Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 379
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Chapter 379

After she drove inside and came out of the car, she saw Jennifer lounging in the garden. “Hello,Matilda,” she greeted neutrally upon seeing her.

Matilda would have ignored her in the past, but today, she greeted back, “Hi. Out here alone?”

Jennifer was surprised, murmuring an acquiescence before saying, “Yes, I am.”

Matilda nodded and went to the main residence. There wasn’t anyone in the living room save for theservant, who looked surprised to see her here. “You’re back, madam.” novelbin

Before Matilda went upstairs, the servant said, “Are you looking for your husband? He isn’t home.”

“He’s not?” She was taken aback.

“No, but the old madam is upstairs. She said you should go to her room if you need anything.”

Matilda stood there for a minute, and she understood what was going on. William’s mother knew shewould come back for William, so she told him to go out for a while. Thinking of this, she sighed. “Fine.I’ll go to her, then.” She then went upstairs.

Belinda was in the room, still in the same clothes she wore to Flintstone Residence. She was sitting onthe sofa, a big photo album with many pictures in it in her hand. Barely anyone developed photos thesedays, so those photos were taken years ago. Belinda smiled as she flipped through them, her gazewarm, and the moment Matilda came in, she knew it was her. “You’re here. Take a seat.” She didn’teven look up.

Matilda was still fuming. She pulled a face and only went to sit after a few moments, but Belinda’sattention was still on the photos. Flipping to one of them, she said, “Look. This was taken during yourwedding. It’s almost thirty years since then.”

The photo was sealed in the album, still in decent condition. Matilda looked at it, but she didn’tremember taking this photo. Wow, I was young. I was really slim. She was smiling at the camera alongwith William, who looked dashing. Looking back at the photo, she felt puzzled, but she said nothing still.

Belinda touched the photo and lamented, “Time flies.” She chuckled. “In just the blink of an eye, thirtyyears have passed. When I looked through these photos, I was taken back to the first time I saw you.”She looked at Matilda. “You were reserved back then, and you didn’t like William. I thought that was theend of it, but then you said you can work it out with him.” She looked at her gently. “I really liked youback then. You obviously didn’t like William, but you gave it a shot anyway, saying he was a nice guy. Iknow you were just trying to make things less awkward, so I thought you were a good girl.”

Belinda had looked into Matilda back then. She was gorgeous and had a few suitors. Besides, some ofthe families in the city did consider her as a wife candidate for their sons. When she picked William to‘work it out,’ Belinda thought she just didn’t want him to feel awkward, so she felt some affection towardher.

On the other hand, Matilda felt nervous seeing her talk.

Eventually, Belinda closed the album and shifted the topic. “I heard you hired someone to hurt Sophia.”

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