Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 887
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Chapter 887

The door to Elder Mr. Bailey’s room was closed. Isabelle turned the handle a few times and found thatit was unlocked. She pushed the door open and entered the room with the door wide open behind her.

Firstly, she went over to search the storage under the headboard, but her efforts yielded nothing. Hisroom was slightly larger than others, so she quickly scanned around and went through the items in hiswardrobe.

His wardrobe was huge but did not hold a lot of clothes. There was a safe attached within the wardrobeon the left.

She stared at it intensely, but without the password, she dared not attempt to break into the saferecklessly. After staring at it for some time, she had no choice but to close the wardrobe doors andleave the room.

At the same time, Elder Mr. Bailey took a seat at a bench in the backyard. At his old age, he could notwithstand such a huge blow. However, he was much more rational than his son. He understood thateven if he gave up his life, he would not change the reality of Dexter’s death. The only thing he coulddo was to adapt to it. Nonetheless, the process was a difficult one. novelbin

He ordered the servant to leave him alone for him to enjoy some solitude. The servant did not stay toofar away from him and chose a spot under a tree to wait.

Soon, he took out his phone and made a call, which was picked up in no time. In a lowered voice, hequestioned, “Have you found the person?”

The other party sounded apologetic. “Not yet. But our men are still out there searching. Once we find

our target, we’ll inform you right away.”

He grunted as the sadness disappeared from his eyes in a flicker. “Those men might not be successfulin their search. You’d better make some early arrangements to move the inventory. I have a feeling thatsomething bad is going to happen.”

There was a pause from the other side. “Is that so? We’ve been doing this for a long time, but nothinghas ever happened.”

Elder Mr. Bailey let out a sigh. “Move the inventory. Better to be safe than sorry.”

The other party agreed and promised that the process would be error-free. The promise wasunnecessary because they gained Elder Mr. Bailey’s trust for not exposing anything over these years.

The call was very brief, and only important points were brought up. Finally, the other party expressedtheir concern for Elder Mr. Bailey. He sighed and told them that he could survive this ordeal and thatthey shouldn’t be worried. At last, he promised to bring Old Mr. Bailey over to familiarize with theoperations when both of them were free.

After the call, he stared at the sky and felt frustrated. Aside from Bailey Corporation, he was runningother businesses concurrently.

In his original plan, those businesses were to be handed to Dexter after he turned eighteen. That planwas down the drain now, for he could only wait until Dexter’s funeral was done before he could bringthis up with Old Mr. Bailey.

Sitting there, he felt a mix of upset and resentment.

After a while, Isabelle came out to the backyard, her eyes red from crying. She sat beside him to offerwords of comfort, telling him not to be sad. “There’s no point crying over spilled milk. What we need todo now is to take care of our health.”

He turned to look at her with a bit of helplessness. If only Isabelle had successfully won over John,everything would have been different.

As if she didn’t understand the look in Elder Mr. Bailey’s eyes, she sighed as tears welled up in hereyes once more. She told him, “The hospital’s report will be out tomorrow. I’ll head over to collect it, butI’m so scared to know the actual cause of death. I think Dad and Mom can’t handle it; they’re already attheir limits now.”

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