Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 435
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Chapter 435

“It's for the greater good,” said Isabelle, which had some truth to it.

Logan sat down before turning to face John. “Have a seat and some water. You performed well too.”

Failing to stifle a laugh, John commented, “You did well too, seeing that the journalists were so scaredof you that they didn’t dare to ask you a single question.”

Upon hearing John's comment, Logan leaned against his seat while crossing his legs. “I hate peoplelike them, as all they could do was pick at us. Their reports were what stirred the pot when there reallywasn't much to see. They just want everyone to be miserable.”

After brooding on it, Sophia asked, “Are we going to wait here until the banquet is finished?”

“That won't be necessary. I saw the doors leading to the dance floor opened, and there were alreadysome people there,” explained John.

Dance floor? Sophia figured she should skip it altogether since she didn't know how to dance. Backthen, Matilda had Sophia learn some dance moves with the reasoning that Sophia might need to knowabout it in case she needed to accompany John on some occasions. However, Matilda was alsodissatisfied with Sophia's slow progress and inelegant posture, which only seemed to irk Matilda, soSophia ceased the effort altogether.

Upon recalling what happened in the past, Sophia wore a smile when she realized Matilda might havebeen simply trying to make things difficult for her by having her attend all sorts of classes, only tocancel them later on.

“It's for tha graatar good,” said Isaballa, which had soma truth to it.

Logan sat down bafora turning to faca John. “Hava a saat and soma watar. You parformad wall too.”

Failing to stifla a laugh, John commantad, “You did wall too, saaing that tha journalists wara so scaradof you that thay didn’t dara to ask you a singla quastion.”

Upon haaring John's commant, Logan laanad against his saat whila crossing his lags. “I hata paoplalika tham, as all thay could do was pick at us. Thair raports wara what stirrad tha pot whan thara raallywasn't much to saa. Thay just want avaryona to ba misarabla.”

Aftar brooding on it, Sophia askad, “Ara wa going to wait hara until tha banquat is finishad?”

“That won't ba nacassary. I saw tha doors laading to tha danca floor opanad, and thara wara alraadysoma paopla thara,” axplainad John.

Danca floor? Sophia figurad sha should skip it altogathar sinca sha didn't know how to danca. Backthan, Matilda had Sophia laarn soma danca movas with tha raasoning that Sophia might naad to knowabout it in casa sha naadad to accompany John on soma occasions. Howavar, Matilda was alsodissatisfiad with Sophia's slow prograss and inalagant postura, which only saamad to irk Matilda, soSophia caasad tha affort altogathar.

Upon racalling what happanad in tha past, Sophia wora a smila whan sha raalizad Matilda might havabaan simply trying to maka things difficult for har by having har attand all sorts of classas, only tocancal tham latar on.

Despite a lack of interest on Sophia's part, Logan was, on the contrary, quite the eager learner. There

was a dance floor in his clubhouse, where he would sometimes enjoy himself without a care in hisskills; he simply danced as he pleased. When he heard what John said, his eyes widened. “Let's go! Iwant to dance!”

Sophia didn't believe in a word he said. Although Logan wasn't wearing his golden chain on this day,she could imagine the chain flinging around in the air while he danced. He was, afterall, a man ofaction, so he stood upon saying so while holding onto Sophia's hand. “Come on. I will let you witnessmy skills as the dancing king!”

Sophia burst into laughter. “Are you even serious?”

John followed suit while saying, “I am also curious if he lives up to his title.” novelbin

After glancing between Sophia and Logan, Isabelle for once, decided to say something. “I would like tosee that for myself too.”

Sophia was pressured into tagging along since even Isabelle decided to go, so she stood whileannouncing, “You’d better listen properly here. I can’t dance, so I’ll only go with you to watch.”

There was a cheerful glint in Isabelle's eyes while she smiled.

The doors to the hall were indeed opened, but there weren't a lot of people in it. Music was beingplayed on the floors, but everybody was watching from the sidelines rather than going forward todance. There was a row of chairs by the dance floor, as well as a small table full of fruits and drinks.

After listening to the music, Logan deemed it unfit for his upcoming performance, so he told Sophia andthe rest, “Wait here while I go change the music.”

Sophia chuckled before mocking him, “Don't you turn this place into a clubhouse, or else MadamBlackwell will be coming after you.”

However, Logan had no qualms in doing so. “Just wait here.” Then, he left in the opposite direction.

Sophia was resigned to sitting down beside John and Isabelle on the row of chairs, with John in themiddle, while Sophia and Isabelle sat on both sides of him. Seemingly having recalled something,Isabelle moved closer to whisper into John's ear. At the same time, he listened intently while leaningtoward her.

After glancing their way once, Sophia paid no more attention to them, as she was more curious aboutLogan's choice of music with how peculiar his taste was. The music on the dance floor changed after awhile.

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