Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 592
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Chapter 592

Pursing her lips, Sophia murmured in assent.

After a long time had passed, Robin then commented, “Ian will surely feel aggrieved when he learnsabout it.”

Sophia was startled, at a loss as to what this matter had to do with Ian. novelbin

After saying that, Robin then smacked her lips. “Anyhow, it’ll be scandalous if the two of you still livetogether when you’re divorced.”

Sophia heaved a sigh. “How I wish John shares the same sentiments as you do!” He isn’t botheredwhether it’ll be scandalous. A headache assailed her when she recalled his unabashed behavior lastnight.

Meanwhile, John went back to Sophia’s house in the taxi. He’d long since taken his luggage upstairs,and he wasn’t planning to carry it back down either. He merely came back to straighten up the kitchen.While Sophia had deleted his fingerprint for the door lock to her place, he still remembered thepassword. Thus, the lock couldn’t possibly keep him out.

After he was done cleaning up, he then left and hailed a taxi back to Constance Residence. Old Mrs.Constance knew that he was back ages ago, so she cackled as soon as he stepped foot into thehouse. “You finally found your way home, huh?”

Walking over, John parked his butt on the sofa and stretched. “I arrived too late last night, so I didn’tcome home immediately.”

Old Mrs. Constance was listening to music, appearing very much laid-back, but she had a retort ready.“Enough of your excuses. Did you think I’m oblivious to your thoughts?”

At this, John laughed and went over to wrap an arm around her shoulder. “You know me best,Grandma.”

Casting him a glance out of the corner of her eye, Old Mrs. Constance then commented, “Nonetheless,I’ve got to remind you to take things easy. Sophia is no longer as easy-going as before, so be mindfulof her temper. Else, it won’t end well for you.”

John nodded. “Got it. I’m now testing the boundaries bit by bit so that I’ll know how far I can go.” Sophiahad changed tremendously, so he couldn’t quite figure her out. Besides, that woman always has amercurial temper toward me. In many a thing, she might not have much of a reaction when it involvessomeone else, but when I’m the person in question, she goes ballistic! This is truly worrying.

Old Mrs. Constance then asked whether he had eaten, to which he murmured an affirmation andreplied, “I’ve eaten. I only came back to see you, so I’ll be going to the office in a bit.”

After giving her assent, Old Mrs. Constance then said, “Oh yes, do talk to Dylan if you see him at theoffice. Your aunt was insistent on arranging a blind date for him last night, but he refused to go. The twoof them then exchanged words. Your aunt came over early in the morning and told me that she’s atouch worried, so just try talking to him. It’s for his own good, so he shouldn’t let it come betweenthem.”

John froze for a moment before agreeing to do so. “Got it. I’ll talk to him if I see him.”

He didn’t tarry long at Constance Residence. After retrieving his car, he drove to the office. Alas, he

was then stuck in a traffic jam. Traffic came to a head long before he’d reached the traffic light. Hecouldn’t see what had happened ahead, but many people alighted from their cars and walked to thefront for a look before coming back while cursing aloud. It was impossible to turn the car around andtake another route at this stretch of road since there was nowhere to execute a U-turn in front. Hence,everyone had no choice but to remain in this standstill traffic.

After mulling it over, John alighted from the car and languidly made his way to where a crowd wasgathered ahead. The accident didn’t occur at the intersection, for the two cars collided well before thejunction. Judging from the condition of the cars, it wasn’t an accident but a battle of wills with both carsdeliberately slamming into each other. At present, both car owners had alighted from their respectivecars and were tearing into the other.

Walking over for a look, John cracked up. Sally Morgan! Hmm, this is a nice turn of events. It’ll take theedge off my anxiety. He didn’t recognize the person who was squabbling with Sally, but the personseemed even fiercer than her, outright calling her a sl*t.

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