Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 411
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Chapter 411

While it was true that Logan was used to being arrested, he was unhappy about it. Despite having usedto be a part of the problem whenever he was detained, he was implicated by others this time, whichmade him extremely unhappy. He looked at John before saying, “I’ll be back in a bit.”

No comment was made by John when Logan was ushered away, while all he did was bring Sophia andIan to Sophia’s house. With what happened, Logan’s clubhouse would definitely be forced to closedown. Meanwhile, Sophia was still in a daze when she sat in the car, all the while figuring that being byLogan’s side sure opened her eyes up to the world. It was her first time ever witnessing such anincident.

It wasn’t until a while later when he was driving that Zack asked Sophia, “What happened just now?Was it some sort of scheme?”

Neither was Sophia able to explain things. “I don’t know. Logan invited us to his clubhouse for somegames, so we went. That group of people were already in the backyard when we arrived, but none ofus went to check on them, so we didn’t know anything about what happened.”

John turned to look out of the window with a frown, but the tone in which he spoke sounded casual. “It’salright, the Jeffersons will be there soon, so things will turn out to be fine. However, the guy who wascarried away seemed to be a member of the Poole Family.”

After some thought, Zack replied, “I think so, but his face was smeared with blood while being carriedaway, so I couldn’t get a good look at him.”

There was a moment’s pause before John went on to give his instructions, saying, “Do a backgroundcheck on him. We need to know which family he belongs to and who he has been mingling with.”

Zack stared at John from the rearview mirror while asking, “Boss, do you think someone is framingLogan?”

John hesitated for a moment before stating his point, explaining, “There had been multiple spot checkson Logan’s clubhouse, so it didn’t make sense that the group of people would visit there if they wereintending to do drugs.” novelbin

Without a doubt, anywhere else would be a safer choice than Logan’s clubhouse, which was somethingthat Zack agreed to with a nod. “Yeah, that is a curious case indeed.”

While they conversed, the car pulled over at Sophia’s house, after which they disembarked and wentinto her house. Sophia was thirsty after the whole ruckus, so she took it upon herself to boil some waterto make some tea that she served to everyone.

Meanwhile, Ian was sitting still in his spot when Sophia handed him his tea. “Have something to drink.”

Ian turned to look at her before smiling at her. “Sure.” After that, he directed his question at John. “Doyou think either Simon or Sally might be behind this?”

The conjecture startled John, bringing a frown to his face while staring at Ian. Ian spoke up once againafter some thought, saying, “When I was in my family’s mansion, I heard Simon talking to Sally in asubdued voice. Although I couldn’t pick up on their conversation, I did hear Logan’s name beingmentioned.”

John had a grave look on his face while he concluded, “Leave the investigation of the matter to me.However, I do believe that even without us stepping in, Logan wouldn’t let them off the hook if that was

really their doing.” From Logan’s perspective, Simon and Sally had always been a nuisance even whenthey did nothing, say less of when they did find fault with him.

Meanwhile, Ian cast John a glance before saying, “Thank you for helping me out just now.” He wassimilar to Sophia in the sense that he had nobody to turn to, as the Morgans were crossed off his listbecause he didn’t want to involve them. It was Sophia who asked Zack to come vouch for Ian, so shedid care for him.

With a smile, John responded nonchalantly, “I did it for Sophia’s sake.” He wouldn’t have cared aboutIan at all if Sophia hadn’t spoken up for Ian, but on the flip side, nor could he have turned down such aminor request from her.

Sophia cast a glance at John, then thanked him after a few seconds, to which John responded with ahuff. “You don’t need to be so courteous with me.”

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