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Chapter 152

Chapter 152

“There are things, Dad, things I never got around to telling you. Victoria, she’d reached out to me awhile back. She even took a job as a janitor at Hayes Corp, can you believe it? And at thecompany’s big anniversary bash, she cornered me. She threatened her own life if I didn’t cough upsome cash.

“She drove me to the edge, Dad. My depression kicked back in full force. I’m done letting herpuppeteer my life. Ripping off the bandaid hurts, sure, but it’s a heck of a lot better than living inconstant fear of touching that wound.”

As Casey listened, tears rimmed his eyes. He had no clue what his daughter had been throughwhile he was sick. He clapped a hand on Clara’s shoulder and said, “You’ve got me by your side,kiddo. Together, we’ll face anything.”

After leaving Clara’s place, lan drove straight to the Campbell estate. His black Rolls–RoyceCullinan cut through the morning like a bolt of lightning, tearing into the Campbells‘ manicuredgrounds.

Tall and imposing, he got out of the car with a cold and oppressive aura and headed straight for thefirst–floor hall.

Paolo, lounging on a sofa with the morning paper, looked up and greeted him with a grin. “lan, whatbrings you by so bright and early?”

lan’s voice was a blade of ice. “Where’s Heidi?”

“Heidi? Probably still in bed. What’s up?”

“Call her down. I need to speak with her.” The chill in his tone couldn’t mask the simmering ragebeneath.

Paolo waved at the housekeeper to fetch Heidi and then turned back to lan with a smile. “You twohave a fight? Heidi’s been out of sorts lately. Go easy on her. After all, that leg injury happened onthe clock for Hayes Corp.”

lan let out a derisive snort. “Paolo, you know me. Cross my line, and I don’t play nice. If Heidi keepson this path, don’t expect me to play the gentleman out of respect for our families.”

Paolo’s brow furrowed as he caught the threat in lan’s words. “Did Heidi get

Chapter 152

herself into trouble?”

“You can ask her about that.”

Just then, Heidi came downstairs wearing a light purple nightdress. Spotting lan, she raced over asthough it were any other day. “lan! Did you come for me?”

His steely gaze swept over her injured thigh.

time to heal. You’re up and about already?”

Your injuries should take a long

Heidi’s smile flickered, then steadied. “The doctor your mom found is amazing. I healed up fast.”

lan’s eyes darkened, his voice frosty. “Where’s Victoria?”

Heidi feigned ignorance. “Victoria? I don’t know her. A friend of yours, lan?”

“I gave you a chance, Heidi. I have warned you to leave Clara be, but you didn’t listen. Don’t blameme for being ruthless now.”

With a snap, he tossed a stack of photos onto the coffee table. They were shots of Heidi’sclandestine meetings with Victoria.

“Not only did you sneak her into Hayes Corporation, you egged her on to pressure Clara. Then youorchestrated her escape from the asylum to join the delegation. And you made that video to smearClara. Heidi, don’t think I can’t touch you just because I haven’t nailed you for the drugging andkidnapping yet. There’s no one on this earth that I can’t reach.”

His words were merciless, sending a chill down Heidi’s spine as she sought

refuge in Paolo’s embrace. “Dad, help me! I didn’t do those things, I swear

don’t even know any Victoria.” novelbin


Just then, a gentle and soothing voice echoed through the hall. “And what about the woman hiddenin the basement of the old house? Do you know her?”


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