Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 362
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Chapter 362

There wasn’t anyone else here since Focker wasn’t fond of having too many people. John didn’t mindeither as he summoned a server over and ordered a feast. In the relatively huge private room, he andFocker then proceeded to eat and drink.

Neither mentioned the incident at the bar back then. Focker merely remembered that John left the barwith a woman that day, but he paid no attention to the woman’s countenance since he was under theinfluence of drugs, his excitement palpable. Instead, he only had eyes for the woman in his arms.

The two of them ordered a few bottles of wine and started drinking without inhibition. After guzzlingdown a few glasses of wine, Focker’s nasty habit reared its head. “You can’t be going back to the officeafter drinking now, huh? How about I bring you somewhere nice to have some fun later?”

John chuckled. “I’ll bring you somewhere to have fun later. After all, it can’t always be you makingarrangements for entertainment.”

Upon hearing this, Focker laughed heartily and pointed a finger at him. “You’re a smart one, PresidentConstance. I love dealing with smart people.”

John merely smiled without saying anything. If one drank a lot, he would definitely have to go for abathroom break, so John then left the private room under the pretext of going to the washroom. Assoon as he walked out, however, he gave Zack a call. When Zack received the call, he immediatelysaid, “Everything is ready.” Murmuring an acknowledgment, John promptly hung up.

He then went to the washroom and lit a cigarette by the sink. Although he’d been pushing drinks onFocker, he himself drank quite a bit as well, so his stomach was feeling a tad unsettled now. After

finishing a cigarette, he then stubbed it out and threw the cigarette butt into the trash can. The momenthe turned around, he caught sight of Ian who was walking in.

Both of them were stunned for a moment. His face is slightly flushed, so he must have drunk quite a bitas well. Looking at him, John asked, “You’re here to entertain a client?” novelbin

After murmuring an affirmation, Ian then went over to the sink and washed his hands.

Now, John was no longer in a hurry to leave. “How’s it going with your family?” He heard that Simonand Sally had been summoned home by Bryce, but he didn’t know how it ended.

Ian knew that it was him who got the evidence for Simon and Sally’s misdemeanors that was now inLogan’s hands, so he still helped him indirectly even if he did that for Sophia’s sake. Thus, his tone wasamiable when he answered, “They were dressed down and asked to return the money they pocketedboth outside and within the company. Then, the matter is considered closed.”

John snickered. “Sure enough. It’s exactly per my guess.”

Leaning against the sink, Ian hugged his shoulders. “What about you? Sophia stepped forward andspoke up for you, so things should be much better for you, yes?”

At the mention of Sophia, the atmosphere between them shifted subtly. John grunted in affirmation.“Yeah, things are much better now.”

Thereafter, both of them went silent, neither having any idea what to say. Out of the blue, John recalledthe scene he witnessed in Sophia’s courtyard last night. He just couldn’t quite get over it, so after abrief contemplation, he began, “You…”

Staring at him, Ian cocked an eyebrow. John, however, trailed off, swallowing the rest of his words onsecond thought. At this, Ian smirked. “I’m going over to Sophia’s place after this. Is there anything you’dlike me to convey to her?”

John snorted. “It’s okay. I can just go over and look for her if I have something to tell her.”

Ian nodded. “True enough.”

At long last, John spun on his heels and left. “Please excuse me.” His expression was initially amicable,yet it’d all but vanished when he’d exited the washroom. He’s still going over to Sophia’s place in theafternoon? Looks like their relationship is really close.

When he returned to the private room, Focker was on the phone with his wife. His tone was tenderwhen he said that he was entertaining a client outside and might be a bit late in going home.

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