Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 342
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Chapter 342

She wants to lord over me now? In her dreams! After waiting for a while, Sophia cooked some noodles.She had quite a lot of ingredients, so she made some scallion oil noodles herself. Just when thenoodles were done, a car came to a stop before her house. Nonetheless, she carried the noodles overto the sofa, planning to watch television while she ate. novelbin

Surprisingly, the person who alighted from the car headed for her house. Sophia stared at the personfor a moment before sitting down casually. Watching the television, she then enjoyed the noodles withgreat relish.

The living room door was open, so Matilda saw Sophia as soon as she entered the courtyard. She’sreally free, dressed in casual clothes and watching television, even laughing from time to time! Grittingher teeth, she walked over right away. “Sophia.”

Sophia ignored her, acting as though she didn’t hear her.

Matilda went over to the sofa in a few strides. “You’re such an ill-mannered shrew! An elder called you,yet you didn’t even respond.”

Sophia’s eyes remained fixed on the television. “You’re such an ill-mannered shrew! You’re trespassingwithout the house owner’s permission.”

Taken aback, Matilda almost lost her temper right then and there. She was initially at her parents’house, waiting for William to give in and pick her up, but he didn’t come even after a whole night hadpassed. This morning, she phoned Constance Residence, only to hear that he’d gone back to thebedroom to sleep last night itself. This had her hopping mad. From that action of his, it meant that he

was rather jubilant that she left since he could finally return to the bedroom to sleep.

Her wrath was so great that she didn’t even eat breakfast. However, she also knew that she couldn’t goback to Constance Residence now, nor could she call him to reason. He definitely wouldn’t entertainher and would even feel that she was being unreasonable. As she thought about it, she came to anunpleasant conclusion—if he didn’t come and get her, she certainly couldn’t go back on her ownvolition. Would this mean that he wouldn’t want her anymore in the end?

At the thought of this, Matilda became restless, and she hurriedly considered the current situation. Shefelt that the Constance Family had to be presently worried over the uproar on the Internet, so Williammight not continue to hold the things she’d done over her head if this matter was resolved and his goodmood restored. Then, she could go back when he came to get her. After all, no one would care overlymuch when the matter was resolved, and this storm would pass.

But how could this matter be resolved? To her thinking, Sophia was an excellent resolution. Thenetizens are now sympathizing with Sophia, so everything will be fine if she steps forward andannounces that the divorce was due to a breakdown in their relationship or a difference in personalities.It’ll definitely be effective if she were to speak on behalf of John.

Only after soothing herself for half a day did Matilda finally manage to suppress her anger overSophia’s retort. “The Internet is now all abuzz. Hurry up and issue a statement to help clarify thingsbetween John and Belle so that this matter can be put to rest,” she ordered coldly.

Only after soothing herself for half a day did Matilda finally manage to suppress her anger overSophia’s retort. “The Internet is now all abuzz. Hurry up and issue a statement to help clarify thingsbetween John and Belle so that this matter can be put to rest,” she ordered coldly.

However, Sophia was still watching television, her gaze never once leaving the screen.

At this, Matilda frowned. “I’m talking to you. Did you hear me?” Sophia slurped her noodles as thoughin reply to her question. Within seconds, Matilda’s face flushed with rage. “Look at you! You’re such anembarrassment! If it weren’t for your grandfather’s friendship with my father-in-law, no one would evenmarry you back in your village!”

Sophia chuckled. This time, she spoke, “Yup. But what to do? I still slept with your son despite beingsuch an embarrassment, and I’ve even made him a divorcee now. What should we do about this?”

The remark of her having slept with her son almost had Matilda blowing her top. This woman is just tooshameless that she dares to say anything!

Sophia, however, didn’t find anything amiss at all, even laughing after saying that.

“I haven’t got the time to yak with you, Sophia! Hurry up and issue a statement to clarify the matter.Then, we’ll have nothing to do with each other in the future,” Matilda hissed through gritted teeth.

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