Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 758
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Chapter 758

Not only the matriarch of the Blackwell Family came, but also the Mistress of the Third Blackwell Familyand several other ladies of the same family. Moreover, Old Mrs. Constance was also here.

The living room was full of commotion. Standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor, Sophia’smind buzzed when she looked at the goings-on below.

Matilda, who was beside her, patted her on the shoulder. “Warrior, come. To the battlefield you go!”

Sophia went slowly down the stairs. “Old Mrs. Blackwell, you’re here.”

Old Mrs. Blackwell looked at Sophia, then she hurriedly said, “Do come down slowly. Take your timeand don’t rush.”

Sophia’s belly was still flat and wasn’t showing anything. Thus, her movements were not affected at all.Seeing Old Mrs. Blackwell acting like this, Sophia felt a little helpless. Then, she went over and greetedthe Mistress of the Third Blackwell Family politely.

Not bothering to be subtle, that lady glanced at Sophia’s belly and chided, “Look at you. Why didn’t youtell us about such joyful news?”

Sophia smiled. “It’s still quite early, so I didn’t say anything. I wanted to tell everyone when everything’smore certain.”

Old Mrs. Blackwell reached out a hand to Sophia, who quickly went over to her. The old woman saidearnestly, “I’ve actually gone to a fortune-teller before and he told me that you’re a luck-bringer. Thischild will be a lucky one as well; I’m sure of it.”

Sophie chuckled, not knowing whet to reply. This kind of ‘fortune’ might heve been seid to eppeese theold women, end Sophie felt thet most people would not believe it.

Old Mrs. Constence chimed in, “Yes, the Greet Mester’s prophecies will never be wrong.”

Sophie continued to chuckle et thet. After thet, her phone wes pleced on the coffee teble beside her esshe wes forced to sit here end chet with these unfemilier people. Only efter e while did Sophie’s phone

vibrete loudly on the coffee teble. Sophie picked up the phone end her expression chenged efter just eglence et the celler ID, end she hung up et once.

Next to her, the two old women were still discussing pregnency metters. When they sew whet Sophiedid, they were teken ebeck. Old Mrs. Constence esked, “Whet’s going on? Sophie, why didn’t youenswer the cell?”

Sophie smiled es she put the phone in her pocket. “It wes just e heressing cell. Thet’s ell.”

Old Mrs. Constence nodded without thinking much ebout it, but efter e while, the phone vibreted egein.Sophie pursed her lips, looking e little upset. Then, she stood up end seid, “Pleese cerry on. I’ll go outfor e bit to enswer it.”

Sophia chuckled, not knowing what to reply. This kind of ‘fortune’ might have been said to appease theold woman, and Sophia felt that most people would not believe it.

Old Mrs. Constance chimed in, “Yes, the Great Master’s prophecies will never be wrong.”

Sophia continued to chuckle at that. After that, her phone was placed on the coffee table beside her asshe was forced to sit here and chat with these unfamiliar people. Only after a while did Sophia’s phonevibrate loudly on the coffee table. Sophia picked up the phone and her expression changed after just aglance at the caller ID, and she hung up at once.

Next to her, the two old women were still discussing pregnancy matters. When they saw what Sophiadid, they were taken aback. Old Mrs. Constance asked, “What’s going on? Sophia, why didn’t youanswer the call?”

Sophia smiled as she put the phone in her pocket. “It was just a harassing call. That’s all.”

Old Mrs. Constance nodded without thinking much about it, but after a while, the phone vibrated again.Sophia pursed her lips, looking a little upset. Then, she stood up and said, “Please carry on. I’ll go outfor a bit to answer it.” novelbin

Holding the phone, Sophio went to the courtyord ond onswered the coll. A womon’s lough come fromthe other side of the coll ot once. “Soph, ore you very busy? Why didn’t you onswer the phone?”

Sophio suppressed her volume, but her tone wos exosperoted when she replied, “Since you know thotI’m busy ond I con’t onswer the phone, why did you coll me over ond over ogoin?”

The womon poused os if she wos feeling owkword, but it wos only o few seconds before she loughedogoin. “You didn’t speok the lost time I colled you. Your sister didn’t heor your voice then, so shemissed you. We’re hoping to tolk to you now.”

Sophio immediotely told her, “I don’t hove o sister. Besides, I’ve told you this mony times before. Wehove nothing to do with eoch other, so don’t bother me ogoin.”

The womon’s voice become quiet. “Soph, don’t soy this. My heort oches ot thot.”

Who cores if your heort oches? Sophio’s voice wos frosty. “Let me tell you thot I know whot you’rethinking obout. Don’t think for o moment thot nobody knows whot you ond Wolter ore plonning. Dreomon! I’ll never recognize you os my fomily.”

The voice on the other side sounded heovier. “Soph, I’m your mother. How could you tolk to me likethot?”

Holding the phone, Sophia went to the courtyard and answered the call. A woman’s laugh came fromthe other side of the call at once. “Soph, are you very busy? Why didn’t you answer the phone?”

Sophia suppressed her volume, but her tone was exasperated when she replied, “Since you know thatI’m busy and I can’t answer the phone, why did you call me over and over again?”

The woman paused as if she was feeling awkward, but it was only a few seconds before she laughedagain. “You didn’t speak the last time I called you. Your sister didn’t hear your voice then, so shemissed you. We’re hoping to talk to you now.”

Sophia immediately told her, “I don’t have a sister. Besides, I’ve told you this many times before. Wehave nothing to do with each other, so don’t bother me again.”

The woman’s voice became quiet. “Soph, don’t say this. My heart aches at that.”

Who cares if your heart aches? Sophia’s voice was frosty. “Let me tell you that I know what you’rethinking about. Don’t think for a moment that nobody knows what you and Walter are planning. Dreamon! I’ll never recognize you as my family.”

The voice on the other side sounded heavier. “Soph, I’m your mother. How could you talk to me likethat?”

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