Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 655
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Chapter 655

Matilda hummed while listening to Isabelle’s complaints. “Take it slow. You’ll do fine after you get usedto the workload.”

Smiling, Isabelle agreed, “Yeah, so I’d like to come up with a standard procedure as soon as possible,which could hopefully help ease things.”

After a while, Matilda said, “Well, I suppose you should work on that. Since I don’t really have anythingof importance, I’ll end the call here.”

Upon getting Isabelle’s consent, she hung up. Matilda was frowning as she did because Isabelle didn’tsound much different from her usual self, so the incident might have nothing to do with her after all.She then turned around to hail a cab by the road.

Her feelings toward Isabelle were complicated, to say the least. Although she didn’t hate Isabelle, shewas extremely disappointed in the latter for using her despite how she treated Isabelle as her owndaughter. I shouldn’t have done all those things for her. What a waste of effort.

On the other hand, she still harbored a dislike toward Sophia, but it didn’t mean she hated the child shecarried, as the child was John’s child and her grandchild. The fact that she would soon become agrandmother came as quite a shock, which made her feel older all of a sudden. Heaving a sigh, she lefton the cab.

In the meantime, Sophia managed to fall asleep after spending hours tossing and turning in bed.However, neither were her dreams a peaceful escape, as she dreamed of her being chased bysomeone while holding her child in her hands. All she could think of was to run as fast as her legs couldcarry her so that she could leave the place, but the formless being behind her remained in hot pursuit.

Sophia was drenched in her own sweat due to anxiety and fear.

The dream went on until she woke up the coming morning. Upon opening her eyes, she could feel thesticky sensation on her skin. Aside from that, she was tired out, as if having physically ran laps duringher sleep despite it being a dream. She propped herself up to look out of the window. The weather waspleasant enough with loads of sunshine, which seemed to help dissipate the depressing feelings left bythe dream. Getting out of bed, she took a deep breath to pump herself up.

At this time, John was cooking in the kitchen. As if having unlocked a talent within him, he couldalready present her with a lot of the more common dishes. Walking up to him, Sophia greeted him agood morning.

In fact, John hardly slept a wink last night, but he seemed alright. “Breakfast is almost ready. I’ll driveyou to your shop once we’re done eating.” He checked the time then. “I will be paying that man a visitlater on. After an entire night’s interrogation, I suppose he should already have confessed.” novelbin

Upon hearing what John said, Sophia nodded. “Remember to update me on the outcome.”

Cheerfully, John hummed in agreement. “Worry not. I’ll make sure you’re the first to know.”

Soon, John was done cooking, and upon having finished their meal, John sent Sophia to her shopbefore driving away. Sophia seemed to be in better spirits compared to the past few days. Noticing thatJohn drove Sophia to work, Robin smacked her lips in mock envy. “He sure is nice to you.”

Sophia went over and lent her a hand with the task she was on. “What’s the matter? Is your boyfriendnot treating you well?”

Averting her gaze, Robin mumbled, “I suppose he isn’t half bad.” There was a pause before sherepeated herself, “In fact, he’s great, so I should be satisfied.”

Sophia didn’t comment on it as she busied herself with work.

Meanwhile, John made his way to a warehouse owned by his company that was located in thesuburbs. The warehouse was empty as the company found no use of it, having fallen into disrepair. Itwas located on a huge plot of empty land, and because it was vacant, only a single person wasstationed to watch over the place, who was transferred to another warehouse last night.

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