Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 351
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Chapter 351

All at once, John was rendered speechless. This thought of Sophia’s actually echoed his back then.However, a person’s thoughts often changed although he himself didn’t quite understand when thechange in him transpired.

Sophia didn’t want to listen to his jabbering. After all, they both knew that some things were useless tospeak of. Thus, she said, “I’ll be hanging up if there’s nothing else.” Without giving John any time toreact, she outright hung up on him. Placing her cell phone aside, she let out a sigh of relief. Wow! I feelmuch more relaxed after saying that!

After having napped for a while earlier, it was now dusk. She was hungry, but she truly didn’t feel likemoving. Hence, she snagged her cell phone. Instead of calling for takeaway, she called Logan back.

Logan answered in no time. “Sophia.”

Sophia hummed in acknowledgment before declaring, “I’m starving. Come over to my house with somefood.”

“You’re looking for me just because you want food? Don’t you know how to call for delivery if you’rehungry?” Logan groused.

Sophia instantly raised her voice. “Can I call for delivery now? I’m a famous figure now, so I’ve got toreduce my public appearances, you know? Put a rush on it. Besides, you’re it! You’ll be my managerfor the time being, so hurry up and come over.”

Logan was extremely patient with her and answered her affably, “I’ll come over now, so you can stop

nagging me. You gave me a scare by raising your voice earlier.” novelbin

After hanging up the phone, Sophia lay on the bed.

However, Logan wasn’t all that quick in coming. He only arrived after a long time, but he wasn’t alone.He came with Ian, claiming that Ian so happened to get off work and he passed by Morgan Group, sohe brought Ian along.

What a dumb excuse! Morgan Group isn’t anywhere near the clubhouse or my house, so he has todetour for quite a bit if he wants to pass by Morgan Group. However, Sophia wasn’t bothered aboutthis, so she merely placed the food Logan bought onto the dining table. “Come on, let’s eat! I’m aboutto starve to death!”

Logan preferred eating in a group, so he bought quite a lot of food. He and Ian came over before hewent to the kitchen to get some cutlery. Then, he asked Ian, “Do you know how it’s going with thematter back home?”

At this, Sophia suddenly recalled what he told her about the Morgans earlier. Ah, I forgot all about thiscrucial matter when I’m famished.

Ian shook his head. “Nope. I didn’t ask either, but Sean came back to the office in the evening when itwas almost time to get off work. Simon and Sally weren’t with him, so I guess they’ve been grounded.”

“If your old man kicks those two reprobates out of the company because of this matter, I’ll respect himfor being a man!” Logan sneered.

“If your old man kicks those two reprobates out of the company because of this matter, I’ll respect him

for being a man!” Logan sneered.

Ian shook his head again. “That’s not likely to happen.” With Leah Zimmerman there to beg for mercyon their behalf, this matter will probably end with just some chastisement.

Logan, however, wasn’t at all bothered. “No matter. After this matter has blown over, there’s stillanother issue, and so on. There must be something that will be too much for your old man, so there’llbe a time when they won’t get off.”

Ian merely smiled without commenting.

After a while, Sophia blurted, “Do you guys think I should say something on the Internet to help Johnout in putting the public opinion to rest? After all, we’re still friends despite the divorce.”

This reasoning had Logan dumbfounded. Still, he answered, “Well, it won’t do any harm to help him outa bit since he actually didn’t go beyond the bounds of propriety. It’s just the media making up drivel.”

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