Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 320
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Chapter 320

Recently, it seemed as though everyone’s life was getting boring, which was why they would nitpick oneverything that happened. It was the same for Sophia who had nothing on her hands, so she readthrough all the news including the comments.

The news reports were all along the same line, either saying that John cheated or he was just beingdishonest. In the comments section, some mentioned that John and Isabelle might truly be in love,while others said that John was just a dishonest person to begin with and maybe the rumors on InfinityGroup before might also be true. In conclusion, the comments toward John were not kind at all.

After spending half the day looking through the comments online, Sophia thought of refuting themanonymously but she had no idea what to say. So she dropped the idea, threw her phone to the sideand lay on her bed. Yesterday, she didn’t sleep well and she was actually dozing off now. From thelooks of it, it seemed that she had completely given up on her relationship with John. She dozed off andslept until the early evening, when she was woken by hunger.

Scrambling out of bed in a daze, she went downstairs into the kitchen and prepared something shethought to be the most convenient—boiled dumplings. A second after she plopped the dumplings intoboiling water, John returned home. Sophia looked outside and saw that he had changed his car again.

What a rich man indeed, she thought to herself. But having said that, it seemed that she would have anew subject soon. When she received her driving license, she would also be a car owner. Seeing thathe was coming in the direction of the living room after getting out of the car, she quickly averted hergaze and kept her attention on the dumplings in the pot.

The moment John stepped in, he saw her and stared for a while, seeing that she seemed to be in arather good mood and was even singing. He heard from Zack saying that she had called him to ask

about the news on the Internet, so it really looked as though she wasn’t affected by this incident at all.No matter who he was with or where he went, she didn’t seem to mind. Sneering with that thought, hethen went upstairs.

After the dumplings were done, Sophia went to the dining room to eat and had barely finished half of itwhen she heard another car pulling up. Rushing out to see who it was, she saw that it was William andMrs. Constance had come over this time, and they both didn’t look very pleased. novelbin

Sophia waited at the door and when William came in, she greeted him politely, “Hello, Mr. Constance.”

Nodding in acknowledgement, William had an uneasy look on his face, probably because he wasashamed of what had taken place. Without greeting Mrs. Constance, Sophia turned around and wentback into the dining room. Meanwhile, Mrs. Constance couldn’t be bothered as well and she wentstraight upstairs with William.

“What brings the both of you here?” John asked as he stood at his bedroom door.

It was Mrs. Constance who spoke first, “Why do you think we’re here? Now that things have gotten tothis stage, of course we’re here to discuss with you how you would like to resolve this matter.”

Spinning around, John went into his bedroom and said, “I told you I’ll take care of it.”

“I’ve told you before that the issue with Infinity Group was no longer a problem and that you should justfind a chance to announce it, but you didn’t heed my words. Look what happened now,” Mrs.Constance chided as she followed him in and sat on the bed.

William sounded solemn when he spoke, “So how do you plan to settle this now? I just came from the

company and although your uncles didn’t say much about it, I could tell that they aren’t too happy aboutthis since it affects the company as well. Therefore, I hope that we can put this matter to rest as soonas possible.”

Pursing her lips, Mrs. Constance watched as John kept mum for a long while. Her heart itched to saysomething. To her, this was a good opportunity to publicly announce that his marriage with Sophia hadcome to an end and also announce the matter with Isabelle at the same time.

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