Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 968
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Chapter 968

While both ladies stared at each other with boredom, Sophia appeared rather disturbed andpreoccupied. Meanwhile, Old Mrs. Constance insisted on having Sophia’s company while watching TV,knowing that the latter was bothered by something else when she noticed that she couldn’t keep hereyes on the TV.

Therefore, the old lady tried to comfort her. “I guess John didn’t come home because he was probablyjust caught up in work last night. Don’t overthink, girl. I know my grandson, and he has never caredabout anyone else more than you. Other than his job, you’re like the whole world to him.” novelbin

After hearing Old Mrs. Constance’s reply, Sophia realized that she had been misunderstood. Thus, shesmiled and explained herself, “I never suspected that John would do something like that to me. I’m justa little worried about his health instead. He’s been busy the past few days, and I wish he could havesome rest.”

Old Mrs. Constance paused and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right. John is just like his father.When William was younger, he would forget about sleeping and eating for the sake of work.Sometimes, I don’t really understand what the boys are thinking. It’s not like we’re short of money, sothere is really no need to push yourself so far.”

Soon, the old lady looked outside and added, “I’m old, and I’ve learned to get over a lot of things alongthe way. After all these years, nothing else matters to me except health. Every time I think about yourgrandpa, I can't help but feel sad and heartbroken. He wouldn’t have left us so soon if only he hadtaken care of his own health well when he was younger. While dying is easy, those who are gone willnever know how much pain we have to go through every day.”

Sophia pursed her lips as she quietly listened to Old Mrs. Constance’s words.

Ever since her husband passed away, she has always looked so tough, like she has already acceptedher bereavement. I guess I was wrong to think of her as an invincible older lady who never felt a singlebit of pain.

In that instant, Sophia finally understood Old Mrs. Constance’s true feelings.

Despite the tough expression she often puts up, she is broken on the inside. Why would I even thinkthat it was easy to get over the death of someone else we love so dearly?

Sophia held the old lady’s hand and sighed while the latter shifted her gaze to the former. “This is why Iwant the both of you to spend more time on those precious moments in your life. You can’t turn backtime. So, don’t waste it, only to look back and regret it later. After all, life is short, and it’s not worthliving a life that’s all about work.”

Nodding in agreement, she uttered, “I understand, Grandma.” As both of them continued to sit and talkfor a few more moments, Matilda arrived and was seen holding a bag of fruits. She then called out toSophia at the doorstep, “Hello, Sophia. Did you miss me?”

Sophia turned around and saw Matilda, who instantly put a smile on her face. “Hey, it’s good to seeyou. What took you so long? I thought you would have arrived long ago.” She stood up as she wasabout to help Matilda carry what she was holding.

Nevertheless, Matilda backed away and said, “It’s alright, I can handle it. This is too heavy for you.”Soon, the maid quickly came closer and carried the item. After that, Matilda gazed at the maid and

said, “These are Sophia’s favorite grapes. Please wash them for her.”

She is starting to act like this is her home.

After giving everything to the maid, Matilda came to the couch and sat down. “I went back to theFlintstone Residence and stayed there the whole day. But guess what? I can’t help missing you guys,so I bought some fruits and swung by.” Then, she stared at Sophia’s face. “What’s wrong with you, girl?You don’t look so happy.”

Sophia touched her face in confusion. “Really? I guess I’m just tired because I didn’t have a good restlast night.”

At that moment, Old Mrs. Constance jokingly chimed in, “John stayed back for work last night and sleptin the office after that, but our little girl, Sophia, doesn’t seem happy about that.”

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