Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 507
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Chapter 507

Since Kate had already made her intentions clear, it would be impolite if Sophia rejected her.

Not knowing what to say, Sophia pursed her lips.

Right then, the servant next to her suggested, “Miss Gwendolyn, why don’t you just go over? TheBlackwells are really excited to see you.”

After considering for a moment, Kate suggested, “Why don’t you just close your shop for a day? I’llcover your loss.”

“No, no, it’s not that.” Sophia sighed. “Alright. Just inform me when you’re planning to have a meal, andI’ll arrange my schedule.”

Kate finally smiled at that.

Then, she left after getting what she wanted, as she didn’t want to bother Sophia from her businessanymore.

However, when Kate was about to leave the shop, she turned around to face Sophia. “You’re a reallygood girl.”

Any average human would die to get closer to the Blackwells, but Sophia looked as if she just wantedto run away.

This made Kate like her even more.

After sending Kate off to her car, Sophia waved. “Have a safe trip.”

Right then, Kate rolled her window down and looked at Sophia. “I’ll send my driver over to fetch you, soyou can just wait for us.”

Sophia smiled and nodded before waving Kate goodbye.

After the car drove away, Kate finally sat up straight.

The servant, who was sitting next to her, lamented, “Miss Gwendolyn looks like a really nice girl.”

Kate smiled at that. “It’s too bad that her family background isn’t that good.”

The servant chimed in with an agreement.

After a while, Kate continued, “But, we can still be close in other ways. After all, our family’s businessdid get better after that tarot reading.”

The Blackwell Family had run into a rough bump a while back. As the matriarch of the Blackwell Familygot ill, their business was stagnant due to slow capital return, and some problems came up with theirbank loan.

In short, they were in a huge mess.

However, things started to change for the better after the matriarch of the Blackwell Family’s birthdayparty.

Kate had always been a superstitious person and would pray whenever she could, so now she startedtreating Sophia as her savior. novelbin

The matriarch of the Blackwell Family believed that it was Sophia’s tarot reading that resurrected theBlackwell Family.

The servant naturally couldn’t say anything against her, so she could only chime in agreement.

Kate pondered for a moment. “To be honest, I had the intention of setting Fabian up with Sophia, but Idropped that idea now that I think about it. The Third Blackwell Family probably wouldn’t want itanyway. My third daughter-in-law probably wants a daughter-in-law from a good background, as shedidn’t seem to like it when I tried to hint at her about it, so I don’t want to be the bad person. Moreover,Sophia would disagree too. I mean, look at her. She looks like she wants to run every time she seesme.”

By the time Sophia sent Kate off, the shop’s morning preparation was almost done.

Sophia looked like she was in a daze as she stood behind the counter.

It had been days since John last showed up, and she would occasionally think of him when she gothome after a long day of work.

John used to annoy her so much when he’d come over almost every day to look for her. Now that shehadn’t seen him in days, she couldn’t help but miss him again.

I’m such a hypocrite.

After snapping out of her trance, customers started filling in.

It was usually the office workers who came in the morning to take away some desserts and coffee astheir breakfast.

After Sophia handled a few customers, another customer came, and she asked while her head was stilllowered, “What can I get for you?”

The person replied, “I’m going to order a lot more than usual today.”

Dumbfounded, Sophia’s head snapped up.

The person that she was still thinking about suddenly showed up.

John appeared in his working suit while he stood in front of her with his hands in his pockets. “Pack afew more sets for me according to your likings so that I can bring some back for my staff as well.”

Robin grinned and walked over, as she hadn’t seen John for a long time already. “Follow me to see ifthere’s anything to your liking so that I can pack them up for you, Mr. Constance.”

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