Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 348
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Chapter 348

Although the employees dared not say anything openly, their furtive gossiping never ceased. Thus,when Isabelle came today, they looked at her askance. If they had to pick between Isabelle andSophia, most of them would still side with Sophia. Firstly, Sophia appeared much more easy-going,always wearing a smile, whereas Isabelle preferred to put on airs, giving off a feeling of detachment.Secondly, Isabelle didn’t have a leg to stand on in this entire farce. Many people felt that she was thethird party, and naturally, the public abhorred homewreckers. novelbin

After reading all the documents in his office, Dylan stood up and went to the pantry. When he reachedthe pantry door, he stopped. There were people in the pantry—three female employees—who weregathered by the window, chatting while sipping tea. Although their voices were lowered, Dylan couldstill hear them by the door.

One of them remarked, “I still think that Miss Gwendolyn is quite nice.”

Another one nodded. “Yup, I think so, too. Miss Gwendolyn is obviously a person who brings good luckto her husband. She’s always smiling, so that invites fortune.”

At this, the third person chuckled and looked at the second person. “Miss Whitman, you are quite far-sighted. In my opinion, while Miss Gwendolyn looks petite and slim, she’s exactly the type of womanwith potential. She’ll definitely give birth to a son in the future!”

After saying this, the three of them burst out laughing.

When the laughter had subsided, the third person sighed and continued, “All in all, Miss Gwendolyn isindeed quite a nice person. Although I’ve only seen her a handful of times, she looks much more

pleasant than Miss Bailey.”

With his cup in hand, Dylan turned and went back to his office after a moment’s contemplation. Sophiaand John are divorced. Life is truly filled with surprises. After reclining against his chair for a while, hesaw a group of people filing past his office door. Precisely speaking, they were John, William, and theBaileys. Isabelle was walking beside John, and she happened to have her head turned, speaking toJohn.

Dylan’s room door was open, so John reflectively glanced into his room when he walked past the door.Dylan smiled and mouthed something to him. At first, John frowned, but he then understood Dylan’sremark, and his expression instantly darkened. Conversely, Dylan chuckled as he gazed at himlanguidly.

At the side, Isabelle looked at John who’d stopped walking in slight astonishment. “What’s wrong,John?”

Retracting his gaze, John replied, “Nothing.” The two of them then headed toward the elevator.

When they reached the elevator, the employee elevator at the side happened to arrive, and a fewemployees walked out, one after another. Those employees greeted William and John in the beginning,but the moment they caught sight of Isabelle, some couldn’t keep their disdain under wraps, mildcontempt showing on their faces. Isabelle naturally saw this, but she could only pretend that she sawnothing. The comments on the Internet are much more severe than these people’s gazes, yet I have norecourse but to endure it.

When they reached the elevator, the employee elevator at the side happened to arrive, and a fewemployees walked out, one after another. Those employees greeted William and John in the beginning,

but the moment they caught sight of Isabelle, some couldn’t keep their disdain under wraps, mildcontempt showing on their faces. Isabelle naturally saw this, but she could only pretend that she sawnothing. The comments on the Internet are much more severe than these people’s gazes, yet I have norecourse but to endure it.

John went with William in seeing the Baileys off. Before Isabelle got into the car, she glanced at John,but John didn’t look at her, his gaze pinned on the opposite street. Camera flashes went off across thestreet. He’d actually spotted the paparazzi lying in wait in the shop across the road as soon as he’dstepped out of the lobby, but he didn’t find it necessary to hide. I’m not doing anything scandalous, sowho cares if they snap photos? These people’s curiosity is intense, so if they can’t get anything fromme and Isabelle, they’ll probably go to Sophia. He didn’t want these people to bother Sophia. She hasnever experienced such a thing, and she’s hot-tempered, so she’ll easily get irritated, leading to analtercation.

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