Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 496
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Chapter 496

Zack clicked his tongue as he grabbed the desserts that Logan hadn’t tasted and began enjoying them.While many of the guests who came were customers, Sophia and Robin were kept busy until theafternoon.

After Zack was gone, Sophia came closer to Logan and asked, “Zack just came, didn’t he? Why did heleave so soon?”

Logan leaned back in his seat and squinted. “Maybe he is busy at work.”

Sophia sat opposite Logan and said with a smile, “It feels good to run my own business.”

Logan responded with a smile. “The way I see it, you’re pretty friendly and enthusiastic in treating yourcustomers. Keep this up, and I believe your business will get better and better.” He then shifted hisgaze outside the window and added, “Alright, I’ve been here throughout the morning, so I figure Ishould go back home and take a nap. Moreover, I’m so tired as I woke up early this morning to buythose fireworks.”

Sophia smiled and replied, “Okay! Go home and rest then. There is nothing else going on hereanyway.”

As Logan stepped out of Sophia’s shop, a car parked by the opposite side of the road caught his eye,whereupon he sniggered and murmured, “What did I say? Something is wrong with the two of them forsure.”

It turned out that John was sitting in his car while staring at Sophia’s shop, where she could be seenbusy with her work through the French window. She looks just about the same as when she was busy

in the kitchen back then. Soon, the man leaned back in his seat and produced a cigarette box, feelingcalm on the inside.

In the meantime, Sophia had been busy attending to her work until the afternoon when there were nocustomers. Then, she proceeded to make herself a cup of coffee and sat in the chair by the window.Drinking while appreciating the street view on the outside, she suddenly paused what she was doingand pondered for a moment. Then, she put her cup down on the table and went ahead to make anotherone, taking it with her as she stepped out of her shop. While John’s car was still parked by theroadside, she approached the vehicle, only to find John seemingly asleep in there. A few seconds later,after she knocked on the glass, John slowly wound down the car window.

She then passed the coffee over to him. “This is for you. Finish it, and you could head back to yourcompany. If you want to rest, you might as well go home and take a nap.” John took the coffee withoutsaying a single word, while Sophia turned around and returned to her shop. After that, she sat back inthe seat with a relaxed look on her face. A few minutes later, John finally drove off, whereas Sophiahappily took her gaze off the man’s car.

The first day of business was a hectic one as there were more customers than she expected. It wasonly until the evening that Sophia could finally take a break when there were no more customers. Soon,both owners happily stretched themselves after a long day, while Robin said, “I used to run a shop backthen, but the business was never as hectic as this one.”

After a brief contemplation, Sophia gave a suggestion. “Let’s celebrate the good start of our businesstonight. My treat!” Feeling an urge to actualize her thoughts, Sophia immediately took Robin back toher place to get changed. Considering their similar builds, she reckoned Robin could just wear herclothes. After settling down, she gave Logan a call and told him about the celebration. While Loganagreed to show up without hesitation, Sophia thought she should get more people to join them sincenovelbin

Ian was not around. Therefore, she gave Zack a call, thinking she should repay him for the flowers hebought to support her. The celebration wouldn’t be complete without Zack.

Nevertheless, Zack appeared a little hesitant the moment he answered Sophia’s call, not because hedidn’t want to join them, but because he wasn’t sure whether he should tell John to tag along. Uponhearing his concern, Sophia told him to forget about John and added, “John is a busy man, so wemight as well forget about him. Furthermore, he’s likely going to ruin the fun if he is around.” Zack knewwhat she meant, so he didn’t say a single word more. After confirming the time and their rendezvous,Sophia set off for the destination with Robin.

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