Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 876
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Chapter 876

Isabelle knew what her dad was implying. Two days ago, they got into an argument because of Dexter.It was not a grave problem; she merely thought that the Bailey Family had been putting too muchpressure on her brother. During the exchange, she only advised Old Mr. Bailey to give Dexter somefreedom.

Old Mr. Bailey probably took it the wrong way, thinking that she didn’t want to see Dexter succeed andwas unwilling to hand over the company leadership. Nobody wanted the incident to happen. Am I atfault now? She stared at him incredulously. “Am I such a vile person in your eyes?”

His eyes were red, and one could tell that he would collapse at any moment. When Isabelle closed hereyes, she felt the world spinning around her as well.

When John reached home that evening, he told Sophia about Dexter’s car accident. She was shockedby the sudden news. Even though she did not know Dexter personally, she heard of the guy a fewtimes from her conversation with Isabelle. novelbin

In the past, when Isabelle walked past the entrance of Sophia’s place, she always told Sophia that shewas sending Dexter to cram school, which proved that they had a good relationship. Sophia quicklyasked, “How’s he doing? Is he safe?”

John personally felt that Dexter would be alright. Even though Dexter’s injuries appeared serious andhe lost a lot of blood, his car was likely moving at a slow speed at the intersection. Therefore, Johnreplied with his assumption, “He should be fine.”

At dinner, William returned to the Constance Residence. John recalled that Old Mr. Bailey had a dinner

appointment with William tonight. However, now that Dexter was involved in an accident, it made sensethat the dinner had to be canceled.

William heard about Dexter’s situation as well. He said that he wanted to wait until Dexter wasdischarged, and he would arrange for Dylan to make a visit with some gifts. Even though the twofamilies did not have an amicable relationship in private, the Constances had to fake the appearancedue to their business relationship.

After everything had been arranged, John woke up the next morning only to be hit by unexpectednews. He received a call, informing him that the hospital had failed to resuscitate Dexter, leaving himfrozen in disbelief for some time before mumbling into his phone, “Alright. I got it.”

When he hung up, he was still paralyzed and fazed.

He’s gone. A young man’s life is lost, just like that.

Feeling awful, John recalled his impression of Dexter. In his memory, Dexter was always cheerful; hewas young and had his entire life ahead of him.

Since Sophia was still asleep, John did not wake her up. He tiptoed to wash up and pack in silencebefore going down the stairs, where he met William, who had been informed of the turn of events.Looking glum, he took a look at John. “I’ve had my breakfast, and I’ll head to the Bailey Residence. As Iwill be late to the office, I want you to host the morning meeting on my behalf.”

John agreed to it. “Alright. Will do.”

William sighed. “He was a great kid. Who would have thought that...”

Indeed, no one saw the tragedy coming. That morning, Old Mrs. Constance did not come down forbreakfast. According to her, she didn’t get a good night’s rest last night, and she would only havebreakfast later.

William and John gathered their stuff and parted ways. The former went to offer his condolences at theBailey Residence, and the latter went to work. The morning meeting dragged on a little. When Johnwas done with it, he noticed two missed calls from William.

He hurried back into his office and called William, who was still at the Bailey Residence. He lowered hisvoice and asked, “What’s wrong? I’m just done with the meeting.”

William sighed. “If you are free, you should pay a visit. Isabelle is crushed, and she said she wanted tomeet you.”

John agreed to it, as he believed that at times like this, he had to overlook Isabelle’s past actions. Notonly that, he was the person who notified her of Dexter’s accident yesterday.

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