlyfutile.

Ian clenched his fists, feeling a pang in his heart as if it had been struck. He strode over, and hishand came down heavily on the suitcase. His voice came out icy. “Where are you planning to go?”

Clara looked up sharply. Her gaze met Ian’s fiery one, and she felt a flicker of panic. If Ian knew shewas leaving, he would never let her go. All her careful planning would be for naught. She quicklycomposed herself, feigning indignation. “Ian! Don’t you knock? You nearly scared me to death!”

“Clara, answer me. Why are you packing? Where are you going?” Ian’s tone was uncompromising.His grip tightened on her wrist. He pulled her into an embrace, his breath hot and hurried on herface. His eyes were burning with uncontainable rage.

Clara defensively glared at him. “Ian, you’re hurting me.”

Ian didn’t loosen his grip. Instead, he held her closer, his face inching towards hers, his dark gazefixed on her unsettled eyes.

“Why is your dad selling the company, and why are you packing? Are you planning to leave?”novelbin

Clara shook her head immediately, denying it. “No, I’m just moving some off-season clothes to myapartment. My dad’s health is getting worse, and I want him to retire early. Ian, you don’t need tomake such a fuss. My career is just taking off. How could I think of leaving?”

She hoped the explanation was convincing. After all, she was Northbridge’s most sought-afterattorney, with a monthly retainer in the millions. No one would ever choose to leave at a time likethis.

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