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Chapter 241

Her love for him was as profound as it was fiery, yet it bore an undercurrent of immense pain.

Clara's throat was raw, her voice a husky whisper, making Ian's heart quiver. "Ian, Ian." She lay inhis arms, calling out his name over and over again.

How many times had she done the same in her dreams? But every time she awoke, her pillow wassoaked with tears, and he was nowhere to be found.

Ian gently wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes, unable to hide the agony that dwelleddeep within his own gaze.

A memory flashed through his mind—of the time Clara had been under the influence of some lovepotion, and she had called out his name just like this.

Even though he had hurt her deeply, he had always been the one true love in her heart. Thisprofound love cut Ian like a knife. He held Clara tight, murmuring words of comfort.

"Clara, I'm here for you. From now on, I'll always be here, okay?"

The two embraced, losing track of time until Clara's phone began to ring. She tried to push Ian awayto answer it, but he lifted her effortlessly into his arms. "Ian, I need to take this call."novelbin

Carrying her into the living room, he handed her the phone, saying, "Just take it while I hold you."

Clara shot him a glance. "Don't forget, I haven't said 'yes' yet."

"I know, which means I have to try even harder. A little seduction is just part of the chase." With that,he settled down with Clara on the balcony sofa. Several buttons of his shirt were undone, revealinga broad expanse of his gorgeous collarbone and the hint of a well-defined six-pack.

Clara's cheeks flamed scarlet. She glared at him before pressing the answer button. "Hello, Marco."

"Clara, next week's Ivywood University's centennial celebration, and the dean wants you to speakas an alumna. Would you accompany me for the occasion?"

Clara laughed sheepishly. "Marco, the distinguished alumni are supposed to be billionaires andCEOs. As a small-time lawyer, I'd be a laughingstock. Please find someone else. It's tooembarrassing."

"That's not up to me. It's a directive from the city officials. You don't realize how highly they regardyou after you won that case for that troublesome client. Sure, the guy was no good to you, but thatcase really boosted your reputation. Consider it some sort of compensation from him."

Ian, overhearing this, was about to speak when Clara's hand clamped over his mouth.

Marco still hadn't forgiven Ian and would get a heart attack just at the mention of him. He would beso disappointed in her if he knew they were together at this very moment.

Clara whispered to Ian, 'Shut up.'

Ian nodded obediently but couldn't restrain himself. His warm, moist lips kissed her neckincessantly.

A week later, Clara accompanied Marco to the university celebrations, along with Anders and otherclassmates.

As an alumna representative, she took the stage to speak. With Ivywood University's centennialmaking headlines, Clara's striking looks and professional prowess thrust her back into the limelight.

As her speech neared its end, she said, "Many of our classmates are too busy to attend, but I bringtheir well-wishes. Please direct your attention to the big screen."

She clicked a remote to open a file on the screen. However, instead of the expected pre-recordedvideo messages, an audio file began to play.

The entire auditorium was filled with a voice that sent shivers down Clara's spine.

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