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Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Helena paused for effect, then beckoned Claim closer, her voice a calculated whisper. “Unless hepublicly declares me his hancée, and Til just tell the judge we had a invere tiff if not, I’ll make surehis reputation is in Tallers” With a smug smile, Helena lit up a simm cigarette, the ember glowing tothis thin light. novelbin

Clara observed her impassively, her tone low but filled with an unmistakable power. I’m afraidyou’re in for a disappointment. As long as I’m here, nobody can hurt him”

Helena exhaled a perfect smoke ring before fixing Clara with a mocking gaze. “The police haveevidence, I was assaulted, and they found traces of lan in me. What do you think you can do to winthis case?”

Claras lashes fluttered downward as she stirred her coffee absently with a spoon. “Since you’vebeen intimate, is there anything memorable about lan’s body?”

With a confident till of her lips, Helena replied, “He has a birthmark on his left chest, a two–inch scaron his right arm, and a bluish birthmark on his buttock. During our lovemaking, I could see his eightpack abs. Am I right, Attorney Clara?”

Clara met Helena’s gaze steadily, asking softly, “Did you not find the wolf tattoo on his lowerabdomen thrilling?”

A flicker of panic crossed Helena’s eyes, but she quickly masked it with a laugh, crushing hercigarette. “The room was too dark, and I was hardly in a position to notice such things.”

Clara’s laugh was faint, almost imperceptible. “Right, I almost forgot you were ‘forced. Even afterbeing with lan for three years, I had no idea about that birthmark on his buttock. You have quite the

eye for detail, Princess Helena.”

The remark sent a ripple of unease through Helena. She stared at Clara’s composed face andscoffed, “The stock of Hayes Corporation plummeted for just one day, and the market valuevanished by tens of billions. If it continues to drop limit–down, do you think lan will go bankrupt?”

Helena’s laugh was triumphant as she stood, her deep blue eyes scheming, “lan has two choices:deny everything and watch the Hayes empire crumble or accept my terms and get engaged to me.I’m sure you, who adore lan so, wouldn’t want to see him dethroned.”

With that, Helena grabbed her purse and sashayed away.

Clara remained seated, pondering Helena’s words. Dawson approached with concern. “AttorneyClara, what did she say?”

Clara’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “Dawson, you’ve been with lan for five years. Have you everseen a birthmark on his buttock?”

Dawson shook his head immediately. “That’s a private matter. Even when we’ve gone swimming,we wear trunks.”

This was the crux of Clara’s suspicion. From their conversation, Clara was convinced nothing hadhappened between Helena and lan. Yet, how could Helena know such intimate details? Other thana lover, only family might know.

At that thought, a chill flickered in Clara’s eyes,

A week later, the highly anticipated trial of lan began. Clara stood at the lawyer’s bench, watchingas lan was escorted in prison garb. She looked at him openly, her gaze revealing a mix ofdetermination and calm resolve, her expression still immaculate despite the gravity of the situation.

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