Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 541
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Chapter 541

John mumbled vaguely, “She’s not as good as you.”

Sophia thought for a while and seemed to understand what was going on. “Are you with Isabelle now?”

After a long pause, John’s voice slowly came over. “She went to the restroom.”

Sophia suddenly stood up from the sofa. “Where are you?”

It was a long time before John gave her an address. From the address, Sophia guessed that it was asmall shop. She stood where she was, one hand on her hips, hesitating whether she should orshouldn’t go. It felt a bit inappropriate for her to go since she was no longer his wife, but if she didn’t,and considering John’s drunken state right now, it would be easy for him to make a mistake withIsabelle since the latter had been obsessed about him all this while.

So, Sophia said into the phone, “Stay there and don’t move. I’ll be right there. Remember, do not leavethat place.” After speaking, Sophia hung up, changed her shoes and went out. Forget it, I’m not gonnaworry so much about things. John is now drunk, so I’ll get him away from that place first. No matterwhat, if he really wishes to choose Isabelle, he has to be in a sober state to do that.

Sophia got in a cab and went directly to the address given by John. It was a small tavern located deepinside an alley. Sophia entered the place and immediately saw Isabelle and John. He did indeed lookdrunk as he leaned back in his chair. At the same time, Isabelle had gone over to him and appeared tobe helping him up. Sophia simply stood there without moving as she watched them.

As if he was asleep, John had his eyes closed. Failing to move him, Isabelle gave up after a few

unsuccessful attempts. She stood beside John and looked down at him. It was this man who hadtortured her so much that she couldn’t eat or sleep. It was him who had made her feel restless andflustered time after time. Isabelle whispered, “John, wake up.”

However, there was no reaction from the man at all. She pursed her lips and then raised a hand totouch his face.

Sophia chuckled before walking up to them. “Miss Bailey, what are you doing?”

As if struck by lightning, Isabelle retracted her hand back at once, but when she saw that it was Sophia,she immediately put on a righteous expression.

Sophia glanced at John, but the man didn’t react at all. How much has this jerk drunk? Shouldn't yoube vigilant when you come out to drink with a member of the opposite sex?

Isabelle looked at Sophia. “Why are you here, Miss Gwendolyn?”

Sophia and John had already divorced, so Isabelle had no need to feel guilty upon seeing the womanbefore her. Then, Sophia came over, squeezed Isabelle aside, and pushed John with her hands. “Wakeup! You called me and told me to come over, yet you’re passed out in a drunken stupor.”

After shaking John several times, the man slowly came to his senses. He squinted at Sophia, and thensmiled. “You came.”

Impatience was written all over Sophia’s face as she said, “Do you want to go home? If yes, come withme. If not, I’m going to leave first.”

John hurriedly pulled at Sophia's hand. “Of course I do. Since you’re here, I’ll go back with you forsure.” After saying that, he staggered to his feet, holding onto the table for support. Only then did henotice Isabelle. “Miss Bailey, you’re still around? I’m leaving now.”

Isabelle stood still without any expression on her face.

Meanwhile, Sophia had no choice but to hold out her arm and support John. Without sparing anotherglance at Isabelle, she took John away. The two of them got into the car and went back to Sophia’shouse.

Sophia had actually called Zack on the way there and asked him to come over to get John. However,Zack told her that he was out on a date and it wouldn’t be convenient for him to go. Thus, he asked herto look after John, and if it wasn’t possible for her to do so, then she should call the ConstanceResidence and have someone go over to get him.novelbin

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