Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49

John placed his chopsticks down and looked at Sophia. His expression remained the same, almost asif whatever she just said didn’t affect him emotionally at all.

After she finished laughing to herself, she asked, “What’s wrong? Are you upset after hearing thetruth?”

“Nope,” he answered, without batting an eye. “I’m quite pleased that you think that way. Otherwise, I’dfeel sorry for having done you a disservice.”

The smile on her face gradually disappeared, and she glanced about her surroundings as if she didn’tknow how to react to his words nor how to continue the conversation.

Studying the food in front of her—she barely ate anything—he asked, “You’re done? Are you full?”

In response, she placed her spoon down. “Yeah.”

Thus, he called for the check.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the man, who had secretly been taking pictures of them,had put his phone away.

To be honest, I don’t understand what’s the point of taking these photos. In the first place, druggingtheir opponents was a low blow. Seeing as we didn’t fall for their dirty trick, shouldn’t they keep to morehonest means? Why do they have to go so far and bring it out to the open? Don’t they have anyintegrity?

After John paid the bill, Sophia stood up first. Then, she walked over to him and hugged his arm.

Lowering his gaze, he looked down at the hand on his arm. Two seconds later, he squeezed her hand,then he moved her arm away and entwined his fingers with hers.

She nearly broke out into laughter.

Sometimes, John can be pretty shrewd.

Holding hands, they walked out of the restaurant. As they passed by the man who was secretlysnapping photos of them, Sophia used her other hand and lightly hit John on his shoulder. Her voicewas slightly pouty and she pretended to be angry. “Why did you have to anger me on the plane? Thenext time you do that, I’m going to go out and seduce a young, handsome guy.”

John seemed to smile. Then, he said in a neutral voice, “You can try if you dare.”

The warning in his voice wasn’t heavy; his tone leaned more toward pampering. After that, they left therestaurant smilingly.

Even after leaving the restaurant, she didn’t let go of his hand. Rather, she held on even tighter, leaningher entire body against his arm.

They didn’t talk, but the smile on her face grew wider—she wanted to irritate and provoke him. Sincehe wants my help, he better not expect me to be obedient. In the past, I might have been easy-goingand docile, but now, I have the divorce papers in my hand. Therefore, I’m not afraid of anything, nor doI care.

When the two of them entered the elevator, John finally spoke up, “Can you let go yet?”

Sophia lifted her head and looked at him. “Huh? Let go? Why? Aren’t we still outside? As long as we’reoutside, we’re a couple. And, isn’t it normal for couples to do this?”

He pursed his lips. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he said nothing in the end.

Then, they got out of the elevator. Their rooms were located in different directions.

Standing outside the elevator, she finally let go of him and turned to head toward her room withouthesitation. She even waved her hand at him while her back was facing him. “President Constance, I’mgoing back. Call me if you need me.”

That arrogant look of hers made everything just now look like nothing more than an act.

John studied Sophia’s back for a long while before turning and returning to his room. His computer wasstill sitting on the desk, containing various documents that he had yet to read. However, he wasn’t inthe mood to look through them.

Afterward, he went into the bathroom and took a shower. Then, he stood by the window, lookingoutside. It was very hot outside. Therefore, it was very quiet—there was nobody at the beach duringthis time.

Later, Zack knocked on the door and came inside, then he said shiftily, “Boss, have you finisheddiscussing it with Sophia?” novelbin

John thought about it. Judging by Sophia’s attitude, she probably agreed to do it. Thus, he noddedslowly. “I guess so.”

Upon hearing that, Zack let out a long sigh of relief. “That’s great then. I like Sophia. Whenever I thinkof a different woman standing beside you, I-I…”

When he met John’s gaze, he couldn’t finish his sentence.

On the other hand, John asked expressionlessly. “Why do you like Sophia so much? Which part of heris so great?”

Zack pursed his lips and stared at John. Judging from John’s expression, it didn’t look like he wasmocking him. Therefore, it was probably just simple curiosity.

So, Zack answered, “Sophia is easy to approach and has a good personality. More importantly, she’spretty.”

John snorted, then turned to look at his phone. “How shallow.”

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