Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 606
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Chapter 606

Sophia walked over to Robin. “What’s wrong? Are you worn out because you had to handle everythingalone at the shop today? If so, take the day off tomorrow and rest.”

Robin shook her head. “No, I’m fine.” After saying that, she let out a sigh. “You’re done cooking? Iwanted to go in and help you, but there was no room for me.”

At this, Sophia cracked up. “Those two fellas aren’t so diligent usually, so just let them handle it whenthey’re willing to do so.”

Glancing at the kitchen over her shoulder, Robin then noted, “I noticed that John is really nice to you.”

Sophia’s hand instinctively flew to her stomach. “Really? He was different in the past.”

Robin chuckled. “Is he also nice to your friends?”

This was a question Sophia had never considered since she had few friends in the first place. I’venever noticed him giving special treatment to those associated with me for my sake. Still, afterruminating about it, she answered, “Probably. Anyway, he’s quite nice to everyone.”

Robin smiled. “I see.”

At this time, Logan hollered that the food was ready. Having bustled around for so long, Sophia hadlong since been feeling ravenous, so she tugged at Robin. “Let’s go. We’ll talk while we eat.”

There was still some left of the beer Logan brought the previous time he came, so he took them out.

“Ah, it’s utter bliss to have steamboat and beer together! Come, come! Everyone should drink somesince we’re all in high spirits today, and it’s rare that we’re all gathered together!” He then handedSophia a bottle of beer.

Casting a look at it, Sophia shook her head. “I don’t feel so well, so I’ll pass.”

Lifting a hand, John snatched the beer away. “I second that. Don’t put yourself through the wringerwhen you’re feeling better now.”

After mulling it over, Logan nodded. “True enough. You shouldn’t drink any, Sophia.” As he said that, hetook another bottle and gazed at Robin. “Are you drinking?”

Stretching out a hand, Robin snagged it from him. “Of course. After all, it’s rare that we’re all heretoday, and the atmosphere is so vibrant.”

Without thinking too much about it, Sophia leaned toward her. “Pace yourself. Don’t drink too much,else you’ll be suffering tomorrow.”

Robin pursed her lips. “Alright, got it.”

With Logan there, the atmosphere would never grow cold. In the next instance, he brought up Sally’sincident. The person Sally assaulted with a baseball bat back then was her ex-boyfriend’s currentgirlfriend. Bumping into each other, the two of them started a battle of wills before slamming into eachother. This actually wasn’t a huge deal, but when Sally grabbed a weapon and bashed her, it thenescalated to intentional assault.

Sally was rather simple-minded, but Leah later offered compensation in hopes of settling the matter outnovelbin

of court with the injured girl. Though she was quite generous, the girl refused. To begin with, she had agrudge against Sally, and she wasn’t strapped for cash, so she wanted Sally to have a criminal recordto alleviate the resentment within her. Leah sought the girl out several times while she wasrecuperating in the hospital, but the girl didn’t want to see her. The final time Leah went, she outrightlodged a police report. Therefore, from the look of things now, this matter would definitely be brought tocourt.

Logan was ecstatic at the turn of events. “I can’t wait to know the final verdict! Sally Morgan has alwayshad her nose stuck in the air, so it’ll be good if she spends a few months in prison!”

Sophia didn’t hear a single word, eating happily by herself. Since her appetite had been bad lately, shehadn’t been eating much, so now that she had her favorite food before her, she was gorging herselfwithout any restraint.

Beside her, John took food for her, yet he also replied to Logan, saying, “If Sally manipulates thingsunder the table, she can still mitigate her culpability.”

Logan considered it for a moment. “Then, I’ll manipulate things under the table as well. Anyone can dothat.”

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