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Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Clara could detect the urgency and concern facing Dawson’s voice. She took a few seconds beforereplying, “Dawson, he and I are done. You shouldn’t be coming to me with this”

“Attorney Clara, just hear me out, please. The Hayes Corporation’s latest smartphone model hastaken the market by storm in less than a month. It’s a major blow to a certain tech giant. They tookadvantage of Mr. Hayes being out of town and set him up. Now he’s been falsely accused ofassaulting a Hollywood celebrity and is being held in jail. Hayes Corporation’s stock plummeted thismorning, hitting rock bottom. Attorney Clara, this case involves a lot of corporate secrets, and Mr.Hayes specifically wants you on board to fight this battle in court.”

Clars knew Dawson wasn’t lying. Even before the release of the smartphone, lan had bracedhimself for sabotage. It was a direct hit to certain international brands, and she knew they wouldn’ttake it lying down. They’d do anything to stem the tide. However, Clara hadn’t expected them tostoop so low

Her fingertips turned white as she gripped her phone. She wanted to suggest other lawyers, toclaim that she wanted nothing to do with lan anymore, but the words wouldn’t come out. Becausethis wasn’t just lan’s problem, nor was it simply about Hayes Corporation. It was a matter of nationalinterest. She had no reason to turn her back on a fellow citizen, or stand by while a national brandwas framed. novelbin

Clara took a moment to collect herself, then asked with a steady voice, “What did he say?”

Upon hearing this, Dawson felt a weight lift from his shoulders. “Mr. Hayes claims he was drunk,and the woman entered his room while he was asleep. He insists he never touched her, butsomehow, his DNA was found on her. That’s the crux of the case”

A faint smile crossed Clara’s lips. She knew lan well; alcohol always rendered him incapable in thatdepartment. That must be why he wanted her on this case, to keep his private failures frombecoming public fodder.

Clara asked Dawson for some time to think it over. The case was complex, a clear attempt byforeign interests to crush the launch of the new phone and keep a domestic brand from dominatingthe market.

She knocked on Anders‘ office door and was about to step back when she heard him end a callwith, “Clara, my father wants a word with you.”

Clara looked at him, puzzled.

Anders handed her his phone with a serious look, “It’s business, about lan’s detention overseas.”

As Clara took the phone, Trevor’s authoritative voice came through. “Clara, I gather lan’s peoplehave already been in touch. Hayes Corporation is the backbone of Northbridge’s economy, and theits product is a source of national pride. We can’t let those international sharks win. So please, setaside any personal grievances and fight this battle for lan.”

Trevor spoke as a city official, leaving Clara no room to refuse. Her voice was calm as she replied,“Understood, Mr. Trevor. I’ll give it my all.”

“Good. And remember, if you need it, you have the full support of our government.”

Given the urgency of the situation, Clara booked a flight that afternoon to the foreign country. Shewent straight from the airport to the detention center. The sight of lan, clad in prison garb with hishands cuffed, made Clara’s breath catch.


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