Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 371
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Chapter 371

A man could still hide himself in the closet. The moment Sophia opened the door, a man pounced out.He probably knew that Sophia had noticed him.

Thankfully, Sophia was not standing at the front, so the man didn’t manage to pounce on her. Before hecould react, Ian gave him a strong kick from behind. The man didn’t expect someone else besidesSophia, so he was taken aback by that blow.

“Let me at him!” said Sophia as she aimed the stick right at him. After the previous warm-up practicewith Matilda, Sophia felt that she had already gotten used to this. Standing beside, Ian didn’t need tostep in at all.

While getting hit and stomped by Sophia, the man wanted to grab the stick from her, but Sophia didn’tgive him the chance, giving him one blow after another. Initially, Ian was quite worried, but seeing howit all turned out now, he began to relax.

Gawking at the scene, the driver was completely struck dumb while standing there. Later, the man wasprobably in so much pain, so he just hugged his head and covered his face down on the floor. Thoughthe stick was not as thick, it could still hurt a lot.

Not holding back, Sophia treated the man as Matilda. Honestly, she couldn’t go all out in beating upMatilda, as she was advanced in age. Besides, Matilda had been pampered by her family all theseyears, so she might lose her life if Sophia went all out. Since Sophia didn’t manage to vent all her angerduring the last round, she didn’t hesitate at all this time. After a good whack-up, she felt relieved.

In the end, it was Ian who stopped her. “Enough already. You’ll kill the person if this goes on,” said Ian

with a sullen expression.

Tidying her messed-up hair, Sophia declared with both hands on her hips, “I worked in the farm when Iwas young, so I’m really strong. Back in my village, if there was a thief, we would beat the hell out ofhim before anything else!”

Seeing the man shrinking at the corner, Ian thought it was funny. Frankly speaking, Sophia was arather skillful fighter. A couple of times, that man had attempted to evade the stick and make a run forit, but everytime, he was blocked by Sophia.

With a snort, Sophia glared at the man on the floor and growled, “Back in those days, all the middle-aged women from my village dared not come up against me.” Since young, she had been living withher grandpa alone, so they were an easy target for bullies.

Being kind-hearted by nature, her grandpa wouldn’t mind, but Sophia couldn’t bear seeing her familybeing bullied. Hence, she would often go up against them courageously. Taking in a few deep breaths,Sophia went forward and kicked the man on the floor. “Spill! What’re you doing at my house?”novelbin

Gazing at the man lying on the floor, Ian figured this had to be the man’s first attempt because hecompletely lost it when he was whacked just now. The man appeared rather scrawny and was probablyin his 20s. “I just wanted to steal something valuable. I saw that your house was empty, so I came in tosteal something,” confessed the man while hugging himself at the corner.

Before Sophia could reply, Ian spoke, saying, “The house wasn’t in a mess. Do you think we’ll believeyou when you say you are here to steal? I saw you hiding behind the curtains just now. And it wasn’tuntil you spotted someone coming back did you make your move. If my guess is correct, you’ve beenwaiting for quite a while,” said Ian frostily.

Giving the man a strong kick on the thigh, Ian warned, “You’d better be honest! If you cooperate, we’llconsider letting you go and not report you to the police. Since you’re so young, it’ll affect your future tohave a criminal record under your name.”

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