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Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Clara’s eyelids funtered open, and a familiar face loomed into view, a beacon in the tumultuous seaof her


She clung to him like he was her lifeline. Her fingers gripped the fabric of the man’s shirt as shewhispered with a frail voice, “Anders, get me out of here.”

The last thing she wanted was for lan to witness her in such disamay. She couldn’t bear his pityinggaze. She didn’t want anything from him. She just needed to escape this place as quickly aspossible

Anders watched her, his eyes betraying a hint of anxiety. How can you leave in this state? I shouldtake you to a doctor

No, Anders! I just donated blood, that’s all I’m just a bit drained. Please, just take me home,” sheimplored

A gentle look in Anders eyes despened into concem. He bent down and lifted Clara in his arms,holding her securely against his chest. Don’t be afraid, I’ve got you” he soothed as he carried heraway.

As lan burst out of the building he caught the sight of Clare being cradled into a car by another man,a man who gazed upon her with an expression filled with tenderness and compassion.

laris fists clenched in fury. His dark eyes followed the departing car until it vanished from his sight.

When Clara awoke again, it was the following morning

After having no food for a whole day and night and having lost so much blood, she felt an emptinessgnawing at her stomach

As she stepped out of the bedroom, a delicious aroma grested her nostrils, drawing her gazetoward the


A tall, imposing figure approached her

Anders, holding a bowl of nourishing soup, had tied a pink apron adorned with cartoon pigs aroundhis waist and watched her with a smile

7 spoke to the doctor last night, and she said you need to replenish your strength. I’ve made yousome chicken soup. Come and try it,” he said, his voice warm and inviting.

Clara chuckled awkwardly, “Anders, you’ve been such a help. I owe you dinner.‘

Both were talents from Ivywood University Law School Anders was two years her senior, and bothwere protégés of the legal luminary, Mr. Marco.

Three years ago, their professional paths diverged. Anders had graduated with his master’s andmoved abroad to build his career, while Clara became lan’s secretary

Anders gave a light–hearted laugh. Td like that, and Mr. Marco has been saying he misses you.Once you’re feeling better, we should invite him along.”

Clara rubbed her head sheepishly “Mr. Marco was always so good to me, and I feel guilty for notfollowing in his footsteps. I’m too embarrassed to face him.”

She had been Mr. Marco’s most promising student, and he had high hopes for her openly claimingshe would make waves in the legal world once she graduated. Yet, she had turned her back on alaw career to stay with lan, a decision that had left Mr. Marco lamenting for quite some time.

Anders pulled out a chair for her with gentlemanly grace. “Everyone has their own path, and Marconever blamed you for choosing yours.”

A bittersweet feeling washed over Clara. She looked up at Anders and asked, “You’ve become arenowned fawyer in Scandinavia with an income that’s off the charts. What brings you back home?”

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Chapter 13

A flash of light sparked in Anders‘ eyes, quickly fading to a soft glow. “I never got used to the foodthere, so I decided to come back,” he replied, his voice even.

He handed Clara a spoon, casually changing the subject. “What happened between you and him?”

Clara forced a smile, her voice light. “We broke up.”

Anders‘ gaze intensified, resting on her face for a moment before he casually shrugged off theheaviness, “Don’t worry, you’ve got me. I won’t let him bully you.”

He reached out, his large hand gently patting her head in a comforting gesture. He knew all too wellhow much she had suffered in that relationship. Last night, even in her sleep, she had cried.

However, before his hand could retreat, the room’s door swung open.

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