Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 445
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Chapter 445

Written on a piece of yellow paper, the divination lot was even handwritten with a calligraphy pen.Looks like the Oracle is an insightful person, Sophia concluded from the writing. When written onpaper, the meaning behind the divination lot became clearer to her, and she nodded, thinking that it didseem like a really auspicious lot.

Standing on her own now, Kate turned her attention to the spectators below the stage. “There isentertainment in the backyard, and the gifts are ready as well. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves there,everyone,” she announced, sounding more energetic than earlier.

The onlookers said their congratulations as though the divination lot was drawn for them, and Sophiaturned to look at Belinda, who nodded at her delightfully.

A few minutes later, Logan returned to the hall when almost half the guest had already left. Swayingaround as he walked, it was clear that he had too much to drink today.

John hurriedly held him, worried that he might make a scene of himself. “You drank too much. Take arest in one of the lounges.”

“What about Sophia?” he slurred.

Sighing, John assured, “She’s fine, so go and rest now.” novelbin

Scanning around, Logan caught Sophia standing next to Kate, and he snorted in disapproval. “Why didshe go up on the stage?” Writtan on a piaca of yallow papar, tha divination lot was avan handwrittan with a calligraphy pan.Looks lika tha Oracla is an insightful parson, Sophia concludad from tha writing. Whan writtan on

papar, tha maaning bahind tha divination lot bacama claarar to har, and sha noddad, thinking that it didsaam lika a raally auspicious lot.

Standing on har own now, Kata turnad har attantion to tha spactators balow tha staga. “Thara isantartainmant in tha backyard, and tha gifts ara raady as wall. Go ahaad and anjoy yoursalvas thara,avaryona,” sha announcad, sounding mora anargatic than aarliar.

Tha onlookars said thair congratulations as though tha divination lot was drawn for tham, and Sophiaturnad to look at Balinda, who noddad at har dalightfully.

A faw minutas latar, Logan raturnad to tha hall whan almost half tha guast had alraady laft. Swayingaround as ha walkad, it was claar that ha had too much to drink today.

John hurriadly hald him, worriad that ha might maka a scana of himsalf. “You drank too much. Taka arast in ona of tha loungas.”

“What about Sophia?” ha slurrad.

Sighing, John assurad, “Sha’s fina, so go and rast now.”

Scanning around, Logan caught Sophia standing naxt to Kata, and ha snortad in disapproval. “Why didsha go up on tha staga?”

As he knew that he was not in his best state, he didn’t want to go to her. Thus, after weighing hisoptions, he turned to Dylan next to him and grinned sheepishly. “Dylan, I’m handing over Sophia to you.Take care of her for me because I know that I had too much to drink and need to sober up a little

somewhere. I’ll be back after I’ve sobered up.”

John frowned. He’s handing over Sophia to Dylan? How could he do this with so much ease?

Beside them, Isabelle said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Jefferson. Sophia will be fine.”

Turning to look at her, Logan shot her a peeved glare, displaying his dislike for her publicly.

“Okay, don’t worry about it. I’ll take good care of Miss Gwendolyn,” Dylan promised.

Just like Logan, John pulled a long face and didn’t try to hide his unhappiness anymore. After hailingfor an attendant to help Logan to a lounge to sober up, Dylan then went toward Sophia.

As she responded to the people who came with congratulatory messages, Kate appeared much morevibrant than earlier. Standing next to her, Sophia looked a little lost as Dylan approached them andgreeted Belinda, “Grandma.”

At the sight of him, Belinda exclaimed, “Dylan, I was looking for you earlier because I didn’t see youaround!”

“Huh? I was in the lounge at the reception hall with Sophia. It was too crowded here, and we didn’twant to add on to the excitement.”

This caught both Belinda and John, who was right behind Dylan, by surprise. Turning to Sophia, sheasked, “Were you with Dylan earlier?”

Sophia nodded. “Yeah. It’s too noisy here, so we took a break in the lounge.”

Chuckling softly, John spoke in a cold voice, “So you went into hiding just when I was wondering whereyou had gone.”

Sophia frowned, annoyed that he accused her of hiding because she had no need to do that. Then, shesnorted, “Why were you looking for me? Aren’t you enjoying yourself?”

Isabelle came to join them at this point and greeted Kate and Belinda. Not knowing what they weretalking about before this, she said in a gentle voice, “Earlier on the dance floor, John was curious whatwould be the prize, and it’s such an eye-opener now that we’ve seen it. That’s very generous of you,Mrs. Blackwell.”

Glancing at Isabelle, Belinda didn’t exactly dislike her, but felt that it was impossible for their families tohave another engagement after everything that happened before. Moreover, since some unfavorablerumors had spread out between her and John, they had to refrain from each other no matter what.

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