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Chapter 272

As Ian sat in the conference room, his phone buzzed with a message from Roger, setting off aflicker of triumph in his chest. Someone was finally spending the money he worked so hard for.

Having a wife like Clara, who had a knack for shopping, meant he had to buckle down even more.The thought brought an uncharacteristic smile to his normally stern face.

But, to his disappointment, by the time the meeting wrapped up, there had been no notification ofany card transactions.

He had given Clara a no-limit black card linked to his phone. Could it be she hadn’t spent any of hismoney?

With this nagging thought, Ian immediately pulled out his phone and dialed Clara. After severalrings with no answer, he called Roger.

As soon as Roger picked up, Ian could hear a cacophony of excited shrieks in the background. “Areyou still with Clara? Why isn’t she picking up her phone?”

Roger chuckled, “Why isn’t she answering? Because she’s here with my wife, swooning over aheartthrob’s live performance.”

He purposely panned his camera to show Clara in the throng, waving a glow stick with glee.

Ian gritted his teeth at the sight. “Pass her the phone.”

Roger’s voice was teasing. “Not sure that’s a good idea, mate. She’s having a blast. Look at me –playing the doting husband, babysitting solo, while also playing bodyguard. You could learn a thingor two about being magnanimous.”

“Magnanimous my foot! She’s out there having a wild time the second I turn my back. Just you waituntil I get my hands on her!”

Roger sensed drama brewing and eagerly called Clara over, handing her the phone as he waitedfor the storm to hit. But then he saw the once furious Ian’s expression soften into tenderness at thesight of his wife. His voice mellowed. “Clara, having fun?”

Where was the promised showdown? Ian looked as smitten as a lovesick pup.

Clara’s smile was radiant. “So much fun! I’ve been shopping and now watching the show withChristy. Did you need something?”

Ian’s voice carried a hint of forlorn hope. “I was just wondering why you didn’t use my card. Haven’tyou forgiven me yet? Are you so mad you won’t even spend my money?”

Roger couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity. Ian had called all the way just to ask why his moneywasn’t being spent.novelbin

Clara, amused by Ian’s pitiful look, teased, “Buying gifts for you with your own money lackssincerity. Don’t you think?”

Ian’s eyes lit up. His lips curved into a smile. “You’re thinking of me that much? Missing me alreadyand buying gifts? I’ll make sure to take extra special care of you when I get back, okay?”

His voice was seductive, and his tone was laced with an enchanting drawl that sent a warm flush toClara’s cheeks. “Alright, let’s talk more when I get home. I want to get back to the show now.”

Their sweet exchange was, unfortunately, witnessed by Heidi, who stood not too far off. She sawthe adoring way Ian called Clara “babe” and the love in his eyes.

Jealousy bit into her. It was so fierce that she tasted the metallic tang of blood in her mouth.

As the evening drew on, Roger left with his kids, while Christy and Clara continued their fun. Theydanced in the club after the concert and were now resting on a couch when a well-heeled ladyapproached. “Mrs. Hicks, we’re short one for cards. Care to join us?”

Christy recognized the woman as a frequent associate of the Hicks family. She was inclined todecline when Clara interjected, “Go ahead. I’ll sit here and chat with Ian for a bit.”

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