Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 963
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Chapter 963

Did John go back to the shady-looking bank and investigate the matter further? At the thought of that,Sophia quickly told Logan about the bank that she and John passed by earlier that day. “I think Johncould be there.”

Learning about the possibility, Logan was silent for a few seconds before he answered, “Alright, I knowwhat I should do now.”

After both of them chatted over the phone for a while, they ended the tele-conversation, whereuponSophia made her way to the living room with her mobile phone. While she was too restless and anxiousto sit still, Old Mrs. Constance happened to enter the house at that moment. Seeing the old lady,Sophia walked up to her and greeted her. “Grandma.”

Upon noticing her worried look, Old Mrs. Constance appeared to be a little taken aback. “What’s wrongwith you, girl? You don’t look so well. Tell me what happened.”

Sophia touched her face and asked, “Do you have Dad’s number, Grandma? I just went through mycontact list and realized I don’t have his number.”

Old Mrs. Constance stared at Sophia in a trance and asked, “What’s wrong? Do you have somethingyou want to talk to him about?”

Sophia nodded, as she had no intention of hiding her concern. “I’ve been trying to reach John, but hedidn’t pick up the call. So, I just want to know whether he is in the office at the moment.”

Assuming that Sophia was trying to keep tabs on her husband, Old Mrs. Constance laughed in

response. “Haha. I see what you’re worried about now. Where else could he be beside his office?”Despite saying that, she instructed the maid to bring her phone and showed William’s number toSophia.

After jotting down William’s number, Sophia immediately left the living room and headed outside tophone William. Meanwhile, Old Mrs. Constance smiled and shook her head in a helpless manner whiletelling the maid her opinion. “I can’t get enough of these two little kids. They’re lovely, aren’t they?”

The maid echoed her words with a smile. “Isn’t that a good thing? That means they’re close to eachother.”

Old Mrs. Constance responded with an affirmative hum. “Yeah. They are, indeed.” Then, she quicklyput that matter aside and sat down on the couch, watching television since it was already on.

In the meantime, Sophia stood at the entrance while calling William. After waiting for a few moments,William finally picked up the phone and asked, “Hey Sophia, what’s up?”

In response to his question, Sophia answered in a hushed tone before getting straight to her point.“Dad, is John now in the office?”

William replied, “Uh… He is not in his office at the moment. I was told that he was going to pick you upat the Constance Residence. Then, he was back here for a while until he went out again a fewmoments after that.”

As soon as she heard that, Sophia’s bad hunch felt stronger than before, but nonetheless, sherevealed nothing more than the fact that she couldn’t reach John. novelbin

At the same time, William wasn’t suspicious about Sophia’s anxious behavior as he smiled and said,“Maybe he is just in a meeting with a client or something. So, just relax, Sophia. Have some faith inJohn. He is a grown man, and he is absolutely capable of taking care of himself.”

After hearing William’s reassurance, Sophia responded with only a few words, followed by anindifferent grunt before hanging up the call. At that moment, she couldn’t stop worrying about John asshe had never failed to reach John before. Deep down, she was tempted to leave home and find Johnherself but quickly gave up the idea when she was reminded of her pregnancy. I can’t just impulsivelyrun off like that. Who knows what danger could be waiting for me outside? If that happens, I’ll findmyself in a very disadvantageous position. Therefore, all I can do now is just to wait.

Ironically, waiting was the most torturous moment for Sophia, as her worry and fear kept haunting heruntil she decided to call John again later that evening. After ringing for a long while, someone finallypicked up the call.

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