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Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Clara was standing in the living room, but she could still hear the doctor’s words. She knew all toowell what he meant by “not bounce


Her hands were clenched tightly around the hem of her shirt. Her heart skipped a beat. The nextsecond, she heard the doctor calling her in, handing her two boxes of ointment and saying, “Applythis morning, noon, and night. Keep the area dry for the next few days, and once the wound is fullyhealed, we can check the functionality. I suspect that’s when we’ll need your cooperation.”

Clara was taken aback, “Cooperate how?”

The doctor chuckled, “Well, of course, by helping his little soldier stand at attention again. You’re hisgirlfriend. Who else is he going to turn to for help, some other woman?”

“I’m not his girlfriend,” Clara immediately denied.

The doctor didn’t seem to care about her protest, instead he imparted his advice with earnest,“Every couple has their spats, but it’s making up that counts. If you don’t help him recover, you’rethe one who’s going to suffer later on,”

Without waiting for Clara’s reaction, he grabbed his medical bag and hurried out the door.

Clara stood there, dumbfounded, the tubes of ointment in her hands feeling like hot potatoes–shecouldn’t just toss them aside, yet holding onto them felt all kinds of wrong.

lan lay in bed, his face contorted in pain, but he managed to say with a hint of wit, “Hand me theointment. I can manage myself.”

Clara passed it to him quickly and then, her cheeks flushed. Til be outside. Call if you need me.”

lan was in real pain, especially because the wound was in such a sensitive area. Each dab ofointment made his brows furrow in agony. By the time he was done, his forehead was covered in asheen of sweat.

Bare–chested and with a towel wrapped around his waist, he sat on the bed, his voice weak, “Clara,you can come in now.”

Upon hearing his voice, Clara stepped inside and found lan in such a vulnerable state. Her browfurrowed, “How are you feeling?”

lan, enduring the pain, shook his head, “It’s nothing. Don’t mind the doctor’s nonsense. It’s not thatserious. Even if I did end up underperforming, I wouldn’t blame you.”

His reasonable tone took Clara by surprise, and just as she was about to respond, lan’s voice filledher ears again. Tm afraid I can’t make it back home tonight. Mind if I crash here?”

His request was polite and distant, showing no intention of taking advantage. He thought that Clarawouldn’t suspect any foul play and would let him stay the night. But the next thing he heard wasClare saying, “You rest up in this room; I’ll book another one.”

With that, she grabbed her phone and left without looking back, leaving lan sitting on the bed alone.The physical pain compounded by a fresh emotional wound kept him awake late into the night.

The next morning, lan’s walk was slightly different due to the ache in certain areas. Dawson lookedat hirm quizzically, “Mr. Hayes, did you spend last night with Attorney Clara?”

lan, already in a bad mood, felt a sting at the question. Not only had he not spent the night withClara, but his plan had completely backfired, and she hadn’t stayed.

His cold gaze fell on Dawson, “Are you mocking me?”

Dawson frowned in confusion, “If you weren’t together, why do you look like you’ve been up novelbin

lan huffed in irritation; never had he felt this way, even after a night of passion.

p to no good?”

Just then, he spotted Anders and Clara approaching, chatting amiably. The sight clenched lan’sheart with Jealousy. Dropping his luggage, he strode up to Clara and blurted out, “Clara, I seem tohave left my boxers in your bathroom. Did you happen to see them when you were packing up?”

The question not only turned Clara’s face scarlet, but Dawson’s eyes also widened in shock. If theyhadn’t been together, how on earth did lan’s boxers end up in Attorney Clara’s bathroom? Seriously,did his boxers sprout legs and run off on their own?

Chapter 174

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