Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 651
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Chapter 651

After some thought, John asked Sophia about the supposed argument between Matilda and her beforedinner. Sophia averted her gaze ever so slightly, as there was no argument but a discussion aboutwhat to do with the child she carried.

She told Matilda that the child would be a Gwendolyn as she didn’t want to associate herself with theConstances. Matilda was unhappy about it, as she seemed to think it was unfair to John. However,Sophia didn’t think it was unfair, as she wouldn’t be remarrying John anyway, and would raise the childalone, so the child would of course be a Gwendolyn.

What was she even thinking about? Sophia heaved a sigh before coming up with a lie. “It was no bigdeal. She was feeling sorry that you had to cook for me despite not being someone used to doing so.”

Bursting into laughter, John didn’t seem to doubt what Sophia told him. “It’s true that I never cook, so ofcourse she wasn’t used to seeing me do that. However, I do hope that you could empathize with her alittle, as it was normal that she felt sorry for me, so please don’t take what she said too personally.”

Letting out a hum, Sophia said, “I know that, which is why I didn’t retaliate.”

Halfway through their stroll, a man in black sports attire came jogging toward them from the front withearphones tucked into his ears as he hummed along to the music. Neither Sophia nor John seemed tocare about him until he started picking up speed while running toward Sophia.

Initially, it didn’t bother Sophia, as despite listening to music, the man could see just fine. She figuredhe would dodge to the side upon nearing her, as there was a lot of space on the broad pavement.However, he didn’t even dodge to the side, and instead came running in her direction. When Sophianovelbin

noticed something was wrong, it was too late for her to even sidestep him.

It was apparent that the man was aiming at her while intending to run into her. With his speed, Sophiadared not imagine what would happen if he knocked her down. A chill traveled down her spine as shecovered her belly with one hand, whereas the man came rushing at her even faster upon nearing her.

Meanwhile, John reacted much quicker. Seeing that he couldn’t make it in time to block the man, he letgo of Sophia before moving away. It exposed her to the man entirely, which left her mind blank whileher heart sank. She figured she would most probably suffer a miscarriage if the man bumped into her,since she was only a month into her pregnancy.

However, just before the impact, John lifted his leg to give the man a kick from the side, which seemedto catch the man off guard, as he ended up being toppled by John’s kick. Seemingly having put inmuch force behind the kick, John staggered backward due to inertia. Meanwhile, the kick managed todo a number on the man, as he didn’t get up until much later. Swiftly, John went over and looped hisarms around Sophia, whose face was drained of color. “Are you alright?” he asked.

Sophia still had a hand over her belly when she replied, “I think I’m fine.”

His gaze traveling downward, John frowned upon noticing Sophia’s reaction. Although an idea flashedacross his mind, it vanished before he could make sense of it. Later on, John checked on the man witha sullen expression on his face. With how hard he kicked, John’s legs were numb, whereas the manended up grunting in pain on the ground, seemingly hurt, while his earphones had dropped onto theground.

John picked up his earphones before tucking it into his own ears, only to find there was no musicplaying at all. Startled, he turned to approach the man, then fished out the latter’s phone, only to find

that he wasn’t playing music on his phone. In fact, its data storage was empty.

Wearing a sneer, John checked on the phone’s contact list after staring at it for a few seconds. Thelatest call was made a few minutes ago, and judging from the length of the call, he seemed to havehung up not moments ago.

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