Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 938
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Chapter 938

Sophia was taking care of the girl who had been stabbed. The girl sat on the ground, sobbing her heartout.

The pain was not particularly bad, but it was inevitable that she would be in shock.

Sophia looked at the syringe on the ground, unsure what was in it.

A lot of people were watching at the entrance of the restroom. After all, two men fighting at the door ofthe women's restroom was a shocking sight to everyone. The women in the restroom pointed at theman wearing a skirt and screamed, "Hurry up and catch him! This man is a pervert!"

The man knew he couldn't escape, but he selfishly wanted to drag others down with him. Thus, he tooka switchblade out of his pocket and snapped the blade open.

Glancing at Sophia from the corner of his eyes, John saw that she was not injured, so he heaved a sighof relief.

Seeing several burly family members approaching the door, the man made a sudden decision andlaunched himself at John, his switchblade aimed at the latter’s chest.

John had learned close combat before, so this little trick wasn’t enough to take him down. Twisting hiswaist a little, he sidestepped the attack and then kicked at the man's lower body. The kick was swift andpowerful. novelbin

The man had originally leaped over with his arm outstretched, so his body was still in mid-lunge due to

inertia. Therefore, John's kick landed exactly where he wanted it to.

Sophia closed her eyes. The sight of where the kick landed made her feel goosebumps all over.

As expected, the man screamed in agony, and with his scream came the clattering of the switchbladelanding on the floor, which was completely drowned out by his scream. The men at the door rushedover and pressed him to the floor at once.

John hurried to Sophia's side and looked her up and down. "Are you okay?"

Pointing at the crying girl who was still holding Sophia’s arm, she said, "Hurry and take her to thedoctor. I don't know what's in the syringe." But it probably isn’t anything good.

When the people outside heard this, a few men hurried over and carried the girl out.

On the other hand, John held Sophia in his arms. In fact, he was still rather scared. Who would havethought that there would be an ambush here of all places? Danger was really everywhere.

Sophia touched her belly and let out a long sigh. "Fortunately, I’m alright. I was frightened to death."

Due to her being harmed by others a few times before, she had become paranoid about the intentionsof those around her. Thanks to that, she managed to escape this catastrophe unharmed.

The hospital was in an uproar over here, and the police had already been informed. John didn't wantSophia to stay around, so he hurriedly took her away.

The two drove all the way home. When they arrived, John helped Sophia into the living room of the

main building. Sophia was still a little fearful as she sat down on the sofa, but she was in a much bettercondition than the last time when someone drove and chased after her, trying to crash into her car.

Old Mrs. Constance saw Sophia's troubled look and hurried over. "What's wrong? What happenedduring the examination at the hospital? You don't look too good."

Of course, John couldn't tell Old Mrs. Constance what happened at the hospital, mainly because hewas afraid that she would overthink and become worried. Thus, he simply said, "Sophia is a littlecarsick."

Old Mrs. Constance nodded. "Pregnancy comes with a myriad of side effects. Drink some water, thenquickly lie down and rest. You’ll be fine in a bit."

Sophia nodded and went along with what John had said. "Yeah, I feel a little nauseous. Maybe I ate toomuch in the morning."

The old lady laughed. "It’s good to eat more. The baby will be better developed then. What did thedoctor say?”

Naturally, the examination results were all good. The doctor said that the development of the fetus wasnormal, so they had nothing to worry about and only needed to continue to nurture it till its birth.

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