Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 965
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Chapter 965

Sophia then asked Logan where he was, to which he stammered and said, “I’m away from home.”Upon hearing his reply, Sophia let out a sigh, feeling tempted to pull Logan’s leg, if only she was in themood to do that. I bet this guy must be licking Lola’s boots right now, but I’m not going to say that outtoday.

Soon, Sophia proceeded to make her point known. “I don’t know what’s going on with John, so can youtalk to him and find out what help he needs? Logan, you’re the only one I can trust right now. I wouldn’timpose on you if I could do this myself. Please, I’m worried about him.”

Logan sighed and replied, “Relax! I just spoke with John, and he knows what he is doing. Come on,have some faith in both of us! John and I are buddies. I’ve got his back!” Then, he added, “John is waytougher than you think, so don’t let your wild imagination scare you. Just take good care of yourselfbecause you’re going to live a happy life after everything is over.”

Logan’s reply gave Sophia an obvious hint that John hadn’t been completely upfront with her aboutwhat he knew regarding the Bailey Family, which was why she didn’t know where things stood betweenhim and them. Is the investigation coming to an end already? After ending the call with Logan, Sophiafelt better, even though she still couldn’t shake off her nerves. Then, she lay down and switched off thelights, trying to fall asleep as soon as possible. Maybe everything will be over the moment I open myeyes to find John by my side.

Although Sophia sleeplessly tossed and turned in bed at first, she eventually dozed off without herselfknowing it. Nonetheless, her sleep wasn’t exactly a peaceful one as she could vaguely hear strangesounds. At the same time, she unknowingly stretched out her hand toward the empty space beside herin bed, trying to feel John’s presence, but to no avail. Although she believed nothing would likelyhappen to John since he was protected by his bodyguards, she was still bothered by a bad feelingnovelbin

deep down.

The next morning, Sophia woke up and found herself alone in the bed. John didn’t come home lastnight. She then sighed and slowly sat up straight.

Upon reaching for her phone, she saw a message from John telling her to rest assured as he was safeand sound. After that, she heaved a sigh of relief and went about her morning ablution since it was stillearly. Then, she returned to her bed and sat on it before sending John a message. ‘What are you doingright now?’ A few seconds later, she received a call from John, hearing his first response. “Goodmorning. You’re up early, by the way.”

Sophia tried to reply with a calm voice. “I went to bed a little earlier than usual last night, and I can’tseem to fall asleep right now.”

John comforted her and said, “It was midnight by the time I finished my work, so I decided to stay in myoffice until the next day because I was afraid I would have woken you up if I had gone back. Don’tworry about me. I’m fine.”

Curious, Sophia asked, “So, what kept you busy last night?”

In response, John hesitated and answered, “Wow! Let’s just say it was an eventful day.”

In fact, he had visited Husky when the latter was admitted to the hospital before searching for Roselia.Despite her quick wit, John knew that Roselia must have also blown her cover in the process of helpingHusky distract the patrolling guards. Therefore, John could never stand by and do nothing. In the end,he spent the whole night looking for her.

As John began his search around where Husky was found injured, it didn’t take him much time todiscover Roselia’s whereabouts. Those amateurs made it easy for us, so I guess I gotta thank them.

While Roselia was deemed to be smarter than Husky, John believed that she would be able to dispelall suspicions with a convincing explanation. Even though the people in the shadow bank were allcautious and wary, they couldn’t find any evidence to prove that Roselia was a mole.

Nonetheless, they didn’t really trust her either to let her run free by herself. Therefore, they decided tokeep her under their thumbs. Fortunately, Roselia was not severely injured when John and his menarrived and found her the day before.

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