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Chapter 214

The vet’s words cut Clara to the core. She cradled Snow’s head, showering it with kisses. Tearstraced the elegant line of her jaw and fell onto Snow’s pristine white fur.

Clara’s voice was choked with emotion. “Snow, you’re not an orphan. You’re Mommy and Daddy’streasure. Mommy loves you so much, and Daddy loves you too. We’ll never abandon you.”

At her words, hot tears welled up in Snow’s bright eyes as well.novelbin

Even the doctor was moved. She stroked Snow’s head and said, “Snow, you’re the most lovedtreasure of your parents. Now, I’m going to perform a little surgery on you. It might hurt a bit, but youneed to be brave, okay?”

Snow seemed to understand, remaining silent throughout the procedure.

Clara’s heart ached even more. It felt like it had been ages since she had cried like this.

She was holding the sleeping Snow, and her tears continued to fall relentlessly. Her guilt towardsthe little creature peaked.

In that moment, a suit jacket was draped over her shoulders, and Ian’s large hand gently massagedher head. In a deep voice, he said, “For Snow’s sake, can we talk seriously?”

Clara didn’t refuse. Wiping her tears, she said, “Let him stay with me for a while. When he missesyou, I’ll bring him to you.”

Ian’s gaze, deep and intense, held hers. “Clara, don’t you think Snow deserves a loving home?Anders stayed with Elle for their child’s sake. Can’t you come back to me for Snow? We can be afamily again, just like before. I’ll take you both out for fun, okay?”

His words were cautious yet filled with longing.

Clara’s mind was flooded with happy memories. She and Snow would play in the backyard, waitingfor Ian to come home from work and then rushing to greet him. She had thought those were thehappiest days.

But now, they became painful memories.

Clara’s eyes lowered. Her lashes were still wet with tears. Her voice was nasal from crying. “Andersdid it to cure his child’s illness; our situation is different. A loveless home can’t protect a child. It onlycauses harm. Isn’t that what our own families were like? Did you feel happy as a child?”

Her words left Ian speechless. The business mogul, who never lost in negotiations, always feltslightly at a disadvantage with Clara. He let out a bitter chuckle. “Having a lawyer for a wife isterrifying. I can never win an argument with you. What am I supposed to do?”

“So, I advise you to think twice before getting involved with lawyers. You won’t get the upper hand.”

“Then I won’t take it. Can’t I just admit defeat?”

As Ian spoke, he gently arranged the stray locks of hair on her forehead. His eyes reflected atenderness he had never shown before. Those dark, alluring eyes shimmered under the light above,like a night sky filled with stars.

For a brief moment, Clara was touched, but it passed in a flash.

Yet even that was caught by Ian. He casually undid a button on his shirt, revealing the perfect linesof his collarbone. His Adam’s apple rolled enticingly.

He leaned in close, and the heat in his gaze landed on Clara’s face. His voice, raspy and low withbarely contained heat, brushed against Clara’s ear. “In this life, I only want Attorney Clara to takeadvantage of me.”

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