Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 414
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Chapter 414

Sophia had one hand on Logan’s arm, while the other hand kept on sliding down his back in an effort toplacate him. The distance between them was minimal, which, in John’s opinion, was a sight for soreeyes. Thus, he adjusted his position on the sofa before asking, “Logan, what did Lorraine say?”

A shudder traveled down Logan’s spine while he sat up in his seat as soon as his sister’s name wasmentioned, which put some distance between him and Sophia, as his reaction prompted Sophia to situp as well.

Logan wore a morose look on his face as he answered, “Lorraine told me not to show myself in front ofher, or else she won’t guarantee that she won’t beat the crap out of me.”

There was a smile on John’s face when he heard what Logan said, while Logan was still feelingdisgruntled about his own dilemma. “John, you have to help me out. Launch an investigation to find outthe perpetrator, then tell me if the Baileys were involved. I’ll make sure that the two b*tches suffer ifthey are behind this!”

John was unfazed by Logan’s request. “Worry not, as Sophia was almost dragged into what happenedtoday, so I will definitely look into this even without you asking.”

Meanwhile, Logan seemed to have missed out on the added layer of meaning in his words whilenodding in agreement to what John said. “I knew I could count on you! You’re the one that makes mefeel safe!” novelbin

With a twirl of his gaze, John looked toward Sophia before he remarked, “Is that so?”

On the other hand, Sophia didn’t even spare John a glance, ignoring his words. There must be someloose screws in him, as his attitude is getting a little scary. Not only is he unable to control what hesays, but there’s also a quirkiness in his gaze. Why would he look at me so gently? He knows howgullible I am, so he must be doing this on purpose to seduce me. He must be plotting something behindall this! she thought.

After some more chatter, it was about time to end their gathering. After all, it would take some timebefore the investigation done by Zack would yield results. On the other hand, Ian requested to stay withLogan in his place, as he didn’t want to return to the Morgans. It happened that Logan needed alistening ear to vent his frustrations, so he was delighted by Ian’s proposal while the two left shoulder-to-shoulder.

John followed behind the two, but not before turning to tell Sophia to lock the doors and windows, atwhich Sophia responded while on full alert, “I will make sure to do that.” Just when he was about toleave, Sophia said, “John, I figured I should ask you after all.” There was an opening for her to do justthat after Ian and Logan left.

Without moving from where he stood, John said, “Sure, ask away.”

Probing for answers, Sophia asked tentatively, “Have something gotten into you?” There was a pausein his movements as John didn’t seem to quite get what she meant, so Sophia elaborated on it aftersmacking her lips, all the while furrowing her brows together. “Your actions for the past few daysseemed fishy. Why can’t you behave like how you used to? Do you even listen to your ownconversations? What are you even trying to imply? Do you get what I’m trying to say?” In fact, Sophiawas confused over the situation, too, which seemed to have muddled the way she was expressingherself.

Despite understanding the gist of what Sophia was trying to say, John wore a frown while he asked,“What are you talking about?”

After some thought, Sophia waved a hand in dismissal. “Ah, whatever. Just take it as jargon. Safetrips.” She was getting confused, too.

After giving her a hum of assent, John turned to leave. Zack was already in the car when he entered,during which he smiled abruptly. He wasn’t entirely sure of the reason, but he felt a weight lifted fromhis shoulder upon teasing Sophia, as it seemed to be a channel to vent his recent frustrations.

John looked out of the car window when Zack drove off, all the while recalling what his father told him.There were couples who fell in love soon after their marriage, while others, such as him and Matilda,needed to spend more time getting accustomed to each other’s presence before they could fall in love.However, there were also couples who wound up going their separate ways even after all the time theyspent together. John figured that he and Sophia would belong to the third category.

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