Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 416
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Chapter 416

The possibility of having someone pass a message for them didn’t sound feasible, as while the siblingsweren’t much capable themselves, they looked down upon others, so they always opted to do things ontheir own instead of trusting someone else with their tasks. If they were trying to frame Logan, theywould definitely meet with Tom Poole in person.

With a hum, John hung up the call. He returned to his room while pondering what Logan told him aboutthe conflict not only with the Morgans, but with Isabelle as well. However, John didn’t believe thatIsabelle would do anything out of line. While it wasn’t out of trust in her character, he knew her as asmart person who knew the importance of avoiding suspicion. No matter how much she abhorredLogan, she wouldn’t do that at this point in time.

After casting his phone on the bed, John turned to leave for the shower. When he came back out, thephone was lit up, indicating that he had a new message. He checked on it to see a message fromIsabelle asking if he would be present during Kate Blackwell’s birthday party, to which he gave a replyin the affirmative.

Then his phone immediately rang with a call from Isabelle. Over the phone, she told him that shereceived an invitation, thus would like to know what time John would be leaving for the event and if hewould want to attend it alongside her. A frown formed on John’s face as he knew he should be avoidingIsabelle. He could still recall what William told him.

However, his hesitance was obvious enough of a reply to Isabelle, to which she responded with asmile. “It’s alright if you have prior engagements, as I can always go with my father. The only downsideto that would be I would have less to talk about with him than with someone around my age.” Uponwitnessing his silence on the matter, Isabelle added on, “We will go to the venue separately. If anything

else arises during the occasion, we can always meet up at the venue.”

John gave her a nonchalant hum, through which Isabelle could detect he didn’t possess a lot of zest inhim. After some pleasantries, she was about to hang up, but John called out to her with something elsein mind, saying, “Miss Bailey.”

There was a pause on her side before she responded, “What’s the matter?”

John cut to the chase. “I heard you had an argument with Sophia and Logan today.”

While his words startled her, she began mocking him, but didn’t fail to portray herself as being graveabout the matter. “Are you trying to invoke justice upon me?”

John scoffed before responding to her query, “I do not perceive myself as being qualified to do so. All Iwant to know is if it happened.”

“Of course, it did,” Isabelle replied firmly. “But I wasn’t in the wrong.”

Truth be told, John cared not who was in the wrong. Flatly, he said, “Logan is rather childish, which Ibelieve you already know. I will only advise you to avoid engaging yourself in a conflict with him, as heisn’t above doing anything if you manage to get on his bad side.”

Isabelle was displeased by what John said. “I know that much, so I never engaged him in a conflict.”

At this, John snickered. “I forgot to tell you that Sophia is in fact an even less desirable opponentcompared to Logan. You might be in more trouble if you ever cross her.”

Before Isabelle could say anything else, John went on, adding, “No matter what the current status ofour relationship is, I will never wish to see her being wronged or bullied, as I will be forced to choose aside in the ensuing conflict, so I’m informing you of this beforehand. That way, our families can avoidsome unnecessary conflicts, which could save both our faces.” novelbin

No reply came from Isabelle after that, but John didn’t care enough to wait for one, opting instead tohang up. The elation he felt upon doing so was both surprising and confusing. After a while, he thenproceeded to check his Facebook.

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